My Favorite Speeches From Anarchapulco 2018

in #anarchapulco7 years ago

Anarchapulco is, in my opinion one of the top conferences for voluntaryists and liberty advocates.  I highly recommend attending and I think everyone can walk away with ideas and concepts to think about. I thoroughly enjoyed this years talks and have prepared this post detailing my favorite speakers from Anarchapulco 2018.

I was really fired up for this years conference. Two of the most influential people in my philosophical awakening were scheduled to speak, Ron Paul and Mark Passio.  The Ron Paul movement opened my eyes to the principles of individual liberties and in 2015 one of my best friends showed me Mark Passio's Natural Law seminar. I could not refute the logic and reason Passio presented. And thus having for the first time, an understanding of morality I accepted that I was Anarchist, although I now prefer the branding of Voluntaryism. 

At Anarchapulco 2017 speakers were scheduled at the same time, so you had to choose between certain talks. This year the speakers went back to back so you didn't have to miss any of the talks. I really appreciated this and I hope they do the same next year.

Ron Paul

Dr. Ron Paul was the most anticipated speaker at this years Anarchapulco. His main speech was titled "Government is not the answer, Liberty is". I like many others was curious about his talk. Ron Paul is well known for his position and support for limited government. Most Anarchapulco attendees are full blown Anarchists who have no time to discuss limited cancer. They want to abolish the entirety of the cancer we know as government.

In his talk Paul discussed individual liberties, America's horrendous foreign policy, and the right to get out of the banking and monetary systems. He received great applause and even said,

"I wanna get that government to zilch!" - Ron Paul

Jeff Berwick 

Jeff Berwick, founder of both the @dollarvigilante and Anarchapulco gave a speech where he discussed Bitcoin Cash (backing up Roger Ver's positions) and gave updates on conference events and next year's Anarchapulco. 

He also threw in some jokes in classic Berwick fashion. 

Learn more about the conference and buy tickets for next year at 👍 

Follow Jeff Berwick on Steemit! @jeffberwick & @dollarvigilante

Roger Ver 

Roger's talk was called "Crypto with Heart". He discussed his passion for crypto and explained in detail how bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are making the world a better place. 

In part of his speech Roger got pretty emotional, choking up a bit as he described the freedom that women in some countries are now seeing as a direct result of Bitcoin and crypto. It was pretty powerful. 

Much of his speech covered Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and why it is a better more scalable blockchain than BTC. A good portion of the Bitcoin community asserts that Bitcoin should be digital gold. Roger opposes this notion and cited Satoshi's whitepaper for Bitcoin wherein he calls Bitcoin a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, not a g Peer-to-Peer Electronic Gold System. 

Towards the end, Roger took questions and a heckler tried to assert that Moore's law doesn't exist. He almost took a $10,000 bet with Roger over the argument. "Moore's law refers to the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years" - wikipedia  Roger believes that the 8MB block limit on BCH is more than enough for the future.  Computers that run nodes and miners will be much more advanced in the future and able to efficiently utilized the 8MB limit, while scaling globally. 

I tend to agree with Roger Ver and I think BCH is a solid blockchain asset. Buy some right after you buy more STEEM and power up. 👍

Roger Ver taking on the heckler:


Roger and were one of the biggest sponsors of Anarchapulco 2018. I applaud Roger for this support.

Mark Passio

Mark's talk was the most anticipated for me. His speech was titled "Anarchy and The Occult" and he dropped some major knowledge on the crowd.  

Passio covered most of his best material from his Natural Law Seminar. Obviously it didn't include everything, as his speech was under 40 minutes and his seminar is 9 hours. 

Still, he included a great deal of important information and he discussed some newer thoughts as well. I thought it was very relevant how he discussed all the factions and infighting going on in the Anarchist realm. All the identities and labels are not helping the movement holistically. For example anarcho-capitalist vs Green-anarchism, vs anarcho-pacifism etc. There several Anarchist schools of thought, and while most of them promote solid ideas, the division is not good. 

(collectivism related factions have nothing to do with Anarchy such as anarcho-communism, which is itself an oxymoron)

I also took Mark Passio's full seminar / workshop at Anarchapulco called "Anarchy and The Occult: Sovereignty and Symbolism". It was excellent and I will have a Steemit post up shortly with tons of info and slides from the presentation.

Mark's #1 lecture. (message me on my website and I can send you the mp3 version which is great for car rides.) 

Joby Weeks

Joby Weeks, founder of Bit Club the global mining network spoke on how to travel the world with bitcoin. Joby mostly told anecdotes of traveling with crypto and all the cool stuff he has gotten to do. 

