The Right To Rule: Welcome To The Gulag

in #anarchism8 years ago

What gives people the right to rule over the lives of others? In days of old, kings/queens were said to possess "divine right," a God-given right to keep individuals in a condition of virtual slavery. In our enlightened society this would never be deemed acceptable. However the condition of slavery is not any less profound. In a republic, we are given the opportunity to vote for who we prefer to oppress us. During the War of Northern Aggression, Abraham Lincoln performed one of the best political sleight of hand tricks in history. When he "freed" the black slaves, he in turn enslaved an entire nation.

If we go back in history to the founding of our nation after the American Revolution and look at what the intent of the Framers was, we see a picture very different than what we see now. The purpose of government, in their view, was to preserve the rights of the individual; that we were "...endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights." and "That to secure those rights, Governments are instituted among Men." (Declaration of Independence) Little by little these intents and the rights that accompany them have been eroded away...perhaps never as profoundly as by Lincoln who was called in his own time a dictator and despot.

Lincoln sacrificed the lives of over 650,000 of his fellow countrymen (and women & children) not to end the scourge of slavery, but to institute an all-powerful federal behemoth that would evolve into a totalitarian leviathan that doles out "rights" at it's own whim. We are not free, we are slaves. Hypothetically, what if the slaves were allowed to vote for their master? Two owners, we'll call Bob and Joe own slaves. Bob is benevolent and treats his slaves well. Joe, on the other hand, is a prick and is mean. Who do you think the slaves would vote for? The answer is obvious, Bob. Joe would either have to change his methods or go out of business. However, the slaves are still slaves. Just because you can vote for your oppressor and the oppressor might appear to be are still a slave. This is true today. Instead of belonging to another human being, something we've all agreed to as being wrong and immoral, we belong to the government.

The average American works from Jan. 1 until sometime in June or July (I haven't seen the stats in a while) just to pay the myriad of taxes we have to pay...what I call the "slave tax." You don't own your home. If you think you do, don't pay your property taxes and watch what happens. To own an automobile, you have to pay sales tax and licensing fees- then there are taxes on gasoline and highway taxes and/or tolls (in some states). The largest may be the Income Tax. This tax is unconstitutional, it was never ratified. But if you don't pay this unconstitutional tax you have your property seized and go to prison. May the excessive force be with you! Aaron Russo did a marvelous movie called Freedom to Fascism in which he tries to find the law that requires us to pay an income tax...there is NONE. Government is just the ability of elites to use force to enslave a populace for their own end. In a Democracy/Republic the way it's done is truly something to marvel at. We have the illusion of freedom- which isn't freedom at all. Mark Passio explains it beautifully:

Statists and collectivists always use the argument: "Who will provide security? Who will build the roads? What about education?" Even during colonial times, there were roads. They were build voluntarily out of necessity. If people needed to go from here to there, they got together and put in a road. It was done by the people who needed to use it. When the American Revolution came about, there was no standing army and no taxes to support one. Everything was done out of necessity. People used their own weapons. Granted times have changed, but currently there are more guns in America than there are people. As for education; Adam Smith, the designer of the market economic system wrote in his Theory of Moral Sentiments, that education is the obligation of the parents. He warned that public schools would indoctrinate children and turn them against their families. How prophetic. Statists and Cultural Marxists have virtually destroyed the nuclear family. It has become necessary for both parents to work just to make ends meet. The educational system has been turned into an acculturation instrument instead of a tool for education. Children are no longer educated, they are indoctrinated. But that's another topic altogether.

For anyone concerned about freedom and liberty, voluntarism is the only reasonable option. Governments and the people running them never relinquish power voluntarily...they only get bigger and more powerful. Taxes continue to grow and the slaves have to work harder to pay them. People have to be made aware that they are being lied to. By saying that America is the freest country on Earth doesn't mean we are free, as the statists would have us believe. It is an illusion. A change is long overdue.


There was a period back in July/August where Anarchism/Voluntarism was one of the most popular topics on steemit. I believe you will find a lot of people with agree with what you have posted here, including @ned and @dantheman. (EDIT: and of course... me)

Thanks...I've been working on this for a while in my head...the biggest problem is condensing everything down to a manageable size. I could have gone on for a while longer!

Nice work! Upvoted!

