Amazing Nature Contest - December 2019 - #02

in #amazingnature5 years ago

Hello Nature Lovers !


I would like to cordially invite you to another great week of the Amazing Nature Contest. There were already so many excellent entries regarding how amazing nature can be in the past episodes and there is still so much more to see ^^ .. To participate in #amazingnature just create a post that shows how amazing nature is for you personally. This can be anything from a beautiful flower or animal to an astonishing sunset.

What is the Purpose of the Contest ?

I am a huge lover of nature and really enjoy to take pictures of all the lovely things that surround me every day, no matter if those are plants, animals or landscapes. I found Steemit to be a brilliant place to find and watch nature pictures from all over the world. There is such a diversity of great content out there, thanks to all of you, from different perspectives and out of various motivations. I would like to collect all those beautiful snapshots and their amazing stories in a weekly compilation so that you can all benefit from the beauty that we are facing all the time, but so often are not able to appreciate in the modern times we are living in.


Contest Rules :

As this is a proper contest be so kind and follow those simple contest rules. Otherwise, to stay fair to those who do, I have to disqualify you from the winning places !

  • Use #amazingnature as FIRST TAG and topic of the post and CLEARLY MENTION that your post is an ENTRY for this contest. This assures that this contest can grow and reach out to as many nature lovers as possible.
  • All pictures that you use in your post have to be your own. You can use the amazing nature banner if you like or create your own.
  • Clearly STATE why those pictures are representing YOUR AMAZING NATURE. This is an essential part of this contest.
  • Drop the LINK to your post IN THE COMMENTS below so all participants can find it easily and fully enjoy this weekly collection. You can add a picture if you like.
  • Please submit only one post per contest. Of course you can do more, but I will stick to one entry per Steemian.

Possible Topics :

As nature covers an extreme wide range there is really anything possible. Amazing Natures categories could be anything from the following topics:

  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Geology
  • Landscapes
  • Philosophy
  • ...

Prizes to Win :

  • 1st Place : 3 SBI
  • 2nd Place : 2 SBI
  • 3rd Place : 1 SBI

I will always try my best to link and present all participants of Amazing Nature in the entries section of the announcement posts that will be published roughly one week later during the weekend. This way you will have a nice compilation of them all. As an special feature, the new title picture of the contest will be created from the entry of the contest winner. This time it is from @paradigm42.



Here we have an entry from @paradigm42, a wanderer of nature trails and flora and fauna enthusiast, on a little adventure with Malcom ^^ in this post you get to see great wilflower pictures, get lots of useful informations, even encounter snakes and much more in a great adventure reading ;) .. thank you for this amazing entry ^^



Here we have an amazing natural fruit from St.Martin island by @thesobuz. It looks really interesting, like a pinapple banana hybrid tree, hehe ^^ .. this is a really beautiful entry, thank you ;)



Here we have a nice story about a snail teleporting service by @trincowski. Whenever he finds one of those little guys that decide to risk his live by crossing the road very, very slowly, he picks it up and "teleports" it to the other side. They for sure live a nomad lifestyle, born inside their own RVs to travel the world - without ever needing to build a home, a nest or even rent a small hut. This is... freedom. Thank you for this great story ^^














I thank all of you who participated in this week and hope that you enjoyed the Amazing Nature Contest. I am also looking forward to more excellent content to come and the start of a nice new Nature community. Of course the format is open for all kind of critics that can increase the quality of the contest and I am always happy about anyone who wants to join us on this little adventure.


Previous Participants :

@akinome @alinix @annephilbrick @artofwisdom @angelro @atomcollector @bahttg @bigsambucca @brittandjosie @bucipuci @cocolefleur @davidesimoncini @dkkarolien @elkezaksek @ellenripley @engrsayful @hangin @iamraincrystal @isabelpena @joebtc @johannpiber @justclickindiva @kamrunnahar @karbon @kheys @melinda010100 @mintymile @molometer @myjob @mysteriousroad @nelinoeva @nilom @ninahaskin @paradigm42 @qwerrie @redheadpei @sayee @sallybeth23 @seadbeady @s3rg3 @theoctoberwind @thesobuz @travelsbyblue @trincowski @viking-ventures @wongbraling

If you want me to take you out of the list, or if you don't want your picture, in the case you are the winner, to be used as a new title picture, just let me know it in the comments.


Best wishes,


Hi, @adalger
Glad to see a theme about nature.
I live in nature, I see it every day.
I want to share my message

Hey there !

As I told you I will stick to this account here for running the #amazingnature contest and will not create an extra one as I also like to keep it simple ^^ .. This contest is my main content, besides one or maybe two other post a week about traveling or nature photography, depending on my free time and motivation, hehe ^^ .. To support those, who frequently support this contest and my blog in general I now rearranged my auto voting system. Besides some non contest related followers who continuously support my blog I will focus on contest participants in this list.

Those who are in the list, if not already were in there before, will receive one daily 25 % upvote (just there as initial number to check how my voting power evolves, so it may increase in percentage or maybe to two daily upvotes) from my account.

My list so far:

Curation groups who support many of you and also the contest from time to time:
@theunion , @helpie , @curie

Already long-time Supporters of the contest and the blog:
@johannpiber , @macolette , @aicu , @alexis555 , @quekery , @qwerrie , @brittandjosie , @kaminchan , @iamraincrystal , @nelinoeva , @mysteriousroad , @bucipuci , @annephilbrick , @wongbraling , @paradigm42 , @elkezaksek , @trincowski , @askari

-- So far I have three question now to you:

  1. Did I miss anyone out ? .. I am sure I did, so please tell me who, so I can change the list, add someone, and so on .. remember that one daily 25 % vote is just what I start with, I could change it anytime if possible or necessary ;)

  2. What do you think of this idea of putting an autovote on contest members and supporters ? I know it is quite unpersonal, but most of the week I am not browsing through my huuuge feed and this ways it is kind of a constant support against none ^^. And should there be a barrier to overcome to be added ?