Using BTC to travel is easier than you probably thought. Trading fiat money in every country you visit can be a real hassle, you also lose money on each exchange. If you travel a lot, this can be a real drain on your funds. Joby suggests asking people if they accept Bitcoin. Even if a store won't accept BTC, the cash register worker might accept your crypto and buy the item for you. It has worked for him several times.

If you didn't hear, Joby Weeks was the victim of a million dollar BTC hack and was featured on To this end he discussed the importance of separating your phone number from your crypto accounts as this is a common hack, and they way his funds were stolen. 

Even after the hack, Joby is anything but broke. At Anarchapulco 2018 he announced that he offered $100k to Ron Paul to deliver his baby, and Paul accepted. HAHA WHAT!? 

Joby talked about using crypto to starve the beast (the beast being government). When fiat money is worthless, states will have a real tough time funding their endless wars. Joby also touched on what he called "sowing seeds of karma". I am a big fan of mindfulness and focusing on putting good out into the world. I really liked his speech.

Larken Rose

Larken's talk was entitled "The Nature of The Beast". In his speech he outlined and exposed the government, AKA the ruling class for their true intentions to rule and enslave us all.

I didn't take a lot of notes during Larken's Speech but I really enjoy all of his talks and videos. Larken knows truth and he IS NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK IT. 

Larken also held a “Candles in the Dark” seminar, which teaches techniques for pleasant, friendly conversation, that can cause people to reconsider statism and supporting the ruling class. 

Follow Larken on Steemit! @larkenrose

Adam Kokesh

Adam Kokesh had an interesting speech with Cynthia McKinney,  former united states representative and 2008 green party presidential candidate. I was surprised to see a person like McKinney on stage but Adam Kokesh will soon run for 2020 NOT PRESIDENT, so I guess it made sense. 

I saw little value add from Cynthia McKinney. Most people just wanted to hear about Adam's plans for his not presidential campaign for 2020, which he did talk about. Adam plans to win the u.s. presidential race and immediately abolish the u.s. federal government.    

The gist: 

 The platform is simple. When elected, I will swear in, walk to the White House, and sign one executive order. This executive order will lay out the process for dissolving the federal government in a peaceful, orderly manner. With it, I will be resigning as President to become “Custodian of the Federal Government.” The executive order will appoint heads of each federal department, or “Custodians” who will be instructed to carry out a mostly predetermined plan for their departments. The only authority that I will retain will be to replace Custodians if they are unable to complete their responsibilities or are not faithfully executing the plan.

I'm very opposed to voting for government officials, as I co-founded a voting company in 2014 @followmyvote and found out the hard way how corrupt and ridiculous the political voting industry is. I'm pretty confident that the u.s. has had ZERO honest and fair elections. I also cringe at the idea of voting for someone to rule over me and my neighbors. YEAH NO THANKS!

BUT I think Adams campaign might awaken some Americans, just like Ron Paul's campaign. Therefore I support and look forward to his endeavor. I might break my promise to myself and vote once again. We shall see.

Follow Adam on Steemit! @adamkokesh

Doug Scribner

Doug Scribner has been responsible for much of the behind the scenes work at past years Anarchapulcos. He headed up Watch My Bit, a video website where you could pay in BTC to watch exclusive content, like Anarchapulco talks.  

His latest project is called Airtherium, which most of his talk covered. This project seems very cool and I will be watching it closely. Airtherium will be a unique mix of crypto and private jets. There will be opportunity to own percentages of the aircrafts and you will also be able purchase flights with the jets and pay with Bitcoin in some sort of Uber for Private jets.  

G. Edward Griffin

G. Edward Griffin is a writer, documentary film producer, and Founder of Freedom Force International. While he is not a proclaimed anarchist, he brings a unique perspective and advocates individual liberties and limited government (or protectorate as he likes to call it). 

Griffin mainly elaborated on his Creed of Freedom, which I will include below.

In his speech he spoke on a topic that many Voluntaryists overlook, the private sector has issues too. "It's not just about abolishing government" he said. I think he has a valid point with the private sector, but I still think we should completely abolish the cancer that is government. 

