True Anarchism is not "AnCap" or "AnCom." It is Thinking for Oneself.

in #anarchism8 years ago

Imitation is suicide.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a raging debate ongoing in the anarchist community, primarily between two groups known as the "AnCaps" (Anarcho-Capitalists) and the "AnComs" (Anarcho-Communists). Like most highly polarized, emotionally charged debates, the underlying root issues are rarely addressed, as they are so often obscured by vitriol, dogmatic rhetoric, and emotionalism.

In the interest of full disclosure, I freely and proudly identify as a Voluntaryist/"AnCap," but wish to speak on some of the problems I see with taking too dogmatic an approach to any philosophy in life, whether it be anarchism related, or not. Whatever the philosophy, school of thought, or discipline, my rule is let logic lead.

In this essay it is my goal once and for all, to define "true anarchism." A lofty aim to be sure, but one that I feel is certainly attainable nonetheless, if only in general terms. Let's start out by examining a few of the common objections and criticisms that each camp (AnCaps and AnComs) has in regard to the opposing camp's philosophy. Whether some of these criticisms are "strawmen" or not, I wish to address them all the same in the light of reason and see where they land.

I will start with some of the criticisms I often hear leveled against AnCaps from the AnCom camp.

1. "Anarchism is the absence of hierarchies. Working for a boss, or for a wage, is a hierarchical arrangement!"

What is also hierarchical is not allowing individuals to freely enter into contract or verbal agreement with one another. If an AnCom insists that I cannot voluntarily pick apples on my neighbor's farm for a day's wage, or some other form of compensation, this beloved black and red "comrade" has just effectively asserted his or her dominance over my free will to choose which social interactions I may or may not enter into. Can I pick apples for free, then? What is the difference? In one case I do it because I want money, and in the other because I want the enjoyment of being outside in the fresh air. Is this "oppression" as well? Is fresh air oppressing me because it does not automatically come to my nose when I am laying in bed at home?

2. "AnCaps approve of sweatshops and abusive child labor."

No. AnCaps just don't believe that any human being has the right to arbitrarily set limits on what another free individual may or may not do with his or her own body. Abusive child labor practices would not be beneficial in a private law society, as most find the practice abhorrent. Would you patronize a business that abused children if you had other choices? I am hoping your answer is no. As far as these abuses happening in the past, remember that the worst abuses occurred under heavily centralized, coercive states. As far as children working now, for some in third world countries it is the only option they have to stay alive. For some youths in developed countries, they simply wish to gain experience in a field or make a little spending money. Shall we legislate against that?

3. "There is no such thing as private property. There is only 'personal' property."

I have yet to hear a clear or rationale, method, or metric for determining when something is or is not "personal property." I read an AnCom comment on Steemit today: "A house is personal property as long as you are using it. As long as you are living in it." Okay, well then, what if you leave to go visit your mother in the next town over? How long can you be gone until your house becomes "not yours?"

You can see all the problems this idea creates. What if my neighbor, who worked long hard hours of wage slavery to afford his house, wishes to take a vacation? Let's say he leaves me the key and is paying me to watch the house. He will be on vacation for one month. Is it okay for me to let somebody else occupy and claim the house? By what logic? By what right? What if I leave my laptop at school for a week over summer vacation? I forgot it there. It is a means of production. Do you seize it!? Now we are getting somewhere if you will please bear with me a bit longer.

Common criticisms leveled against Anarcho-Communists by AnCaps.

1. "AnComs just want to replace the existing state with a new one!"

While I agree that this is likely what much Anarcho-Communist theory put into practice would result in, I realize that this is not actually what AnComs profess to want. Most I have talked to seem to sincerely desire a stateless, hierarchy-free society, even if all the while failing to understand the difference between voluntary and coercive hierarchical arrangements.

2. What about your toothbrush!? That's property! What about your oven!? That's a means of production! Are you going to kill your neighbor for it, to let the working class take over his house!?"

Technically these arguments raise some valid points, but to some degree they strike me as being on a par with the common argument AnComs use against the Non-Aggression Principle, or "NAP:"
"According to the NAP, if someone steals a paperclip from you, you have the right to kill them! How barbaric!!"
What these two arguments have in common is that they rule out what I would call plain sense, for lack of a better word.

Where do we go from here?

Most AnComs don't want to kill you for your oven (although I have received veiled "death threats" from several). Most AnCaps don't want to kill little kids who accidentally wander into their yards. Both of these criticisms are almost equally silly for the same reason. They rule out something I will call "The Way." Yes, I just said that. Now you can close this article and safely write me off as a bullshit, insane cult member.

