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RE: Response to @positive: Representative government and organizations are highly susceptible to corruption #steemit - #anarchism

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Not sure why it keeps removing the http: before my images when I update.

EDIT: I have posted a bug report post about the broken images:


Can you include your images as comments below? That would be helpful.

Yes... I have figured out how to fix the issue. I need to hit SHIFT + RELOAD while in the editor, but I determined how to do that after this post entered the point where I could no longer edit.

Let the above represent SEVEN groups of people who need representatives for some local position. Most of them are like you and I. They have other things to do and would rather have someone else handle it.

They manage to go through elections and some representatives are elected. Some of these representatives are going to realize it interferes with what they would rather be doing and they are not likely to seek higher positions. An election for the regional position comes up.

This process continues over time. Ultimately, it is those who WISH for such positions of authority that will rise through the systems. Such mechanisms favor them. That does not mean they were the best for the job. The most likely conclusion of this process over time is illustrated in the next image.

So the ultimate conclusion of this is that those who want power, tend to get it. Those who want power are rarely those most qualified for wielding that power.

Those are the broken images in the order they appear in the article

Nice! Thanks.

I edited my reply to add the text relevant to them.

EDIT:This was Positives final response: To be fair, you make good points. And I have a lot to take away from our brief but interesting exchange. I will reply only if I feel as though I can add some extra value. Thanks for this!

This was my favorite exchange on steemit so far.

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