in #anarchy6 years ago


Many people are like the animals, some are green-grazing herbivores and others will eat you alive. And many are just people trying to understand what in the hell is going on.... I was reading something today about the job searching and job offers, and internship ( of course a work for the free scheme...) and that simple thing pulled the whole avalanche or related/unrelated influences we are exposed in our society, but I can't even think what is the best way to pass them through, so here comes nothing...

The first thing you ask for a gig, or any job, is how much is a pay and after it is answered, then ask what do you have to do to get it.

Otherwise, you will get a person bossing you around even before you made a deal and you will make yourself look desperate for the peanuts, and we all know where this will lead you.

The first question is always, how much. What is it there for me? What will it give to me?

If it causes you pain, don't do it. I was watching my mother washing dishes and clothes for years in cold water because it was 'cheeper', but she ruined her joints and hands because she was sensitive.

Cheaper is no excuse. If she only warmed water on the sun, she would avoid health problems. People don't use their heads sometimes. You can't replace your body parts, you can replace anything you wear or have, trust me.

You never do anything for free. Put a price tag on everything you do, absolutely every single thing.
Don't do a damn thing for a peeve thank you.
You don't live from thank you.
You don't live to serve other people interests just because they think, that you 'have to learn'.

Don't allow your youth to be a cause of your underpayment or unemployment, people differ by the capability and skill, not by age.

You will waste a shit load of the time doing things for free, or cheaper than average because of somebody's greed and not because you are stupid and incapable, or because your knowledge is insufficient to perform a job for a decent salary.

Turn around and show them your back. They are not worth you. This is no ego, this is the reality. If you respect yourself, and you know things, you will always find a place and you will always find work, money, and people who will support you.

I teach this to my daughter, and she is 9.

I also asserted some mothers a few years ago for telling me that teaching their daughters that it is their 'obligations' ( at the time these girls were only 7) to do housework without a reward, is normal and that what I am doing ( rewarding my kid for helping me do my job, is abnormal.

Because, in their opinion - and this is not opinion, it an excuse because they knew how wrong they are - my daughter will not LEARN to know when and how to help 'other'.

Who are those others?
Do they deserve it?

I teach my child to know doing everything, but not teaching her in a way she will end up brainwashed and thinking other people benefit is her 'obligation'.

Instead, put yourself on that imaginary pedestal, discuss with yourself, negotiate with yourself.

What would you do good to yourself if you do this or that?

Is that person good enough for your royal treatment?

'YOU' is an only house you have to live IN and the only person you HAVE to live WITH.

When and if you get that, you will get everything.

Do you all teach your daughters to help themselves, and protect themselves, and not to be slaves to some asshole who will never love them and protect them?

Because many people around me ( personal experience) are teaching children that love is what they are doing to them and that it is ok to do it, that it is a normal, acceptable and expected behavior.

It is NOT!

Our job is to empower and better ourselves and avoid and null out all the negative influences, abusers, violators and everything that makes us feel, do and live less than we are.

That is our job. Our job is not to kiss asses day after day without any hope to change it.

So, forget what somebody taught you if it makes you miserable. Forget about being obligated to be miserable.

Even I and I'm an adult, don't do any housework without a reward, a reward has to be and my folks are happy to provide it.

So, if we are programmed to do things for free from the age of 7 ( by our own mothers), we are going to assimilate that mindset and participate unknowingly in the willing financial slavery.

You don't want to live like that 7-year-old girl I mentioned indefinitely and forever, right?

Many cultures consider this normal, to enslave a class, a gender or a race to work for less or for nothing.

Working for less or nothing is a form of slavery.
Accepting enforced standards and unnatural conditions is also accepting slavery.
Accepting to be deprived of privacy and personal freedom of judgment ( freedom of speech) is also accepting the slavery.
You are living in a cage, and you are teaching others that they have to live in it as well, just because you feel bad that you screw so badly, you can't possibly fix it.

But, you can.
Nobody and nothing stopping you. Who would know? Criminals are getting away with anything, the worst things, why do you afraid to change a peeve thing like a single thought.

