A look at the desert life and environment at Desert Museum, Saltillo

in #ambulorbis5 years ago

RogelioReyna [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

Situated in Saltillo, Mexico, the Desert Museum is a representative of the desert way of life and environment. In this respect, the primary aim of the Desert Museum of Mexico is to foster the ecological culture. The credit of the inspiring structural designing of the museum goes to Francisco Lopez Guerra, the native architect and the building of the museum reached its completion in 25th of November 1999. The dominant collection of the museum comprises a large number of fossils and plants along with the animals that specifically thrive in the arid and severe climate of the desert.
The inauguration of the iconic attraction of the City of Saltillo was conducted by the renowned President of the time, Ernesto Zedillo and the directors of the organizations of Amigos del Desierto de Coahuila. Upon the inauguration, the notable personalities who took part in the ceremony claimed that the sole mission of the Desert Museum was to foster a culture of ecology through the demonstration of the fact how the species that are specific to desert environment evolve and grow with respect of any changes in it. Also, in an engaging way, the wealth and significance of life are also portrayed.
It should be noted that the idea for such a project that depicted the desert life and its environment was comprehended on the 1990s, and this showed cleared the fact that the project was never an overnight affair. Through this project, the management team and the authorities of the Desert museum started to make significant discoveries in the field of earth sciences, human behaviors and their correlation with the past, the fossils and biology. Furthermore, the museum also demonstrated the mixture of these fields under one study through some of its collections.
In order to make desert life more understandable to the visitors, the museum is segmented into four parts. So let us have a look at them;
The desert and its past
This section of the museum aims to elucidate the fossil collection of the Mexican deserts that help the visitors to understand the origins of the desert.
Man and the Desert; the Space of Meetings
This section of the desert focuses on the illuminating the ways of life, culture, customs and traditions of the nomads through a series of paintings and stone ingrained images.
Evolution and biodiversity
This section that was established in 2005, particularly traces the evolution of species twelve thousand years back.
The laboratory of life
This section deals with all the species and a huge quantity of fauna that evolved 70 million years from now.

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