
Did @frankbacon really just hang up on Alex Jones? @allseeingewe , you know i love your work, but you must answer one question that has kept me up many nights. HOW THE HELL DO YOU TYPE WITH HOOVS!? What type of keyboard do you use?

The really good type. Get it? Type? Har har har!!

I feel the same


Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 5.36.34 PM.png

ooo ooo ooo! Mr Kottah, Mr. Kottah...oh wait, wrong channel...and anywhewe, I have a little project you may be able to help with...I saw this on Twitter:

Sorry, I have no original source

I decided to tweak it a little, and made this:


What would be spectacular is if you could make a gif, with Obama rising up in the bushes, in the window, a la Monty Python. :D

Is it possible?

Somesink like ZEES perhaps?

Bwhaha! You are Brilliant! Outstanding! That's what I'm talkin' about..

I happen to have that same dress.

I'm guessing it looks better on Ewe.

Maybe a little but I lack the sick dance moves so that lady totally wins the Who Wore It Better contest.

She definitely has the moves like Jagger.

Thank you so much for the gif, you are very talented. Your gif is worth a trip to Twitterville, I shall splash it far and wide, with full credit to you and a nice plug for finding quality beings on Steemit. I'd put it on FB, too, but I'm banned until I prove i'm me by sending them a copy of my driver's license, OR three "official" documents with my legal name and current address. Documents that are acceptable include electric bills and bank statements. True story.

Back to your art piece there, it's a classic! Thanks again!

I was searching for a picture of an anteater. Go figure.

Courtesy of:

Makes sense to me!

Go check your messages. I sent you the link.

Just a moment!

i understand the way you turning out to be a full time steemian
pretty similar situations are here
i am just becoming obsessed with steem
but i want to ask you if you are getting enough from steem to take this major decision of becoming a fulltime steemian @allseeingewe

Not quite yet but that doesn't worry me. I can see what to do to fix that little problem. I looked at your blog and my advice is MOAR! You need to post more stuff and it should be from the heart. Don't worry about the money because stressing about it is the surest way not to make any. Focus on speaking to those you want to respond to you. They're out there but they can't search for your stuff if you don't create it.

Good Idea! Guess we all shall roam the steemit and try to make a buck.

I found some gold over here by the PortaJohns.

I love this! Forgot to tell you that back when it counted and I was still @allseeingewe.

Its ok there was much going on its all good :D

Thanks for the pardon, Papa Nevermind. I barely remember the majority of it.

p.s. Who are you? Have we met?

The infamous Jesse James also known as simply "J."

Maybe the cool dudes talked about me around the water cooler- most likely.

(Most of) the dudes I know are not too cool.

Have you tried unplugging them and plugging in new ones? Easy fix. Just need a little bit of love and quantum frequencies running correctly again. Trust me I'm a pro. -J

'ello from waaaaay back in time!


Hello from way, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaay in the future.

That's what you think.

Not quite sure what I think, but sure, that's what I think!

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