  3. Do you have more ideas for me to help you in a way or support you back ? .. a community, or a reward token maybe ? just tell me what you think could be improved. There is also a discord channel prepared already if you would like something in this direction.

Ok, enough talking ^^ .. Thank you all sooo much for supporting me and the contest to this point !! You are amazing ;)

Best wishes,

Ich danke dir vielmals @adalger,

obwohl ich der Meinung bin, dass 25% für alle zu viel sein wird, zumindest auf Dauer. Wäre schön, wenn man auf SteemAuto auch zeitlich begrenzte Autovotes eingeben könnte - ich kenne da eigentlich nur SteemAuto für solche Sachen.
Ich habe ganz am Anfang ein- oder zweimal mitgemacht, gehöre also schon lange wieder aus der Liste raus - wenn ein neuer auf die Liste dazukommt, dann fliegt der älteste raus, oder so ;) Selbst schuld, wenn ich laufend auf Contests vergesse.
Ich würde also nur eine bestimmte Anzahl in die Liste aufnehmen (die ersten 3 zum Beispiel) und dann auch nur für eine gewisse Zeit.

Mehr fällt mir momentan nicht ein, außer dass der Contest immer besser zu laufen scheint. Vielleicht denke ich wieder mal dran und habe passende Fotos.

Liebe Grüße 🙂


Hey there @johannpiber ^^ .. I actually also only know and use steemauto, hehe ;) .. I also thought about only adress to the there winners, maybe also for a weekly delegation, nur I changed my mind about it .. why? .. if you look at the first namens, you are also there, (@johannpiber , @macolette , @aicu , @alexis555 , @quekery) those are Steemians who vote constantly every single contest with large upvotes. Therefore they are mainly responsible for the steem paypout that is the basis of the 6 sbi to win. So they support the whole contest in a financial was which should be thanked highly ^^ .. the others ( @qwerrie , @brittandjosie , @kaminchan , @iamraincrystal, @nelinoeva , @mysteriousroad , @bucipuci , @annephilbrick , @wongbraling , @paradigm42, @elkezaksek , @trincowski) are participants which are there from the very beginning and the main pillars of amazing content which made the contest so excellent in the beginning and they still enter in a regular basis. As they are the contest in a way I thing they should be supported also greatly .. In addition an autovote is a very easy way to do so .. and I suppose that adjusting the 25 % in eather direction would be not to much a problem .. and my vote gets higher eacv week also as I use 50/50 payout.. maybe I will add and remove Steemians to the list depending on their dedication or so for example supported me from the beginning of my overall time here and thus have a fixed place there ^^

Maybe I should have written in English too that the others understand what I mean ;)

I do not want to force you to do something you don't want, but I still think, the winning participants of the contest should get most benefits.
Just because I upvote your posts doesn't entitle me to deserve such high votes in return. But please don't get me wrong, I am thankful for every vote, but I don't expect a vote in return, I never do ;)

Hope I didn't bother you, I wish you a nice evening @adalger 🙂


Hehe, more beer ^^

.. I actually thought that the additional SBI would make the difference, but you have a strong point there. I have to thing a bit more about it, but so far autovotes for constant members (maybe with different sizes) and sbi for winners sound too nice and simple to do for me ^^ .. so far this concept got already some friends .. lets see if we get more suggestions. The concept is still raw .. and no worry for bothring .. critics is always most welcome and I am glad you did ;) .. by the way I was always a fan of your photography and had you in auto already for longer, hehe ^^

Nice evening to you too !

That deserves even one more !DERANGED !BEER 👍🙂
I know you will make something that will satisfy all.

deranged You just received DERANGED @adalger Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @adalger, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Hey @adalger, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

deranged You just received DERANGED @adalger Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

😃 😃 😃 Nice!!!

Thank you very much ;) @adalger , thats best solution so far :) 👍👍👍

I am glad you like it ^^ .. lets see how this concept is working out a few weeks ;)

You are working too hard!! Give your brain a break! I know you will always do the most appropriate things for all!

Have a nice week!

Thank you, but you all deserve it as I have a great nature weekend every time due to you all ^^ .. a great week to you too my friend ;)

deranged You just received DERANGED @adalger Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @adalger, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

All wonderful pictures, but I think the prairie dog (am I right?) takes the cake. Dog and snails come in second and third.
I was drawn to your theme because nothing lifts my heart like nature (well, maybe family and love).
Have a great day!

Hi there ^^ .. it is always such a hard task to choose the winners !! .. The dog and snail stories were soo beautiful that I could not withstand, hehe .. I was also thinking to split this contest into two more specific ones or a dpoll to draw the winners from the participants once, but so far it still works out

Congratulations to all winners 🤓 and thank you adalger brother for arranging interesting contest for us

Thank you for the great support ^^

You always welcome. And I think you needs to re-check Bro. That transfer didn’t happened. Maybe blockchain problem?

I asked them and they checked it again .. the transaction went trough .. but you only have a few units do you are still on fairly unfrequent upvotes

Thank you very much :)

You are welcome, hehe ^^

Thank you for this great entry ^^

Thank you for that fast and great entry ^^

Nice contest! Full of beautiful photos!

It always is ^^ .. it makes me happy every week ;)

Oh! Lucky you!! You are doing the right contribution for so many people!


Congratulations to all!!


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @priyanarc.

@helpie is a Community Witness.

Thank you for this deliceous upvote ^^

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