Jessica Kill, Embezzlement, Fraud, and Anarchapulco

in #anarchapulco5 years ago (edited)

PLEASE boycott Anarchapulco til they remove this person and let them know why! Their producer (a) isn't an Anarchist; and (b) more importantly, she is a scammer.

Anarchapulco before the corruption

I miss the event. I ran Registration Desk in 2017 because I cared. It still has some good points. But I refuse to go or otherwise contribute when my money is being used to fund and encourage corruption and mismanagement.

A damning account of Jessica Kill's dishonesty and lack of integrity


"In 2014, Jessica (via her P.R. company PPMG) was hired to promote and produce our 4th annual Oscar event "Salute to the Stars" that was held at the rooftop space atop the Hollywood "W" Hotel, on the evening of March 2nd. During our interview process, she had stated that she "...represented "A" list stars..." and "had worked in the biz (show business) for well over 10yrs.." (both statements (of which) we later found out NOT TO BE TRUE!), and the she, her partner (Michelle Czernin von Chudenitz Morzin (alleged "blue blood royalty) and her 10 full time employees (SHE HAS NO EMPLOYEES) were more than capable of promoting, obtaining a roster of named "A" list celebrities to attend, and handle the guest/VIP list. THIS WAS A HUGE MISTAKE!

We started to question our discussion to hire her/PPMG, when on many occasions during the ramp up to our event, she would "FLIP OUT" and become argumentative with violent undertones that became real, when hours before the kick off of our event, she actually challenged the (male) promoter to "FIST FIGHT" for questioning her on the long list of "to do" items that had yet to be done.

Next, she would become angry when asked about "...who exactly (meaning Stars) was confirmed", then became even more combative when we reached out to the representatives of the Names that she gave, and the denied both knowing her, or anything about the event! This, pattern continued when we did some more checking on her claims to "rep" Johnny Depp, David Arquette, Billy Zane, Jessica Alba, and many others (by name dropping) turned out NOT TO BE TRUE!

There was a lot of work and many moving parts to this event, and the running of the red carpet and entree to the roof top event landed in her wheel house. This she was on top of! So much so, that when the we told her to add names to the guest list, we would get PUSH BACK for many reasons. This "push back" was odd to us, seeings that we were cleared for a set amount of both invited, V.I.P., Celebrity, Sponsors and Paid Guest to attend. Hours into the event, we found out why! This event, was a ticked event; 70% of those attending purchased entree, with the remaining set number of guest would be comp'd, all according to colored wrist bands that were issued to the 3 categories. One color for Paid ticketed guest, another color for "All Access Sponsor guest," and a third for VIP guest! The total amount of attendees would come in 15-20% well under fire Marshall capacity. SO WE THOUGHT! Just 90mins into the 5 hour long event, we and the promoter started to get heated texted and phone calls of OUR GUESTS being refused entree into the event, due to over capacity! This growing nightmare, soon became compounded by even more angry text and calls from the street below (where the Red Carpet was located) complaining that they (our guests that WERE ON THE LIST) were kept waiting, as Jessica Kill and her partner (Michelle Czernin von Chudenitz Morzin (alleged "blue blood royalty") , would escort "un-counted for guest" onto the red carpet for photos, then to security to be allowed up to the party, via a SPECIAL wristband!?!! WTF??!!

This was news to us, and it was only after the sun came up the next day, and we pieced together this complete SCREW UP via the slew of text, emails, and full voice mails that we combed through; that we learned that JESSICA KILL not only FORGED FAKE WRISTBANDS!!!!.. but took it upon herself/PPMG to sell them as private sponsorships to the event and gave out a good number of those fake bands to people she wanted to impress; in order to make her look like she was the "BMOC" (big man on campus)! And if that's not bad enough, SHE (JESSICA KILL) POCKETED THE MONEY!!!! Which is nothing shy of EMBEZZLEMENT! One of the results was that, we had to REFUND money to those who couldn't get entree to the event, due to Jessica Kill's scheme! Not to mention, ours and the promoter's soiled reputation!

At this point, we must admit that we had heard rumblings, warning us NOT TO TRUST/HIRE JESSICA KILL, but she is very good at deception and has a large personality that makes you want to trust her claims of being a real player in the entertainment industry. This was a hard lesson to learn that cost us dearly. We obviously fired her the next day..."

That was from From:

One more account easily found through a Google search for "Jessica Kill" and embezzlement:

"... I employed Jessica Kill for 2 years as a part time assistant to do light administrative work and work as a sale person in my store from 2008 to 2010. My business was on Abbot Kinney in Venice California. I brought in an investor into my business to move from Venice Beach to Manhattan Beach. During this process I found Jessica deliberately sabotaging accounting records through the company QuickBooks files and, as I later found out, deliberately engaged in manipulation of my investor through lies. Her intention was to push me out and align herself with my investor to secure some kind of percentage of the business for herself. She engaged in embezzlement by forging my signature in checks she made payable to herself, perjury along with collusion to push me out through coordinating a lawsuit full of lies that she encouraged my investor to file against me along with filing a restraining order against me that later was revoked by the judge due to a, "Stay”, status of the case filed against. She later left the business and forced my investor Susan Udry to file bankruptcy. In total she is responsible for 5.5 million dollar loss in revenue for a lease term of 10 years. The Lawsuit she produced with such diligence against me was, “dismissed”, because there was absolutely no proof to any of the claims made about me. The courts released the funds held in my accounts to me and I walked away from the wreckage she created.
I do not recommend anyone to either trust her with film Production or vital contact information. As I have stated, anyone giving her work or trusting her with any project will risk their assets because of her inability to work in an honest and ethical manner. She is inclined to engage in unethical and ruthless tactics to steal assets and money.

Both Susan Udry and I Claudia Milan can be contacted directly for further information. ..."

That was from:

In case you are up for hearing more:
PEEPS I KNOW AND THEIR DIRECT EXPERIENCE WITH HER RELATED TO ANARCHAPULCO. THERE ARE MORE BUT I COULDN'T FIND THEM YET. There's also an account from an insider whom I can't mention because I value integrity and outting him would be uncool. Sadly, because his tale of trying to work with her revealed her kicking out insiders, bringing in her own people, inflating their prices, and taking kickbacks everywhere she could. It ended with reporting a "woe is me" story of "losing money" on the event. Yeah, sure.

Jessica Kill, producer of Anarchapulco, has issued copyright takedowns

Anarchapulco: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

One story from @Elamental ( was telling as he tried to deal with her and was massively unfairly treated. I believe I read it here on Steemit, but it was so long ago that I was not able to find it. Hopefully he will comment here in time for me to edit in a link to his story.


To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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Unfortunately I am pretty sure Jeff Burwick is aware of Jessica's bs, and doesn't really care, as he seems to be quite the scammer himself. I do not trust either of them one bit, and have every reason not to. Here is the link to my article:

and the direct link to my YouTube version of the video since the Dtube version is so longer functioning. I have also dropped the html for the YouTube video version in the original post link for easier access to the entire post and video.


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