100 Articles on Anarchy & Philosophy Curated Publications List

in #anarchy6 years ago

Anarchy is an important concept related to cryptocurrencies. In this list, we share the top 100 most cited publications with "anarchy" in their title.

  1. "Robert Nozick: Anarchy, State, and Utopia". P Vallentyne. 2014. taylorfrancis.com Central Works of Philosophy v5. 20536 cites.
  2. "Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics". A Wendt. 1992. cambridge.org International organization. 7458 cites.
  3. "The limits of liberty: Between anarchy and Leviathan". JM Buchanan. 1975. books.google.com . 3706 cites.
  4. "The coming anarchy". RD Kaplan. 1994. books.google.com Globalization and the challenges of a new century: A …. 3574 cites.
  5. "Anarchy and the limits of cooperation: a realist critique of the newest liberal institutionalism". JM Grieco. 1988. cambridge.org International organization. 2619 cites.
  6. "Achieving cooperation under anarchy: Strategies and institutions". R Axelrod, RO Keohane. 1985. cambridge.org World politics. 2460 cites.
  7. "Explaining cooperation under anarchy: Hypotheses and strategies". KA Oye. 1985. cambridge.org World politics. 2331 cites.
  8. "Culture and anarchy". M Arnold. 2006. books.google.com . 1892 cites.
  9. "Sexual anarchy: Gender and culture at the fin de siècle". E Showalter. 1991. Penguin Group USA . 1857 cites.
  10. "Culture and anarchy: landmarks in the history of education". M Arnold. 1960. books.google.com . 1817 cites.
  11. "The anarchy of empire in the making of US culture". A Kaplan. 2005. books.google.com . 1136 cites.
  12. "Anarchy and cooperation". M Taylor. 1977. philpapers.org . 1120 cites.
  13. "Community, anarchy and liberty". M Taylor. 1982. books.google.com . 1007 cites.
  14. "The mask of anarchy updated edition: The destruction of Liberia and the religious dimension of an African civil war". S Ellis. 2007. books.google.com . 887 cites.
  15. "Anarchy and its breakdown". J Hirshleifer. 1995. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of Political Economy. 874 cites.
  16. "The logic of anarchy: neorealism to structural realism". B Buzan, CA Jones, R Little, L Richard. 1993. books.google.com . 854 cites.
  17. "Selfish routing and the price of anarchy". T Roughgarden. 2005. cs.yale.edu . 843 cites.
  18. "The coming anarchy: Shattering the dreams of the post cold war". RD Kaplan. 2001. books.google.com . 729 cites.
  19. "Untying the sovereign state: a double reading of the anarchy problematique". RK Ashley. 1988. journals.sagepub.com Millennium. 690 cites.
  20. "The anarchy of numbers: aid, development, and cross-country empirics". D Roodman. 2007. academic.oup.com The World Bank Economic Review. 686 cites.
  21. "The assumption of anarchy in international relations theory: a critique". H Milner. 1991. cambridge.org Review of International Studies. 630 cites.
  22. "Political Discourse of Anarchy, The: A Disciplinary History of International Relations". BC Schmidt. 2016. books.google.com . 601 cites.
  23. "The price of anarchy is independent of the network topology". T Roughgarden. 2003. Elsevier Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 560 cites.
  24. "Anarchy in action". C Ward. 2017. books.google.com . 542 cites.
  25. "Anarchy and identity". J Mercer. 1995. cambridge.org International Organization. 541 cites.
  26. "Anarchy in international relations theory: the neorealist-neoliberal debate". R Powell. 1994. cambridge.org International Organization. 535 cites.
  27. "After anarchy: legitimacy and power in the United Nations Security Council". I Hurd. 2008. books.google.com . 529 cites.
  28. "Taming the anarchy: Groundwater governance in South Asia". T Shah. 2010. taylorfrancis.com . 520 cites.
  29. "Security seeking under anarchy: Defensive realism revisited". JW Taliaferro. 2001. MIT Press International security. 506 cites.
  30. "Culture and anarchy in Ireland, 1890-1939". FSL Lyons. 1979. Oxford University Press, USA . 484 cites.
  31. "An anarchy of families: State and family in the Philippines". AW McCoy. 2009. books.google.com . 469 cites.
  32. "Anarchy, hierarchy, and the variety of international relations". DA Lake. 1996. cambridge.org International organization. 446 cites.
  33. "The price of anarchy of finite congestion games". G Christodoulou, E Koutsoupias. 2005. dl.acm.org … of the thirty-seventh annual ACM …. 442 cites.
  34. "System and method for controlling a highly parallel multiprocessor using an anarchy based scheduler for parallel execution thread scheduling". GA Spix, DM Wengelski, SW Hawkinson…. 1993. Google Patents US Patent …. 429 cites.
  35. "Heidegger on being and acting: From principles to anarchy". R Schürmann. 1987. philpapers.org . 407 cites.
