WTF Happened To Stefan Molyneux?

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

From principled anarchist who told Ron Paul supporters that political activism was a waste of time to...big-time Trump booster who has largely dedicated his YT channel to defending/promoting Donald Trump. So, it was a waste of time to support Ron Paul who is as close to a political anarchist as I've ever seen, but now we should all get behind Donald Trump who is, from what I can tell, basically an American National Socialist w/o any real political principles that I can discern...???

Stefan B.T. (Before Trump 2016)

Stefan A.T. (After Trump 2016)--49 fucking vids on his Trump Playlist and counting!!!


I've loved so much of what he's had to say over the years... However, I always differed slightly in his ultimate stance: that we can't really do anything about it and we need to keep supporting the state until something better (magically?) happens.

I haven't watched him for awhile - but his Trump stance doesn't surprise me too much... It's within the limits of the system, and (perhaps, admittedly, my inaccurate view of) his stance would be in alignment with it.

Yeah, something that always bugged me about him was that he never really seemed to have any kind of plan--other than peaceful parenting and "defooing" people who don't agree w/you...and endlessly talking to people who have no interest in what you're saying.

He rejected political activism as well as any kind of resistance (non-violent or otherwise) this point, as much as I like the concept of anarchy and think that it has sound logical and moral underpinnings, I have to admit that its a totally irrelevant pipe-dream (society, if anything, is going in the OPPOSITE direction w/the support of the vast majority of the populace)--as Moly himself is admitting w/his current actions.

Do you think his illness had anything to do with his shift?


The cynical part of me thinks he went more conservative/alt-right in order to reach a larger audience and gain more subscribers/donors/relevance...its really hard for me to believe that he sincerely believes Trump is "different" and that he--at age 50--has done a total 180 away from a philosophy he claims to have been promoting for 30 years.

Maybe its out of pure desperation/self-preservation to keep the West "white" that he's gotten behind Trump and softened his stance on Christianity as well. He keeps asserting that immigrants/brown people will come to the West and turn it more socialist/statist, but he totally ignores the fact that the West went heavily socialist/statist long before non-white immigrants arrived here in large numbers.

His shift happened pretty fast day he was railing against the state and the next he was defending the police, cozying up to religion, and jumping hard on the Trump Train.

good post except at the end you end up on a page with 50 Trump vids and cant rememeber how you got there, have to rememeber to go back and vote
I like moly till about 2008, when he was poor and struggling, thesedays hes such an annoying dumbarse statist i think he just got scared and chose security over innovation

I first heard of him through his "message to Ron Paul supporters" in 2008 and followed him pretty regularly up until about a year ago, but can't really watch him anymore.

LOL, yeah, I linked to his Trump Playlist to show just how intensely he's become devoted to Trump.

Maybe someone put a microchip in his brain?


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