Charisma Creates Kings

in #anarchy7 years ago


Words themselves have no meanings without the defining concepts behind them.

The natural man only fights and grunts and mates by force.

Words were created by women to create organization, order and peace and are the framework for ficticious laws which noblemen swear fealty to; to promote the protection of their women and minority opinions and freedom. But Charismatic men use forked words to rule over others and convince others to worship them as stars.

Many people believe that they have a right to a fair trial, but that is a fiction which requires fealty to written law or to a charismatic monarch who affords such luxuries to his noblemen.

Often times the noblemen devolve into banding together at the behest of charismatic men allowing them to rule and to create fictitious laws against the will of the minority, for nefarious purposes creating tyranny.

There are no Rights or "Human" Rights without Law and a noble organization to create those fictitious rules.

The only natural law is the law of the Jungle so keep wishing upon a star for people to respect your fantasy to exist independently with land and property without having to pay that star or raise an Army of your own.

Anarchy cannot exist because it requires a NAP (Non Aggression Principle) to coexist with other sovereign beings and without co-operative defenses it is an open invitation to organized crime to ignore the NAP. And Private Property cannot exist without law. Private property is the result of the force necessary for acquisition and retention.

Fealty to the ficticious laws creates the mechanism for the application of force. Good or bad is defined by who is the recipient of the pain involved from the application of force and will always be subjective.

Fictitious Law must therefore be Created to bind men into contracts of fealty to protect private property against an organized threat of theft and violence.

Libertarianism is pretending you're free while staring in the face of laws that present ownership over you; simply because you say force is illegitimate. It's actually more legitimate than ficticious laws.

Force is the defacto law and nobility is the mitigating factor by swearing fealty to the ficticious laws that define and protect the fictitious rights of minority demographics and not fealty to another person or solely to protect property itself.

Tell me what Right exists without a law? And I'll tell you it's merely an ability. Rights only come into being when someone's ability is curtailed by outside force and another outside force restores the ability giving them the Right to act against the first outside force, using legitimate aggressive force to restore the ability.

Therefore we all must join the system to change the system because, today, it's too big to fail without destroying civilization altogether.

We still have a bill of rights - We have to Un dilute the peoples' voice while understanding that it's not monolithic.

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