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RE: STEEMIT Ask Me Anything AMA for #STWT Show 24 Bonus Show

in #ama7 years ago

Not sure if I've asked you this before but here it goes,

Do you think human cloning is real?

If yes, do you think it's been weaponized or used for benevolent purposes (ie. organ transplants, stunt doubles, etc.) ?

If no, are you aware that in South Korea a lab can clone your pet for a hefty price?


Yes, I believe it is possible, and likely being done. Def weaponized and likely only used for creating organs for the elite.

No I don't think celebrities are clones.

Interesting article, yes, cloning is well proven to be real, human cloning is speculation but if they can clone animals they can clone humans, the question is does a soul inhabit a cloned body, and if not does that body have consciousness?

the question is does a soul inhabit a cloned body, and if not does that body have consciousness?

Very good questions. Let's first take a look at what Merriam-Webster's definition of soul is:

: the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life

If the soul is what gives us "life" that most likely means that clones do have a soul. But, are their souls vastly different from those that receive it from a natural birth?

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