Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 116

Hello hello hello hello!

Forgive me Steemit, for I have sinned.... it's been 10 days since my last confession, which is laaaaaaaame!


I was traveling for work all last week, which makes the whole wifi thing that much trickier... but I've done it before, I was just being a big ol lameo…. but I missed you guys so I'm back with all the enthusiasms! ALL!

I got back from the Midwest on Friday, and went straight into farmer-mode, we planted a whole orchard of fruit trees on the weekend, it was hardcore super back-breaking labour…. manual labour, is, like, hard. By 'orchard' I mean '10 trees'... but man, I think even the last time I moved house was less tiring than that.


I've still been training though, I just having written it down... the Farmer Ninja thing played havoc with my forearms so my pull ups and whatnot have been, ah, less.

Anywho… back at it again.

I went for my 3.8km run for Move Mob and @runburgundy - and for my Spartan Sprint, which I've been telling everyone, is on the 25th of August... except it's not, it's on the 11th. I told a friend about it and she got all keen and might join us, and when I looked it up to pass on all the details, I was so super confused. I have no idea where I got the 25th from.. but I was so certain.

My run was tough, I lost the tiny bit of conditioning I had developed... so I effectively had to start over again. Don't stop running kids!


I also chucked in some brutal hill sprints and slack lining. We had friends over on the weekend, and of course everyone wanted me to show them my course... and I couldn't do it... I've never been able to do it, so I decided there and then that I'd start training specifically to show off to visitors... and tried it... and my farmer hands gave out straight away, still very sore from the farmin'.

Pride is so goddamn motivating.

30 minute cardio

  • 3.8 kms

Hill Sprints

  • 5 tortures.


  • 15 minutes of re-learning to balance

Ninja Play

  • It was like 5 minutes tops... I was beyond useless today.

Hands, lats, lower back, ankles and calves.... it's DOMS soup everyone.

Yoga sessions (0/2 Completed)
Slackline practice (1/7 Completed)

  • Cardio - 30 minutes- 100 reps.

@steemmatt's fitness challenge for Wednesday- 100 reps.

Spartan Sprint Portland - 25th 11th August

Move mob for daily post.png

MoveMob - 8.14 kms



steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


Lol! Such a true statement about pride! Do it for all the glory!! And 10 trees is a lot of planting, go you!

Hahaha, 100% glory! I've got so much to catch up... I'm going to spend so much time watching you and Karen go crazy... get ready for ten trillion enthusiastic comments (assuming you're being fun, of which I'm highly confident).

Lol!! Yeah life gets so busy right?? We definitely need 50 hour days loll 😂

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