What I mean by "the way" is just simple common sense, or things so obvious that almost all people (save those with severe disorders) accept implicitly and largely subconsciously as they go about their daily lives. You don't take your friend's hamburger when he gets up to go to the bathroom at McDonald's. Why? You know it is his, even though he isn't "using it" right then. You don't kill your little nephew when he play punches you because he "violated the NAP." These criticisms are absurd. The way of the anarchist is simply the way of the natural law. And the natural law is this:

You MUST, at all costs, and at all times, regardless of the philosophy you adhere to, or the colors you wear, regardless of religion, friendships, family, gods, boyfriends and girlfriends: THINK FOR YOURSELF. This is the way of the anarchist.

In closing, I have found that the Voluntaryist ethic most closely aligns with nature and with my own sense of reason and logic. I see many fatal flaws in the philosophies of communism and socialism, and of course in the historical attempts to implement these ideologies. I hope, however, that this essay can at least be a jumping-off point for the blacks and yellows, and reds and blacks, to have a respectful and maybe even friendly conversation in regard to these topics. If I were on Facebook right now, I may have just posted some asshole meme and been done with it. But instead, on this platform where actual discussion and valuable dialogue seem to be encouraged, I decided to write this instead.

Thanks, Steemit.
Anarchy on, brothers and sisters.



I disagree with ancoms on everything and with ancaps on two FUNDAMENTAL issues:

  1. Many of them advocate private states, private law, private mercernaries, private jugdes. I dont give a shit who you give your resources to, but if you wanna enforce your ''private laws'' on me, your a statist, of the facist variety.

    Ancaps, If one advocates using violence to control land you do not use, it allows for the monopolization of land, which i believe is the origin of the state. it makes it hypothetically possible for one human being or one corporation to control all the land, and all human activities depend on land. There fore in a private land society the renters are slaves to the parasite landlords class, in the past we called it fuedalism.

Think about it, every human has the right to grow his food and build his own house, but in ancapistan all land (including free/unused land) is monopolized and he who owns it can demand thousands of dollars per square meters, just like it is done today.

Pure Anarchism does not define detials of economic and conflict resolution it merely apposes all sources of authority. Therefore i have come to identify with individualist anarchism (not egoist) to emphasis that i oppose both ancoms and ancaps.

As for ancoms, they oppose Private capital as if it were evil, capital is anything that can create more things, so a scizzors, a hammer, a sewing machine are capital that anyone has the right to own, even rent if they want. But if one uses their brain, land cannot fit in this category of property. first of all the earth was before all of us, no one put in labor to create the planet. We came afterwards. As tridimensional beings we require a 3d space to exist which since being land mammals and we require land just to survive.

but if you wanna enforce your ''private laws'' on me, your a statist, of the facist variety.

Ancap philosophy does not and never has advocated this. I think you are misunderstanding what is meant by those terms. They are all based solely on private property. Thus, if you are on your property, and haven't consented to be governed by said laws or rules, there's not a damn thing another AnCap can do about it.

many ancaps and mutualists do advocate this, not all, but some. Hopefully it will be a downward trend. they cal it private tender law, private militias, which is fine to defend one selfelf or others but not for a market based law system. its just a another form of cracy, not democracy but marketcracy.

Show me where any AnCap defends a legal system not based exclusively on private property.

You can do your own research. I have no obligation to provide it for you but i will do so anyway.

An ANCAP creates a ANARCHOCAPITALIST FAQ and explains private law:

quote: "Imagine a society with no government. Individuals purchase law enforcement from private firms. Each such firm faces possible conflicts with other firms. Private policemen working for the enforcement agency that I employ may track down the burglar who stole my property only to discover, when they try to arrest him, that he too employs an enforcement agency.


Right, and none of this supports your initial claim, as I have pointed out. Nobody said you have awn obligation, to do anything. Thanks for the comment.

Might i add that the law enforcement purchased is not limited to his home or land but outside. It states that conflict resolution anywhere is settled this way. A kind of ebay statism

  1. My private law is only the law of my property, e.g. it may be my law that when you enter my house you must take off your hat to show me respect. I may want you expelled from my house were you not to comply. In a way that might be called fascist, provided an AnCap monopolises land with people on it, by putting a fence round it, but that is not possible without breaking the NAP. A genuine love and understanding of freedom excludes the possibility of owning slaves, which brings me to point...
  2. Feudalism is characterised by you in a very simplified and one-sided manner. The serf was in fact part of a deal, he would render part of the farm produce or part of the money acquired from selling the surplus in exchange for protection from vagrants and bandits. While it is true that knighthood tried their best to curb the mobility of peasants with legislation (creation of a bureaucratic state), yet the original feudal contracts would allow the peasant to change landlord. A feudal serf paid much less in various forms of taxation than we do today and had much more personal freedom. I really do think the use of the term feudalism as a slander on par with fascism is misguided.