  36. "Security in anarchy: Utopian realism in theory and practice". K Booth. 1991. JSTOR International Affairs (Royal Institute of International …. 367 cites.
  37. "Tearing down the streets: Adventures in urban anarchy". J Ferrell. 2002. books.google.com . 349 cites.
  38. "Neutrino mass anarchy". L Hall, H Murayama, N Weiner. 2000. APS Physical Review Letters. 348 cites.
  39. "Preventing antiretroviral anarchy in sub-Saharan Africa". AD Harries, DS Nyangulu, NJ Hargreaves, O Kaluwa…. 2001. Elsevier The Lancet. 336 cites.
  40. "Mediterranean anarchy, interstate war, and the rise of Rome". AM Eckstein, AM Eckstein. 2006. books.google.com . 330 cites.
  41. "Intrinsic robustness of the price of anarchy". T Roughgarden. 2009. dl.acm.org Proceedings of the forty-first annual ACM symposium …. 326 cites.
  42. "The coming anarchy". RD Kaplan, D Rieff. 2000. World Policy Journal. 309 cites.
  43. "Beyond anarchy and organization: entrepreneurs in contextual networks". B Johannisson, O Alexanderson…. 1994. Taylor & Francis Entrepreneurship & …. 308 cites.
  44. "England's Dreaming, Revised Edition: Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond". J Savage. 2002. books.google.com . 301 cites.
  45. "Society and Anarchy in International Relations (1966)". H Bull. 1995. Springer International Theory. 289 cites.
  46. "Guns, butter, and anarchy". R Powell. 1993. cambridge.org American Political Science Review. 280 cites.
  47. "Epistemological anarchy and the many forms of constructivism". DR Geelan. 1997. Springer Science & education. 268 cites.
  48. "Anarchy alive!: anti-authoritarian politics from practice to theory". U Gordon. 2008. dspace.lboro.ac.uk . 262 cites.
  49. "Albania: from anarchy to a Balkan identity". M Vickers, J Pettifer. 2000. books.google.com . 262 cites.
  50. "Bakunin: Statism and Anarchy". MA Bakunin, M Bakunin. 1990. books.google.com . 260 cites.
  51. "Between anarchy and society: trusteeship and the obligations of power". W Bain. 2003. books.google.com . 251 cites.
  52. "Hierarchy under anarchy: informal empire and the East German state". A Wendt, D Friedheim. 1995. cambridge.org International Organization. 245 cites.
  53. "Culture and Anarchy, ed". M Arnold. 1963. . 234 cites.
  54. "Adjudicating in anarchy: an expressive theory of international dispute resolution". T Ginsburg, RH McAdams. 2003. HeinOnline Wm. & Mary L. Rev.. 232 cites.
  55. "Averting anarchy in the new Europe". J Snyder. 2013. content.taylorfrancis.com Power and Progress. 231 cites.
  56. "The logic of anarchy". B Buzan, C Jones, R Little. 1993. New York: Columbia University … . 230 cites.
  57. "Conrad's politics; community and anarchy in the fiction of Joseph Conrad". A Fleishman. 1967. Johns Hopkins Press . 228 cites.
  58. "Anarchy and hierarchy: An approach to study models of fermion masses and mixings". N Haba, H Murayama. 2001. APS Physical Review D. 226 cites.
  59. "Sovereign inequalities and hierarchy in anarchy: American power and international society". J Donnelly. 2006. journals.sagepub.com European Journal of International Relations. 225 cites.
  60. "On the edge of anarchy: Locke, consent, and the limits of society". AJ Simmons. 2014. books.google.com . 221 cites.
  61. "Burmese administrative cycles: Anarchy and conquest, c. 1580-1760". VB Lieberman. 2014. books.google.com . 220 cites.
  62. "People without government: an anthropology of anarchy". HB Barclay. 1990. Kahn & Averill Publishers . 209 cites.
  63. "“Make us a king”: anarchy, predation, and the state". HI Grossman. 2002. Elsevier European Journal of Political Economy. 207 cites.
  64. "Strong price of anarchy". N Andelman, M Feldman, Y Mansour. 2009. Elsevier Games and Economic Behavior. 205 cites.
  65. "Radical abolitionism: Anarchy and the government of God in antislavery thought". L Perry. 1995. books.google.com . 205 cites.
  66. "The price of anarchy in supply chains: Quantifying the efficiency of price-only contracts". G Perakis, G Roels. 2007. pubsonline.informs.org Management Science. 203 cites.
  67. "Scorpion higher phylogeny and classification, taxonomic anarchy, and standards for peer review in online publishing". L Prendini, WC Wheeler. 2005. Wiley Online Library Cladistics. 196 cites.
  68. "The mask of anarchy". S Ellis. 1999. The destruction of Liberia and the religious dimension …. 187 cites.
  69. "Art and anarchy". E Wind. 1985. books.google.com . 187 cites.
