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RE: Social Contracts and Sacred Rituals

in #anarchism8 years ago

Threatening you with force is not a valid moral argument, but it's a reality.

"If you refuse to pay unjust taxes, your property will be confiscated. If you attempt to defend your property, you will be arrested. If you resist arrest, you will be clubbed. If you defend yourself against clubbing, you will be shot dead. These procedures are known as the Rule of Law." -- Edward Abbey


No one said that force doesn't exist, but an expropriating property protector is a performative contradiction. If there is no reciprocal obligation of protection and allegiance, there is no citizen.

You have obligations and you have rights. If you behave you get protected. If you are not you get fucked.

I don't agree with the whole state coercion. I told you before but you are way too thickheaded to listen to what I am saying. First hour I was in the US of A I got arrested for public intoxication just for drinking a beer. Get it through your tinfoiled head. I agree with your ideology. I just don't agree with the means that you want an entire country to follow your SUBJECTIVE morality. google the darn word. open a dictionary. take a philosophy class before you become a "voluntaryist".

You can become a voluntaryist ONLY with those that agree with your philosophy. You can't force an entire nation to follow your wishes. Exactly how spoiled are you?

You have obligations and you have rights. If you behave you get protected. If you are not you get fucked.

What's your evidence? I thought you didn't care about logic. Now you're making claims and attempting to use logic? Are you a liar or just stupid?

. I just don't agree with the means that you want an entire country to follow your SUBJECTIVE morality

So who do you want to initiate force against?

google the darn word. open a dictionary. take a philosophy class before you become a "voluntaryist".

You spam my posts with these ad-homs and non-arguments. How am I forcing morality onto people by suggestion that people shouldn't initiate force against each other? That is literally retarded

You can become a voluntaryist ONLY with those that agree with your philosophy.

The fact that I don't initiate force doesn't mean I don't use force against people who initiate it against me. I don't know who you think you're responding to but it isn't me, shitlib

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