My son Fletcher is part owner of his favourite clock tower.

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)


He loves the 'olden days' design and the bells that chime on the hour.
He's the kind of kid who's usually bouncing off the walls, but he could spend an hour just gazing up at that clock tower in wonder.
As a member of the public, he shares ownership of public property with all members of the public, which sounds quite noble and egalitarian.
This sharing quarantines some places, parks and structures from the brutal cut and thrust of commerce.
No wealthy individual can buy up these precious shared resources, denying my little boy the chance to enjoy them.
That's the story, but its not the reality.

The reality is colder.

'Fletchasketch' would love to climb the creaky old stairs, being reverently ushered through wooden doors into the inner sanctum.
He'd love to see the exposed, cast iron machinery from long before even Daddy was a boy, and delight in the rhythmic clicks and clunks, the strongest cogs doing the gentlest pirouette. He'd love to be surrounded by the dials, part of the beating heart of Adelaide's history.

Too bad kid.

Decades before you were born, some docile public servant did a risk assessment, and saw no reason to keep the tower open. He didn't want to risk somebody slipping on the stairs, or reaching a hand into the mechanism. It was an easy decision, which has never and will never be re-examined. He weighed a tiny risk against a non-existent benefit and turned the key forever.
When they tell you that you 'own' the tower, they mean you get all the responsibility to pay for it, and none of the authority to use it.
Its a sick, patronising twist on the concept of ownership.

You'd be better off if somebody else owned it, even somebody who hates little boys.

If it were owned by just one individual, he would recognise a market demand for access, and charge accordingly.
A small admission fee would mitigate the tiny risk, and incentivise him to maximise the experience.
He'd find and restore old photos, stories from the construction of the tower, anything that inquisitive young minds might like to discover.
If he didn't want to deal with the public, he'd just hire staff who do.
The asset would be put to its best, most efficient use by the 'evil' capitalist, instead of being locked away by the 'benevolent' collectivists.

Sorry Fletcher. You'll probably never see the inner workings of the clock tower.
I can't get you in there, but I can still make it educational; I can use it to teach you about the state.
Every time you hear it chime you'll be reminded of the locked door at the bottom of the stairs and the cancer that locked it.

Have a fantastic day



Upvoted to counteract the flagging.
My reaction to the user flagging my own post is here:
Good Luck!

Thanks Michelle

nice pics
thanks for sharing

Thanks mate. Such a shame to see a beautiful landmark going to waste, and a young lad's inquisitiveness being so easily discounted.

The 3 photos in this post are all originals taken by me. Whoever flagged it, I'd appreciate an explanation.

I think the guy who flagged it is involved in a flag war as is taking revenge on innocents indiscriminately. You could try reporting in the steemit-abuse chat channel.

Thanks mate. I've seen a few posts about drive-by flaggings, thought I might have been an innocent bystander.

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