Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Recurring Dreams...)

in #alldutchenglish6 years ago

Last week there were lots of interesting Traditions and Customs that I learnt about for the first time! Thank you to everyone who had interesting things to tell me about either national customs, or just personal/family tradiitons! It was actually quite interesting to know about all these individual things that make up the flavour of a country or a family! I think I got around to replying and upvoted all the valid entries (except for @theironfelix, who seems determined to catch me off guard, next time I be more alert for your last minute entry!).

This week... I want to ask if anyone else has recurring dreams (or not!)... or perhaps you don't dream or don't remember your dreams! Perhaps, I'm a little curious because I'm just not getting enough sleep these days... so that I start to feel like real life is a slightly surreal dream!

My Question

  1. Do you dream (or remember your dreams)?

  2. Do you have one that keeps coming up and what is it?

My sample answer


  1. I tend not to dream... or at least not to remember anything! That said, I seem to get my best sleep these days on trains, buses and planes... and cars, if I'm not driving!

  2. .... however, that said, I do have this one dream that keeps visiting me once a month or so...

As a bit of a background, I'm a violinist, but I had originally studied Theoretical Physics in university.

So, my dream essentially has me showing up either at university or at some sort of conference... suddenly realising that I am completely unprepared! Either I haven't done my preparation work for some exam or assignment... or that I'm completely out of my depth for the conference!

However, the interesting thing is that a similar situation happens in reverse. I find myself on stage, suddenly realising that I have no idea how to play the instrument in my hands.... I guess in that timeline, I've decided to take the science route!

Either way, it is a feeling of panic as I suddenly realise that I'm going to be completely unprepared and that I have no way of winging my way out of the situation!

That said, I don't really read much into... when I wake, I have a moment of wondering if I am a musician or a scientist, but that generally passes!


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

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Last week's winners

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Since I was a small kid I had a dream of a very beautiful woman running up some steps to a doorway where I stood in the dark. She had her hair in a pony tail was wearing paint stained clothes and a big smile. It was blazingly hot and was very bright outside. The steps were narrow, old worn concrete it weeds growing to the side.

I nearly wet myself when I was in Cyprus and this beautiful woman came running up the steps and said hello. I mumbled something incoherent back totally stunned.

That is a really odd dream that keeps coming to you! Funny that it reflected itself in real life, I bet you were completely confused!

It was the dream made real. It still resonates.

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I always remember most of my dreams- especially the minute details like, the number of buttons on the clothes people wear in them.

One of the recurring dreams that I had these past few weeks was that of me falling down. As an Asian, that usually is very upsetting as we tend to put a lot of meaning to dreams especially to recurring ones.

I am still a bit upset and nervous on what my dream may mean in real life but as of now, nothing bad so far happened to me. Another added fact, I just want to share that anyone falling in their dream would mean that they will either suffer failure or life changing experiences with negative consequences. I don't know if its true. Hopefully, its not.

Wow, that is impressive that you can remember your dreams in so much detail! I wouldn't put too much store in the predictive nature of dreams! It is like fortune-telling, you can find a good deal of confirmation bias in the interpretation of "cause and effect"!

PS: I only just noticed your reply, next time, reply to the top level post not one of the other replies! It's hard to find, but I did mark it as a valid entry and it is in the draw!

noted. am still trying to find my way over the whole steemit world. thanks again for your reply

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  • @erebus has earned 0.888 STEEM. 0.87 STEEM from the creator of the bounty and 0.018 STEEM from the community!
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  1. Yes, I do dream, but the sad thing is I don't remember them sometimes, only few I get to remember, and when I did, they are actually warning, a prediction of what is going to happens next. Those dreams I do remember, I do go on my knees to thank God for it. It's a blessing to remember dream.

  2. I don't have a reoccurring dream, what's that for anyway.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah, a bit like me... not remembering most of them!

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I too have a degree in Physics, however mine is only at the Bachelor's level. My desire was to do Theorectical Physics at CU-Boulder with Dr Andrew Hamilton, studying General Relativity. No, I don't set my goals high ;)

  1. I definitely dream. Occasionally I remember my dreams, but when I do they're a bit on the "holy crap where did that come from" side.

  2. My recurring dream is that I'm still in college and it's at the end of my senior semester. I should be graduating soon. But I've forgotten that I had a class, usually a very lower level class, and I didn't realize it until the very last week, so I panic because I have to convince the professor to not fail me or I won't graduate.

I've been out of college for 10 years and it's still affecting me.

Likewise, mine is at a Bachelor Level, but we had already a streaming into a Theoretical stream and the normal stream... and then the baby course with pictures and short words for Engineers! (hehe, old habits die hard!).