Since it's on America's plate I can add a few lines. A change is long overdue, it's time you stop lying and living in a dream, you are lying to yourselves and living a nightmare that you are propagating to the world, for a country that stood for freedom truth and by God, you've moved away to Playboy , Disney kids and whatever else is put in your mouths, you are a nation of consumers that can't think freely that is the problem , a nation that has forgotten long ago what life is and could be , what is timeless , for all the brainwashing and constant psychological abuse you receive from marketers , it' a wonder there are so many of you thinking people,

@richq11 it's always hard to change course , it will be very hard to reverse the downward spiral, currently you are tied in debt , your children are sold so to speak , to cover for welfare and social security, just because your society has been lost and segregated, what is being done to you is a play going around the whole world, separation of families, indoctrination of the youth, since they have no authority figures to hold in high regard, they will take what is offered, amoral children's programming. I remember a time in my youth when programs, games and movies were done from the heart so to say, they were clever and creative, insightful and funny, somewhere along the way , it turned into colorful chocolate lazy towns , I have yet to find good movies, nowdays almost everything you produce has no substance, America has the past highs to look up to and market them like it's still what it used to be. Maybe it's my melancholy but when i read @mojojo's post I saw that spark of America, one unknown to most for the past 30 years. I'm a young head so to speak , so I'm sorry if i offended you with my harsh tone , it' not meant at you specifically. But you did ask for it in a way :D , I have many fond memories of America the dream :D and most of what I've learned and had a brush with is somehow related , It was the second language I learned and my first escape into another world, a unknown realm , Star Craft and Star Wars :) and Samurai Jack , I'm not going to list everything, but the fact that you have given so much to the world just from your place of power you were the first to step into so many fields and ones that gave hope to a world, gave hope to people who were shunned and closed off in their own homes. Gave them a chance develop their ideas , if it wasn't for your mentality and your constant strive , we wouldn't have people like Tesla to invent the modern world, John Alexandroff , to produce a computer , I'm sure the picture isn't as colorful as it's painted , but you used to be a colossus of virtue and you've lost that achievement 50-100 years ago , actually American history rarely was simple or one-sided, but what is going on now is below any par.

My father is watching Indiana Jones and so far I have enjoyed the easy going and slow plot build up, the comedic stops and the action sequences, nothing is forced and the story is there, no emotional drama to suck you in , no explosions every minute to keep you stuck to a screen, I'm sure movie fans will no enjoy it , but as a movie it stands out on its own as a unique piece. A great narrative and great leads. Hope you find a way to return to your roots, fix your families and relationships , rekindle your communities and solve the problems caused by leniency towards the strong that act like victims and play their shadow plays behind curtains. Culture is what gives you heritage and it only takes one generation to cause a downfall, you had one great depression and are scared of another , you are right to be , as it stands your people are useless, everyone in the towns is chasing some material dream, people almost getting by, your rural communities are almost lost, no manufacturing, no farming, so how will you change when half of you are the regressive left that will oppose and socially unjust action (like change or a move from power to the government to power to the people ). But I won't lose hope for you , you can take your own power back , then maybe there will be less wars, less spending on foreign wars, less negligence towards your own problems and responsibilities and once it's taken care of and solved. You will have the chance to be the free people that serve the world and help other find their way back to their own roots and truth , until then there is no America, you are just a corporation serving masses of people, the biggest and best , almost losing to China :D , although they are cheating, but then again so are you :D , economy is a reflection , so far your life is on a stock market getting burnt, I'm drawing a strange correlation between what you refer to as Government and Economy , because the latter looks like a reason for the corruption of the first, anyway a Government that doesn't serve the people and culture isn't one, I'm not without my dreams for government, since it shouldn't be inherently "evil" it's a collection of people , so if they are all good and righteous , it will serve, and if they give up on their responsibility it will turn everyone into a servant.

In a perfect world we wouldn't need a government, but then again we will understand each other and solve conflicts , rather than neglect them and look for solutions later.

Cutting it short here :D , best of luck and I will come back to see if we are on the same page :D . Cheers :) !

We're on the same page...I'm 71 and remember the "old" America, the one I fought for in Vietnam. It's been stolen from me and other's like me, but we're here and we're still strong. We're waiting for the young people to pick up the torch. My generation had all the answers and turned into what we loathed the most...greedy scumbags like the Clintons and the assholes in Hollywood.

You've paid your dues, but it's a shame it has come to this so to speak, we have only old warriors , because only they have fought and lost, it's rare to find a person not bound to some social circle , just as hard to find a "fiery" young person, I hope you get the chance to be proven wrong , it's not all bad, and there will always be hope , I hope you can kindle a person and give your family the chance to live in bliss and understanding , so they can hopefully return the favor to their children and grandchildren, but you can only show people the way, most will get tired and scared and succumb to Hollywood to rest and greed to feed their fears and lack of acknowledgment. A nice read I saw you've read it , but there is a movie there in the comments , showing you how America went sideways and why it got t be economically beneficial to have a "sleeping" population that has no understanding of their own thoughts and feelings, so marketing is easier, and not it's transitioning to technology and ease of use, people forgetting to talk to one another face to face , because of skype and phones, everyone's rushing for the next big thing and always doing their best and it's always for the better:D , not many people find the time to stop and stare at the madness , then start walking away from it. The world is flawless , our mirrored creation is flawed as much as we are however and destroying the source won't make the picture better, but people like that , completely devastating land for gains, Power feels nice to have, in the end it has you and you loose whatever humanity you had. So that is a nice solution to run around the problem and never face the facts, that you don't need much and life isn't what your own , but rather what you can relate to.

So the birth of consumerism is documented after all, It's a long movie :D

Already seen it

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