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RE: Amazing Nature Contest - December 2019 - #02

in #amazingnature5 years ago

Ich danke dir vielmals @adalger,

obwohl ich der Meinung bin, dass 25% für alle zu viel sein wird, zumindest auf Dauer. Wäre schön, wenn man auf SteemAuto auch zeitlich begrenzte Autovotes eingeben könnte - ich kenne da eigentlich nur SteemAuto für solche Sachen.
Ich habe ganz am Anfang ein- oder zweimal mitgemacht, gehöre also schon lange wieder aus der Liste raus - wenn ein neuer auf die Liste dazukommt, dann fliegt der älteste raus, oder so ;) Selbst schuld, wenn ich laufend auf Contests vergesse.
Ich würde also nur eine bestimmte Anzahl in die Liste aufnehmen (die ersten 3 zum Beispiel) und dann auch nur für eine gewisse Zeit.

Mehr fällt mir momentan nicht ein, außer dass der Contest immer besser zu laufen scheint. Vielleicht denke ich wieder mal dran und habe passende Fotos.

Liebe Grüße 🙂



Hey there @johannpiber ^^ .. I actually also only know and use steemauto, hehe ;) .. I also thought about only adress to the there winners, maybe also for a weekly delegation, nur I changed my mind about it .. why? .. if you look at the first namens, you are also there, (@johannpiber , @macolette , @aicu , @alexis555 , @quekery) those are Steemians who vote constantly every single contest with large upvotes. Therefore they are mainly responsible for the steem paypout that is the basis of the 6 sbi to win. So they support the whole contest in a financial was which should be thanked highly ^^ .. the others ( @qwerrie , @brittandjosie , @kaminchan , @iamraincrystal, @nelinoeva , @mysteriousroad , @bucipuci , @annephilbrick , @wongbraling , @paradigm42, @elkezaksek , @trincowski) are participants which are there from the very beginning and the main pillars of amazing content which made the contest so excellent in the beginning and they still enter in a regular basis. As they are the contest in a way I thing they should be supported also greatly .. In addition an autovote is a very easy way to do so .. and I suppose that adjusting the 25 % in eather direction would be not to much a problem .. and my vote gets higher eacv week also as I use 50/50 payout.. maybe I will add and remove Steemians to the list depending on their dedication or so for example supported me from the beginning of my overall time here and thus have a fixed place there ^^

Maybe I should have written in English too that the others understand what I mean ;)

I do not want to force you to do something you don't want, but I still think, the winning participants of the contest should get most benefits.
Just because I upvote your posts doesn't entitle me to deserve such high votes in return. But please don't get me wrong, I am thankful for every vote, but I don't expect a vote in return, I never do ;)

Hope I didn't bother you, I wish you a nice evening @adalger 🙂


Hehe, more beer ^^

.. I actually thought that the additional SBI would make the difference, but you have a strong point there. I have to thing a bit more about it, but so far autovotes for constant members (maybe with different sizes) and sbi for winners sound too nice and simple to do for me ^^ .. so far this concept got already some friends .. lets see if we get more suggestions. The concept is still raw .. and no worry for bothring .. critics is always most welcome and I am glad you did ;) .. by the way I was always a fan of your photography and had you in auto already for longer, hehe ^^

Nice evening to you too !

That deserves even one more !DERANGED !BEER 👍🙂
I know you will make something that will satisfy all.

deranged You just received DERANGED @adalger Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @adalger, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Hey @adalger, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

deranged You just received DERANGED @adalger Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

😃 😃 😃 Nice!!!

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