I appreciate the effort to address an-cap and an-com in the same breath. I personally think that anarchism is inherently anti-capitalist.
However I understand that we all have different opinions on this.

I do think it is important, for free thinking people to not limit themselves to public discourse which they 100% agree with.
At the very least you cannot make a discerning and rational critique of something you only have 2nd hand familiarity with.

I do think it is important, for free thinking people to not limit themselves to public discourse which they 100% agree with.
At the very least you cannot make a discerning and rational critique of something you only have 2nd hand familiarity with.

Well said.

Hmmm... Are you talking about my debate/discussion? There is no rage, or incivility and people have been pretty cool. Unless you are referring to others.
In fact if you read the last two paragraphs of my latest post you'll see that I am saying a similar thing to you.

I basically say it is hypothetical debate between primarily the idea of property. Thinking for yourself is important, the hypothetical debate is mainly because whether you THINK for yourself will not necessarily stop PROPERTY and whether it is viewed as PRIVATE or PUBLIC has no impact on you.

I also said that in generations down the road if our descendants looked our debate they would likely laugh at how much we got totally wrong.

As to characterizing it as a raging debate that description does fit for places like reddit. People get downright hostile there. I haven't seen any of that here, so I either missed the posts you are referring to or you were exaggerating for emotional appeal in this blog post. If you do see a raging debate please shoot me a link as I missed it.

EDIT: Here is my debate on the topic... has a link to my post that started it in the beginning.

I don't see rage anywhere in that one. Do I see rage and crazy stuff on reddit? YES. I have not seen it here. No name calling, no implication anyone is stupid, etc.

No, not referencing your debate at all. Moreso the hostile attitudes other social media seems to engender. I am pretty impressed with the atmosphere here on Steemit.

You are 100% correct about the rage on other platforms. So far steem seems absolutely GREAT for talking about pretty much anything. I am starting to wonder if the fact you can get paid here coupled with the new reputation system is doing a great job at encouraging people to stay civil. If it is then that is an excellent side effect of this system that I doubt many people predicted.

I am an individualist, but I don't have the certainties the ancaps have, nor the certainties the ancoms have. Maybe that is a good thing. I feel both ways' critiscisms are valid to some point.

We should try to find what unites us.

Do we agree that reduction, fragmentation of states are a good thing? Do we all reject the continental nations in favor of smaller countries, smaller concentration of power and resources, smaller armies?

The whole concept of a huge nation/empire suck (greece, egypt, rome, aztecs, mayas, napoleon's france, bismarck's germany, usa, fascists, soviet communists, china, etc etc etc).

Do we all agree that 500 netherlands or 500 belgiums (yes, risking 500 swazilands) would be better and would interfere less do/allow better for the human beings?

I just reject the use of violence. There is no compromise for me here (not to come off as being combative or contrarian). The bottom line is, if it is not consensual, then it is not moral.

The thing is, what is the definition of violence ?
Do you mean violence, or aggression (initiation of violence) ?

We use violence in defense of us or others. But initiation of violence is not moral. The thing is that is so hard to define or judge. Wars are always triggered by mutual provocations.

The definition of violence or aggression is linked with the definition of an individual and the definition of property, in the sense that to unjustifiably harm one's body or take one's property is considered aggression by most if not all cultures. But property has become a complex, historical thing that dates back to the property of land in the middle ages.

More than that, there is graduation in the use of violence. You can contain (i.e. use force against) someone who is perpetrating aggression (to be proven), but only with proportional force, not abusive nor uncontrolled force.

What I am trying to say is. There are so many questions that need to be answered before you can honestly say " I'm a anarcho-********* ". And people can and should band together according the their type of answer, provided there isn't also no aggression between such groups.

I still believe there is nothing wrong with all the different colours of anarchism and we all can get along.

For example. There are a lot of people that claim verbal aggression does no exist, there is no such a thing as a verbal aggression, it must be physical to be an aggression.

Ok, then what about a threat? The announce of aggression. If one answered it with "preventive" violence, was it aggression or just responding a threat ?

Then you hide your threat in a symbol that not everyone would recognize immediately as a threat, and then go showing off. Flags ?

If my neighbour has a nazi flag and I want it removed, who is the aggressor ? Does the answer change if I set fire to it ?

Great distinctions, I was wondering where you were going with it and was surprised.

"While I agree that this is likely what much Anarcho-Communist theory put into practice would result in, I realize that this is not actually what AnComs profess to want."

Truth. Most ancoms probably dont WANT a state, but the inevitability of such is very open to debate, and it would do us all much more service to come together and get rid of the structure we agree should not exist.

Keep up the great work!

