Breezes And Blowing Palm Trees; Aracaju, Brazil

in #ambulorbis5 years ago

Force Line [Public domain]

Oceanario de Aracaju: the Oceanario is also known as Tamar visitor Center. It is an important education and awareness program for the environment to teach the public about the essential factors of the environment. This place is all about The Oceanario is located at Avenida Santos Dumont 1010, Aracaju, State of Sergipe 49037-475, Brazil and is open from 9 am to 9 pm from Tuesday to Sunday and from 10 am to 6 pm on Mondays. This Oceanario is located at Orla de Atalaia and is built in the shape of a huge turtle. Monthly this Oceanario receives more than ten thousand, and yearly it receives one sixty thousand visitors per year. It is a popular destination for the locals. The Oceanario was inaugurated in June 2002 and had a capacity of holding almost 300 people at the same time.
The Aracaju Oceanario has a variety of 70 different species of all native Sergipe which is divided in 18 aquariums (thirteen in saltwater and five freshwaters). It is a project of pro-Tamar Foundation. The Oceanario is situated on the beach of Atalaia – 500m from the sea. It is one of the main tourist attraction in Aracaju; it is surrounded by water mirrors, waterfalls with bridges, cycling path, exhibition space, boardwalk, and watersports. Apart from all these things the Oceanario also holds exclusive exhibitions, lessons video lectures, and lectures which are done alongside the aquarium to provide visuals along with the information. The aquarium is located in the northeastern part of Brazil and is the fifth one, and the others are located in other parts of Brazil. The peculiar structure of the building is one of the things which makes it so attractive and makes it stand out in the revitalized Orla de Atalaia. The Oceanario encourages the sensitization of the visitors and residents about the conservation of the marine life and marine ecosystem and the richness of the river of Sao Francisco and also to learn about the different species of marine animals. This beautiful and remarkable Oceanario is on the 17th number out of the 69 best things to do in Aracaju. The place is small but very well organized and a fantastic place, you should give this place a visit for increasing your knowledge about marine life, and it is a guarantee that you will enjoy your time there because this place has so much to offer.

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