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RE: Save 15% Or More Using Bitcoin Through on Your Amazon Purchases

in #amazon8 years ago

Very interesting. So, essentially it's like trading Bitcoin with a slightly better exchange rate, from what I'm understanding. Fascinating.


Exactly. Essentially people are selling gift cards at a discount for Bitcoin through this exchange. If you're in Africa and Amazon won't ship to you, what are you going to do with a bunch of gift cards? You could sell them on eBay or find a wish list on Amazon you can buy with your gift cards in exchange for Bitcoin. This could also be used by speculators who want to get Bitcoin for their gift cards. And the transactions make sure there is no scamming. So you can get your items at a discount by using Bitcoin.

That could draw people to steemit because you could write a 100 dollar article get 50 steem dollars, turn that into Bitcoin send that to and get 60 dollars worth of product for your 50 dollars of Bitcoin (if you set the discount to 20%) and depending on how fast these orders are filled, it hedges against Bitcoin volatility.

$10 may not seem like a lot on top of $50, but how does an extra $2,000 worth of product on $10,000 worth of Bitcoin sound. Could be the difference in being able to buy a premium computer or TV or anything else.

People that are afraid of Bitcoin are the only ones really missing out.

People may even want to join steemit or start using Bitcoin just to get 10-30% discount?

Why the heck would you not want that type of discount?

I'll surely take that. We are talking $1,000's of dollars I could have saved or used to buy more. Idk about you but I'm all for that.

You could even do the transaction for skeptical people yourself. They give you $1000 for $1,200 dollar item at a 20% discount so they get 100 dollars of and you pocket $100 for a few extra clicks and they don't need to deal with the "dreaded" Bitcoin. Bump up the percentage off even higher and you could pocket $200 or more dollars. (Minus small fees I'm sure)

Coin Marketplace

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