It's great to aim high! I got sidetracked after the Bachelors....

I used to have that dream as well! The feeling that you are up for assessment, and you just realised you didn't attend any classes or anything at all....

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  1. I don't dream very often, most nights I have nightmares instead. Its been this way for as long as I can remember.

  2. Many of my nightmares are repetitious. For several months I had one were I was being chased by a pack of vicious mongrels. Doberman looking but different in that weird dream-scape way. I would run, and run, climb, jump, do anything and everything but the ending was always the same. They caught me and I woke up still fighting dream dogs.

2.5 If a nightmare won't do then the closest thing to a dream I have thats reoccurring is one were I'm in a house I remember but was never inside of. There are flashes of drapes fluttering in the sun and other homely sights. Then I'm upstairs walking next to a railing and I come to a door which silently opens of its own volition and I see a girl I don't recognize. I feel a sense of longing and loss and then I wake up. The dream itself is nothing necessarily bad but it always leaves me anxious and upset when I wake up. Very strange.

Wow... nightmares are dreams (I think...). It's a pretty viscous dream that you have there, I hope it doesn't happen too often! Do you wake up flailing around and screaming?

With the dogs, yes. In fact I did so so often, and with such vigor, I believe it was a large part of why my then girlfriend broke up with me.

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Most of the time, I don't remember my dreams. There are times when I wake up and think that this was a neat or a weird dream, but I don't have the discipline to write the dream down right away and by morning, I have forgotten everything.

No recurring dreams for me. I think that is a good thing. Since most people I know that have recurring dreams have nightmares. I happily do without them.

Sounds pretty similar to me! Although, I'm pretty sure that I wake up with no memory... but the lack of memory doesn't bother me at all! In fact, I think that given a choice, I might prefer it!

hahaha - me too. I think dreams are there to work things out that are churning around in our subconscious - let them take care of it and I pay attention to things which require conscious thought :)

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I am a not-dreamer (or as science says, I just can't be bothered to remember normally).
As that I also have no recurring dreams, but I had one, a nightmare, that was placed in my kindergarden. It was simply a certain brand of candy going nuke (and I mean literally atomic bomb).
Don't ask me how that came together. I first had it 6 years (or even later) after I was out of kindergarden.

Haha... yes, I've heard that that is the case (the not bothering to remember...), although, somehow, I'm very happy to not remember. I find it very cleansing to have a memory-less sleep!

A nuclear lolly (I just can't say candy... sorry!)? That has to be the single most bizarre dream that anyone has mentioned here! It kinda reminds me of Fallout, and the portable nuclear rocket launcher...

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1- I dream all the time. And I feel and remember all of them. With time I forget some of them but I do recall some dreams from as far back as being before 10 years old.

2- I have never have had one dream come back to me but within years apart. Strange one. Most of the time where a dream somewhat comes back is to be able to finish 'the story' so to speak. Many different dreams continue on which makes it hard to pinpoint which ones continue.
Ones that I do have most often are of zombies. I am killing zombies and I am always in control of my dreams.
The last dream I recall was not so much a nice one. Disease spread over the land and people were like zombies but not. They were just so sick and it was bad. I was trying to find my son. He left with a stranger, a man I never seen before. I was chasing him, driving through chaos and towns emptied, post apocalyptic like. Putting myself in danger trying to find him and each stop, I had just missed him. My heart aching to know that he went through the same dangers and I was not there to protect him. I did catch up but it wasn't enough. Enough for me to see him leave into the man's vehicle and me screaming for him to come back. My son is 7 yrs old. It was a hard dream to have.

Wow... you have a much better memory than me! I barely remember the last week... although, my wife tells me that I'm just not trying hard enough...

Zombie dreams? That sounds awful! Did it start happening after the Walking Dead craze? or is this from before it was trendy to be in a zombie apocalypse?

...but that sounds like a heart breaking dream to have you son breaking away from you. I can imagine that it would be a distressing thing to wake up from!

Actually, I have had plenty of zombie dreams in the past before and after The Walking Dead series. I liked the series but not a die hard fan.

And for memory, I think it goes by what impacts us the most to make a good imprint in our minds. I say that because I lack memory yet my dreams always stick to me. I'm weird like that lol.

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If you don't remember dreams just put a notebook next to your bed uuhhm wait a youtubelink

Look at his vids maybe you find something usefull. Sometimes i remember my dreams and sometimes i wakeup and fall asleep again returning to that same dream. I also written down some dreams.

Thanks, I will take a look... although, in many ways, I am kind of happy I don't remember my dreams! I like waking up with no memory!

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Thanx bengy 😃

No problem! Feel free to join the next one!

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