G. Edward Griffin's Creed of Freedom:

I believe that only individuals have rights, not the collective group; that these rights are intrinsic to each individual, not granted by the state; for if the state has the power to grant them, it also has the power to deny them, and that is incompatible with personal liberty.
I believe that a just state derives its power solely from its citizens. Therefore, the state must never presume to do anything beyond what individual citizens also have the right to do. Otherwise, the state is a power unto itself and becomes the master instead of the servant of society.
I believe that one of the greatest threats to freedom is to allow any group, no matter its numeric superiority, to deny the rights of the minority; and that one of the primary functions of a just state is to protect each individual from the greed and passion of the majority.
I believe that desirable social and economic objectives are better achieved by voluntary action than by coercion of law. I believe that social tranquility and brotherhood are better achieved by tolerance, persuasion, and the power of good example than by coercion of law. I believe that those in need are better served by charity, which is the giving of one’s own money, than by welfare, which is the giving of other people’s money through coercion of law.  
I believe that the human instinct for private property is a positive force because it provides an incentive for production, which is necessary for the material support of mankind. It justly rewards those who use resources wisely and punishes those who abuse them. Those without property must depend on others for survival, and those who depend on the state must serve the state. Therefore, private property is a human right, essential for prosperity, justice, and freedom.  
I believe in freedom to accept or reject any currency, or other forms of money, based entirely upon my personal judgment of its value, because a monopoly over the issuance of money and the power to force others to accept it leads to corruption, inflation, and legalized plunder.
I believe that all citizens should be equal under law, regardless of their national origin, race, religion, gender, education, economic status, life style, or political opinion. Likewise, no class should be given preferential treatment, regardless of the merit or popularity of its cause. To favor one class over another is not equality under law.  
I believe that leadership is a natural outgrowth of human dynamics and is essential for social order and large-scale tasks. However, there are two types of leadership. One is based on coercion and decree, found in military organizations and totalitarian political systems. The other is based on persuasion and good example, found in voluntary organizations and free political systems. We must evaluate leaders, not only on their stated goals, but on which type of leadership they offer. Their goals may be admirable, but how they pursue those goals may be tyranny. All modern totalitarian systems have a “great leader” who claims to represent the best interests of the people but who is, in reality, merely a dictator. Truly great political leaders do not follow that path.  
I believe that the proper role of the state is negative, not positive; defensive, not aggressive. It is to protect, not to provide; for if the state is granted the power to provide for some, it must also be able to take from others, and that always leads to legalized plunder and loss of freedom. If the state is powerful enough to give us everything we want, it also will be powerful enough to take from us everything we have. Therefore, the proper function of the state is to protect the lives, liberty, and property of its citizens, nothing more. That state is best which governs least. 

Vít Jedlička

Vít Jedlička is the Founder and President of  Free Republic of Liberland, the world's newest country, and the only country explicitly dedicated to individual freedom, free markets and free trade. 

Vít spoke on recent updates concerning the newly founded micro-nation and their efforts to become recognized by other nations. 

I think Liberland will show the world that voluntary societies are the most moral, efficient, and advanced societies the world has yet to see. I believe it will be a great stepping stone to a future with no governments. 

Terry Brock

Last but not least is Terry Brock! Terry is marketing coach, a journalist and a professional speaker you will not likely forget. He is an Anarchapulco Veteran, having been the Master of Ceremonies for the conference for the past couple years. Terry introduces each and every speaker with incredible enthusiasm. 

His talk this year was called "Fund Your Freedom: Create A Life of Liberty" in which he spoke about using tools (internet, social media, blockchain tech) and connections to attain the lifestyle and freedom you desire. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Follow Terry on Steemit! @terrybrock

Thanks for reading this super long post! I hope to see YOU at Anarchapulco next year. 👍

Hi there, I’m Will.  First and foremost I am an entrepreneur and voluntaryist.  I aspire to help build a more free world, one that we all want to live in.  Some of my biggest passions include cryptocurrencies, marketing, finance, cannabis, traveling, bodybuilding, snowboarding, motorcycles, and Subarus.  All pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.  I release everything under CC0.  

My website:  
My DTube:!/c/slickwilly
Affiliated Steemit Accounts: @bitcoinshirtz & @trueliberty 

My Previous Post 👉 Smoke Network To Launch On EOS And Dominate The Crypto-Cannabis Space.


Great to see all of them there many great talks there so nice to see them you had a great time out there

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

One of the largest volunteer-based conferences in the world, Anarchapulco, is preparing for the stage once again in Mexico. Events held in the beautiful Acapulco neighborhood will include philosophy, economic, entrepreneurial, political, and libertarian cryptocurrency solutions from February 25-28. @slickwily

i don't know many of them so cool to know thanks for sharing

that was a great recap of it thanks for sharing you looking great there :)

Amazing people sharing amazing thoughts with everyone so cool that you went there life time experience :)

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