  70. "Democracy Or Anarchy?.". FA Hermens. 1941. … of politics, University of Notre Dame . 186 cites.
  71. "Leadership in an organized anarchy". MD Cohen, JG March. 1986. Pearson Custom Boston, MA Organization and governance …. 185 cites.
  72. "Democracy or anarchy?: A study of proportional representation". FA Hermens. 1941. Johnson Reprint Corp. . 183 cites.
  73. "Price of anarchy in transportation networks: efficiency and optimality control". H Youn, MT Gastner, H Jeong. 2008. APS Physical review letters. 182 cites.
  74. "Architecture amidst anarchy: global health's quest for governance". D Fidler. 2007. repository.law.indiana.edu 1 Global Health Governance (2007). 182 cites.
  75. "Community under anarchy: transnational identity and the evolution of cooperation". B Cronin. 1999. McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP . 181 cites.
  76. "The Perils of Anarchy Contemporary Realism and International Security". ME Brown, SM Lynn-Jones, SE Miller. 1995. philpapers.org . 180 cites.
  77. "Reading Habermas in anarchy: multilateral diplomacy and global public spheres". J Mitzen. 2005. cambridge.org American Political Science Review. 180 cites.
  78. "Culture and Anarchy. 1869". M Arnold. 1994. pdcrodas.webs.ull.es Ed. Samuel Lipman. New Haven: Yale UP. 178 cites.
  79. "Anarchy, State, and Utopia". N Robert. 1974. New York basic book. 169 cites.
  80. "The ends of the earth: From Togo to Turkmenistan, from Iran to Cambodia, a journey to the frontiers of anarchy". RD Kaplan. 1997. books.google.com . 169 cites.
  81. "Two decades of anarchy? Emerging themes and outstanding challenges for neural network river forecasting". RJ Abrahart, F Anctil, P Coulibaly…. 2012. journals.sagepub.com Progress in …. 166 cites.
  82. "Suppressing flavor anarchy". AE Nelson, MJ Strassler. 2000. iopscience.iop.org Journal of High Energy Physics. 165 cites.
  83. "Organizing an anarchy: Belief, bureaucracy, and politics in the National Institute of Education". L Sproull, S Weiner, D Wolf. 1978. University of Chicago Press . 165 cites.
  84. "Some implications of anarchy for the distribution of property". WC Bush, LS Mayer. 1974. Elsevier Journal of Economic Theory. 161 cites.
  85. "Beyond anarchy: The importance of security institutions". DA Lake. 2001. MIT Press International Security. 161 cites.
  86. "Love, Anarchy, and Emma Goldman". C Falk. 1990. Rutgers University Press . 160 cites.
  87. "Governing anarchy: a research agenda for the study of security communities". E Adler, MN Barnett. 1996. cambridge.org Ethics & International Affairs. 158 cites.
  88. "Institutional selection in international relations: state anarchy as order". H Spruyt. 1994. cambridge.org International Organization. 156 cites.
  89. "Hobbes and the international anarchy". H Bull. 1981. JSTOR Social Research. 154 cites.
  90. "On the price of anarchy and stability of correlated equilibria of linear congestion games". G Christodoulou, E Koutsoupias. 2005. Springer European Symposium on Algorithms. 151 cites.
  91. "Austerity and anarchy: Budget cuts and social unrest in Europe, 1919-2008". J Ponticelli, HJ Voth. 2017. papers.ssrn.com . 151 cites.
  92. "Anarchy & Culture: The aesthetic politics of modernism". D Weir. 1997. books.google.com . 142 cites.
  93. "Rome enters the Greek East: from anarchy to hierarchy in the Hellenistic Mediterranean, 230-170 BC". AM Eckstein. 2012. books.google.com . 141 cites.
  94. "The temporary autonomous zone, ontological anarchy, poetic terrorism". H Bey. 2007. autistici.org . 141 cites.
  95. "Towards regulated anarchy in East-West relations: causes and consequences of East-West regimes". V Rittberger, M Zürn. 1989. Arbeitsgruppe Friedensforschung . 140 cites.
  96. "Statistical test of anarchy". A De Gouvêa, H Murayama. 2003. Elsevier Physics Letters B. 139 cites.
  97. "Anarchy in the beehive". BP Oldroyd, AJ Smolenski, JM Cornuet, RH Crozler. 1994. Springer Nature. 138 cites.
  98. "Anarchy, egoism, and third images: The Evolution of Cooperation and international relations - Axelrod Robert. The Evolution of Cooperation. New York: Basic, 1984.". J Gowa. 1986. cambridge.org International Organization. 137 cites.
  99. "Public choice and the economic analysis of anarchy: a survey". B Powell, EP Stringham. 2009. Springer Public Choice. 136 cites.
  100. "Arms, Anarchy and the Second Amendment". DA Henigan. 1991. HeinOnline Val. UL Rev.. 131 cites.


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