Amazing Nature Contest - December 2019 - #03

in #amazingnature5 years ago

Hello Nature Lovers !


I would like to cordially invite you to another great week of the Amazing Nature Contest. There were already so many excellent entries regarding how amazing nature can be in the past episodes and there is still so much more to see ^^ .. To participate in #amazingnature just create a post that shows how amazing nature is for you personally. This can be anything from a beautiful flower or animal to an astonishing sunset.

What is the Purpose of the Contest ?

I am a huge lover of nature and really enjoy to take pictures of all the lovely things that surround me every day, no matter if those are plants, animals or landscapes. I found Steemit to be a brilliant place to find and watch nature pictures from all over the world. There is such a diversity of great content out there, thanks to all of you, from different perspectives and out of various motivations. I would like to collect all those beautiful snapshots and their amazing stories in a weekly compilation so that you can all benefit from the beauty that we are facing all the time, but so often are not able to appreciate in the modern times we are living in.


Contest Rules :

As this is a proper contest be so kind and follow those simple contest rules. Otherwise, to stay fair to those who do, I have to disqualify you from the winning places !

  • Use #amazingnature as FIRST TAG and topic of the post and CLEARLY MENTION that your post is an ENTRY for this contest. This assures that this contest can grow and reach out to as many nature lovers as possible.
  • All pictures that you use in your post have to be your own. You can use the amazing nature banner if you like or create your own.
  • Clearly STATE why those pictures are representing YOUR AMAZING NATURE. This is an essential part of this contest.
  • Drop the LINK to your post IN THE COMMENTS below so all participants can find it easily and fully enjoy this weekly collection. You can add a picture if you like.
  • Please submit only one post per contest. Of course you can do more, but I will stick to one entry per Steemian.

Possible Topics :

As nature covers an extreme wide range there is really anything possible. Amazing Natures categories could be anything from the following topics:

  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Geology
  • Landscapes
  • Philosophy
  • ...

Prizes to Win :

  • 1st Place : 3 SBI
  • 2nd Place : 2 SBI
  • 3rd Place : 1 SBI

I will always try my best to link and present all participants of Amazing Nature in the entries section of the announcement posts that will be published roughly one week later during the weekend. This way you will have a nice compilation of them all. As an special feature, the new title picture of the contest will be created from the entry of the contest winner. This time it is from @elkezaksek.



Here we have another really amazing entry from @elkezaksek. She was comfortably sitting in the garden of her accommodation in Jinja, Uganda, when this monkey family came around for a visit .. "They all were very affectionate to each other, even the parents are constantly caressing. A nice moment to observe the animals in freedom and not behind bars." .. They are so similar in our behavior and she excelently shows this to us in 13 great and super cute pictures! .. Thank you sooo much for this wonderful documentation of the monkey family ^^



The wonders of nature are to find everywhere. This time @nelinoeva was so lucky to find one of those in the form of some beautiful corals scattered all over the beach during her hollidays in Thailand. Here we see some wonderful small remnants of what was part of the big reef once. Thank you for those great coral entry ! I am glad you had a amazing holliday and welcome back here on steemit with us ^^



This highly informative entry here by @wongbraling is about the fruit called Manggis, a Mangosteen fruit that taste not only very sweety taste, but also shows to have many benefits. Those are: 1) lose of weight, 2) increase of endurance, 3) control of blood sugar levels, 4) relieve of arthritis and 5) prevention of cancer. But the flood of information does not end here. There is also a great reciepe for the preperation of healthy and tasty mangosteen rind juice ^^ .. thank you soo much for this amazing article about this versatile fruit ;)





















This weeks feature is about @yogajill. Also wintery weather sure lessens the quantity of steps outside, she took the chance to enjoy the horror frost that leaves the landscape look so magical ^^




I thank all of you who participated in this week and hope that you enjoyed the Amazing Nature Contest. I am also looking forward to more excellent content to come and the start of a nice new Nature community. Of course the format is open for all kind of critics that can increase the quality of the contest and I am always happy about anyone who wants to join us on this little adventure.


Previous Participants :

@akinome @alinix @annamarina @annephilbrick @apnigrich @artofwisdom @angelro @atomcollector @bahttg @bigsambucca @brittandjosie @bucipuci @careassaktart @cocolefleur @davidesimoncini @dkkarolien @elkezaksek @ellenripley @engrsayful @hangin @iamraincrystal @isabelpena @joebtc @johannpiber @justclickindiva @kamrunnahar @karbon @kheys @lighteye @manojbhatt @melinda010100 @mintymile @molometer @myjob @mysteriousroad @nelinoeva @nilom @ninahaskin @paradigm42 @qwerrie @redheadpei @sarimanok @sayee @sallybeth23 @seadbeady @s3rg3 @theoctoberwind @thesobuz @travelsbyblue @trincowski @viking-ventures @wongbraling

If you want me to take you out of the list, or if you don't want your picture, in the case you are the winner, to be used as a new title picture, just let me know it in the comments.


Best wishes,


Thank you for the mention @adalger, and congratulations to the winners. Here is my entry for this week:

Thank you very much for the cat mommy ^^

You are welcome, @adalger :)

Thank you for this suuuper cute squirrel ^^

Most welcome, @adalger. Thank you for this fun contest. 😊

Thank you for participating with those amazing macro photography shots .. That's really a beautiful motive you got there ;)

Thanks a lot mr. @adalger for mentioning me.

So many beautiful posts! Great work!

@annamarina, @thesobuz -- your images are precious.

@elkezaksek -- a classic plot, awesome foto session!

Hey ! Thank you so much 😊 for your lovely comment & I hope in future you will see more images

that would be awesome! thank you for sharing.

Hehe, I kind of have the feeling that judging and comparing those is a really hard task. I actually was soo close to choose @annamarina and a few hours later I reconsider it .. I think a dpoll where everyone can vote for their favorites, or maybe a count of how many upvotes (1% power would suffice) an entry comment here recieves, would be a way that is more fair and interactive .. but so far I will just leave it like this .. It is just so sad that they are so many good post left that did not win, but I suppose that's the way a contest goes usually ^^ .. thank you for stopping by @qwerrie !

a few hours later I reconsider it ..

hehe! so true. often happens with me. when I feel myself to my images a bit like a father to his child - ofc its highly subjective... thats why I often try to give it time, to settle the dust down, as they say... after a few days or a week, you loose a lot of this aberration, and decently consider most of the pics arent that great and they go to the trash bin smoothly )))))
well, maybe I am a bit exaggerating, but basically... theres a good part of truth here. btw -- I wanted to ask, how is it going the deal with your new Nikon?..

I am in the know of the dpoll schema, @shaka uses it in his contests. users may found it not too comfortable (you have to register at dpoll etc), but it looks like very serious, crystal-clear, and gives the feeling of a decent juri process and extra involvement. changing the schema to involve the posters into voting, on the horizon, seems like a big 'pro' to me.

also, you may want to have a look at the googlyeyes contest -- i've provided you a link a while ago -- it is managed in this way: you assort the legit posts, publish it in the discord channel, and folks come and vote for their entries -- marking them with smiles. just the numbers. you may look into this schema, too -- it looks like more simple and comfortable -- but more time consuming (on your side).

I really like that feedback .. I will comment the dpoll idea on my next post and let the participants vote on the idea ^^ .. it sound so nice if they can also activly judge and vote for their favorites .. using discord for it with an entry channel that you can post and ThumpUp sounds even a bit more interesting in a way ^^

Thank you very much ;)

You are most welcome ^^

Very good nature post

Thanks for choosing my photo!

you are welcome ^^ .. thanks for participating in the contest !!

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