Sure, you have to pay a tax, but you have the right to have it geared towards something you believe in.

You want to pay a doctor to save your life, instead, you are paying technology that will one day prolong your suffering in a dignifying way.
Instead, your funds for medical researchers will go to the army experiments or some crazy social experiment.

Don't give them money.

You want to pay a teacher to teach your kids all the right stuff. What do they do? They teach them from the start the wrong ideology, to be less, to be obedient, to use only what they teach them, quote it all by the hearth, but never to use their heads to say their opinion and follow it.

Because the opinions are wrong, and everybody has one so who cares. You should follow the rule. You should be questioned why your child is not attending religious classes and you should not say a thing when a teacher keeps your child to be a part of a class you personally find to be a nonsensical brainwashing.

I believe in divine spark and angels, I believe in the miracles, I believe that the man walked on the water, but I refuse to allow that some squishy old nun is filling my child's head that she is sinful and guilty for being alive.

That never happened because I didn't allow it, but my father did and the real hell broke when he came to the school 2 hours later....

There is nothing wrong with you.

If we are made in the image of something so powerful, then all these religious stories about sin and guilt are pure bullshit.

They are manufactured by the creatures filled with greed, wish for power and hate. These are not humans, they only look like that.

I am not saying you should walk around and tag people and call the Doomsday with the pizza cardboard tied around your neck....

You know what I am saying, you will notice that difference and it is not a personal feeling, it is a pure fact.

And always were those in power lusting for the money were the first to accuse people of being greedy and hateful, never another way around.

Read history, you will see the lies.

' We are all made of the flesh and blood...' - will say a person who usually does all this. Yes, but I don't drink other people's blood on daily basis and I don't wish upon their flesh or possessions.

No vanity! Resolve all vanity, because if you don't, these creatures will find a way to enslave you, to manipulate you, to possess you and your beloved ones, you will become their toy.

' Because you need all these things!' - No you don't. Don't be a fool.

If you have no vanity, they can't blackmail you.

If we accept the things of today, as a blueprint for tomorrow, we will continue killing each other, we will continue enslaving each other and we will continue serving the dragon.

Thank you for reading and visiting my blog!

This post will be submitted within my interest zone in the communities listed in tags and banners



I don't even know where to start , you have really covered every field of life with this wonderful write up, all what we do on earth are attached to precedent, it sucks at times in a lecture room where a lecturer will tell you he has been taking a course for 30 years and they expect us to assimilate that same beliefs of theirs. It makes me wonder if the world is really dynamic as we claimed. Into to the era of slavery is gone but we are in the era of mental and psychological slavery.

I think that old ways have to go to make space for all the new things. World can be as dynamic as we make it.

I agree with every line, every Facet of life that I know of were covered.

Rewarding people be it a child or a stranger for contributions to achieve any agenda is good.

The modern slavery on the modern man in our present day is on a rise: too bad very thing plays around the mindset

Well, it is easier to use somebody to work if society makes it a rule. In old times people trade all sort of the things for the favors and service, the money was not even at the stake, but the most important thing is that there is a benefit for everyone in the ecosystem no matter what we are talking about.

You never do anything for free. Put a price tag on everything you do, absolutely every single thing.
Don't do a damn thing for a peeve thank you.
You don't live from thank you.
You don't live to serve other people interests just because they think, that you 'have to learn'.

I learnt a lot reading this, it's bad when people take your kindness or generosity for a joke.

The slavery thingy orbits around man's cognitive and sincerely speaking this most change.

My admin I'd love to read more of your works 😃

You are so damned true with this blog. And I learned it the hard way, but I did learn it ... not from my parents, not from my teachers, but life and misery, financial problems ... all bad things happen because I used to live to serve others, and yes I did everything for a peeve "thank you" From my own experience, it doesn't help, and it doesn't give what you need.

So respect for you that you teach your child what she needs in life. Don't let anyone tell you that you do it all wrong, because you don't. Your daughter can become a faithful woman ... with a lot of trust in her own capability's and that's what she needs.

Although I don't agree on everything you are mentioning in this post, some of them you are in my opinion absolutely right on ;)

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