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RE: Understanding What We Can't See - Conspiracy, "Debunking", and Absence of Evidence - Part One (Updated and ReSteemed)

in #analysis7 years ago (edited)

Not sure if it's exactly where you wanted to go, but your thoughts compel me to mention the "furtive fallacy."

From wiki;

"The furtive fallacy is an informal fallacy of emphasis in which outcomes are asserted to have been caused by the malfeasance of decision makers. Historian David Hackett Fischer identified it as the belief that significant facts of history are necessarily sinister, and that "history itself is a story of causes mostly insidious and results mostly invidious." It is more than a conspiracy theory in that it does not merely consider the possibility of hidden motives and deeds, but insists on them. In its extreme form, the fallacy represents general paranoia.[1]"

Thanks for this interesting post.


Good point: it seems that humanity has developed a cognitive bias or logical fallacy to send us on each different compass point away from objective discovery ;>

I will look at this from a position of "faith"...not my own of course ;> Since people move to faith when they don't have definitive answers (OR definitive answers they can agree to), they move to what they "know". People who have seen failure, interference, or dishonesty from government throughout their lives will build a pattern from that experience (Clustering illusion), while people that depend on government services may tend to ignore things that don't affect their rice-bowl.

In a few months, when I redo and reSteem this post, I'll add in your comment some way. Thank you!

Yw, and thanks too!

I think you make the main point to be aware of; that my brain wants to build patterns and structures for effective recall, prediction, and energy economy. Although basically, if I can maintain some degree of awareness of this as I encounter / interpret data, I can begin to notice my leanings or tendencies, and hopefully control them rather than be governed by them.

brain wants to build patterns and structures for effective recall, prediction, and energy economy

= heuristics

cognitive biases are just heuristics gone bad

I can begin to notice my leanings or tendencies, and hopefully control them rather than be governed by them.

it's a nice goal, aint it? I do find myself occasionally getting riled over click-bait

"Heuristics gone bad." Interesting, will have to reflect on that way of phrasing the idea.

It certainly is in the state of still being a goal, lol! That's one reason I chose the word "begin," and spoke in the 1st person! I understand about click bait too. Seems the old lizard brain still has a warm spot for trolls...

perfect video follows...;>

most of these videos this guy puts out are very interesting

"Depending on which thought germs live in your head and which you fight for, the next section might sound horrifying!"

It is a perfect video for this discussion indeed, exactly what we're speaking of.

I will have to let this concise yet expanded version of this idea sink in. All I could think of as I watched was Israel / Palestine, and my own past methods or choices of words or data to supply, when presenting or defending my views, or opposing those of others...

Thanks for this.

“The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on the in the world, all his congenital incapacity and damfoolishenss, to the machinations of the werewolves assembled in Wall Street or some other such den of infamy. If these villains could be put down, he holds, he would at once become rich, powerful and eminent.”

H.L. Mencken, who gets funnier every time I read his quotes

Great quote. I'd like to see them maintain 1 block of any city, after they remove the "villains..."

depends on who "they" are ;>

the "normal" moron isnt going to get himself riled up enough to do any more than rob the local electronics or liquor shop when law and order go south

I think you're right. I imagine it's the ones with giant egos and appetites who think they could run more than a street block... I do what I do, but I can't even do a wheel alignment on my own car, for instance...

While I no longer belong, I used to be an Oath Keeper; while they are further down the distrust of government spectrum I am, they are building networks of local resilience...resilience, not resistance ;)

mechanics, food crops specialists, communications, the works.

they are NOT planning a revolution, their view is that there is going to be a collapse sooner rather than later, and they are going to keep their families and nieghbors safe

(during the Ferguson riots, Oath Keepers went to guard local business after the Governors stand down orders, until they were ordered to leave by LE...which they immediately did)

Right, so again, that's fundamentally a version of government, and we are faced with the same problem; "heuristics gone bad," corruptible morality / humans, etc. The cycle continues.

It may be an oversimplification, but it seems to me that the only solution is to somehow change the root desires in the vast majority of us. (613 or 7...) The question is how to arrange it so that each individual ultimately chooses, voluntarily, and because his wisdom leads him.

that's fundamentally a version of government

government is essentially people...

I don't thin we can change human nature, but we can socialize people to behave better...within their own sphere of action; now, across the world, we socialize people to interfere, to make their lives "better"

but then gain, to make the kind of socialization change I speak of, we'd have to interfere with others' lives to "make them better"

there's more than one cycle LOL

Heh! Yah, interfering, to create something, or "make them better," sounds and probably is contradictory. And I've no problem with government, but only with the people who make one/animate one for the wrong reasons. I suppose I was just somewhat redundantly pointing out that the outcome every time they remove the "villains" is more villains doing the same villainy stuff.

I'd say better than interfering would be to take the long view, and for instance, to advocate, or teach and make noble again, lifestyles like marriage, (one of the greatest civilizing forces.) This force alone can teach us so many things from resisting the urge for immediate gratification, to all the various forms of altruism.

It's not for everyone, and no one is to be forced, but as a general social good, ideas such as that are the solution... (imo.)

Sorry, must go afk for a while. I hope to remember to reply later...

np. I'm fixing to go offline too. ttyl!

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