Cheers, daxinth. I am really pleased that somebody gets what I wastrying to put across here, and I agree with your comment 100%. Let's eliminate the state, and then we can worry about this or that. AnComs could even exist as they pleased, and AnCaps as well, as long as NAP is observed. That's the crux, though. Most AnComs that I have spoken to seem to have an emotional reaction to, and almost disdain for non-aggression principle. Ah, well. On we go.

i'll just note two things in my reply. 1. Most "Anarcho-Communists" I have have interacted with have tended to be Statists who are just unsatisfied with the slate of current rulers. I say this, due to observing that most call for more State involvement to solve problems. 2. The distinction between private and public property is actually an easy one to grasp once you read early anarcho-socialists (even mutualists note this distinction). I have written about over at . But to save you of time, it boils down to whether or not the good in question is a capital good or consumer good. Personal property= consumer goods.

signed. --An AnCap/Voluntaryist/Individualist Market Anarchist

Yay another individualist anarchism, we are a rare breed. Markets not capitalism :) also Land cannot be owned only possessed.

I appreciate your even handed approach here.

In response to the rebuttal of the first objection you see levied against AnCapism. Really at the end of the day, AnComs don't want to prevent anybody from organizing themselves in whatever way suits them. We just want to be free to organize ourselves according to our principles. All anarchists desire a society based on free association.

The thing that I think most AnComs have an intuitive understanding of, and a sensitivity to when interpreting history, is that capitalism and property is never content to respect boundaries. Capitalism relies on the accumulation of capital, which demands constant growth. History has many instances of societies being built on anarchist principles only to be violently crushed by outside forces... It's a very real fear that AnComs have, that any attempt to enact our principles will be overtaken by capitalists as long as those ideas thrive.

It's a very real fear that AnComs have, that any attempt to enact our principles will be overtaken by capitalists as long as those ideas thrive

I understand this point and appreciate you making it. I think the issue lies here in how we define "Capitalism." For me it just means the freedom to buy, sell, and trade, full stop. We can surely agree that the violence-based nation state is the real problem.

But instead, on this platform where actual discussion and valuable dialogue seem to be encouraged, I decided to write this instead.

THIS. I've wasted so many hours in Facebook groups like the AnCap vs AnCom Debate Group or Anarchist Philosophies. So much misunderstanding about the use of words, more than anything else.

Man, I spent a whole Christmas vacation in one of those groups. Downright exasperating.

your private property becomes your own personal state

You say that as if it's a bad thing. In an Anarchist society, we are all free sovereigns (above the jurisdiction of rulers) and our property is our state in which we have monopoly of force (self defense.) We preside over what's ours and what's ours alone. I really don't get the objection because there is zero moral comprise being free and protecting what's yours.

Anarchy is the destruction of all unjustified hierarchy actually. Private property is created by the workers, labored on by the workers, and yet somehow is controlled by the rich.

They do not create it or use it, they should not control it. That is unjustified hierarchy.

"Ancaps are as much anarchists as Christian Scientists are scientists. Traditional anarchist movements originated on the left, and do not consider anarchy and capitalism to be compatible, and thus consider anarcho-capitalism not to be an authentic form of anarchism. Ancaps have proven to be one of the greatest tools for anarchist unity in living memory, as more or less every single major anarchist group and tendency stands united in despising them. Needless to say that socialists, communists, social democrats, progressives, liberals, and centrists aren't exactly fans of them either and will more than often unite even with the aforementioned anarchists to beat up on the ancap. Even Conservatives (even and especially of the Neo variety) aren't above taking the occasional pot shot at them"

that is a weak analogy because there is only one scientific method and if you do not follow it, you cannot then call yourself a scientist. Anarchism on the other hand is a loose term, in and of itself, meaning "No Rulers." I really should not have to explain. Anarchy means nothing but a negative belief. The term has broadened to encompass divergent philosophies past its historical contexts. There is nothing inconsistent with a person that believes in personal property rights and voluntary exchanges and not believing in the legitimacy of rulers. Just because you, presumably an Ancom, and many others popularily disdain Ancaps, does not make you correct. Are you familiar with the Argumentum ad Populum logical fallacy? This happens when people think something is (or isn't) true due to popular belief.

You do not have private property? Your body is not under your exclusive, executive control? Indeed, your body itself relies on natural, biological hierarchies. We reject the use of aggressive force, that's all. I only reject those human interactions which are not consensual, which every moral being should.

oh so you don't understand the different types of property.

my body is my personal property. Not my private property.

and to quote the slogan of the first self-proclaimed anarchist "property is theft", although since the definitions in political theory have changed it can be better translated to "private property is theft"

Property is theft from the commons and profits are unpaid wages.

morals are a social construct. You call yourself an anarchist and let the whims of others bind you? All you are is a disgusting capitalist

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