STEEMIT Ask Me Anything AMA for #STWT Show 24 Bonus Show

in #ama7 years ago

STEEMIT Ask Me Anything AMA for Spitting Truth with Titus #STWT Show 24 Bonus Show

Live Stream Short Summary & Links

Every week I post an AMA on Steemit and Patreon, so that my fellow steemians and my patreon supporters can drop me any question they want once a week and be guaranteed to see their question addressed live on air. I did not have time to post an AMA before STWT show 24, so I am posting it now and I will cover this AMA likely tonight after I finish playing ice hockey.

So please post your questions below in the reply field, and I will read your question and answer it live on air. This provides transparency as any question is on the table, and it provides incentive for my 30K+ youtube following to move over to steemit and patreon.

Check back tonight for the post of the actual livestream. Just follow me on steemit so you don't miss it.

My Back Up YouTube Channel for live streaming (main channel is suspended):

Image Credit:

  1. Life Hack Ask Questions Image: Source
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You can also connect with me on:

  1. My Patreon
  2. Titus Frost YouTube
  3. Lulz Machine YouTube
  4. Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
  5. FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
  6. "TitusFrost"
  7. My Vid.Me Channel
  8. My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
  9. TitusFrost
  10. BitChute
  11. Check out my book on OpenLibrary
  12. Read my Book The Lost Truth for Free online
  13. DTube Channel:
  14. Lulz Machine BitChute Channel:

Right now there is a war raging on(Flags), with Sanders B, and his army of minions(his bot accounts) and anyone who he disagrees with. Tensions are running high, tempers are flaring, foul language is being used. We have all the ingredients for a climatic drama in the making.

My questions for you is, how will it all play out?

Hopefully most will just ignore him. I have had my issues with Bernie Sanders and his misuse of flags from the first week or so I was on this platform. You are not going to change his mind, he has been a SJW flag whore for well over a year now, and he created a bot army to back up his bullshit.

The only thing that can be done is people together can use their votes to counter act his flags as best as possible.

I get flagged all the time for no good reason by people with more SP power than brains, but hey, I just keep moving along, making my posts and increasing my SP power. One day good accounts like mine will have enough SP to counter act these assholes like bernie sanders.


As they say, just keep on steeming. It is a shame what is happening with Bernie, however, he does raise some valid points about the pool rewards being taken by the same authors day in and day out due to autovotes. However the way he has gone about it has created a huge disconnect from the common steemians so it is tough to see any compromise working

Not sure if I've asked you this before but here it goes,

Do you think human cloning is real?

If yes, do you think it's been weaponized or used for benevolent purposes (ie. organ transplants, stunt doubles, etc.) ?

If no, are you aware that in South Korea a lab can clone your pet for a hefty price?

Yes, I believe it is possible, and likely being done. Def weaponized and likely only used for creating organs for the elite.

No I don't think celebrities are clones.

Interesting article, yes, cloning is well proven to be real, human cloning is speculation but if they can clone animals they can clone humans, the question is does a soul inhabit a cloned body, and if not does that body have consciousness?

the question is does a soul inhabit a cloned body, and if not does that body have consciousness?

Very good questions. Let's first take a look at what Merriam-Webster's definition of soul is:

: the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life

If the soul is what gives us "life" that most likely means that clones do have a soul. But, are their souls vastly different from those that receive it from a natural birth?

I love the quote you used above, "A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer." A new one for my refrigerator collection!

Good work

bad comment.

I could nt understand

Want a radio show on mspwaves?

I could give it a whirl.

Please get in touch with me @titusfrost and we get the ball rolling.
We have a process in place which will help with setup/schedule, etc.

Okay will do thanks

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