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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (What defines you?)

in #alldutchenglish6 years ago

Happy that this was a little moment of Shininess!

I think it is pretty hard to define ourselves in words... we are so much more than the parts that we can describe. Also, the description of ourselves in words also necessarily leans heavily on shared stereotypes that might just not be representative. For instance, when people find out that I'm a technerd and a gamer, they tend to be surprised that I can speak normally to other humans and have somehow managed to find a wife and have children....

On the other hand, people that find out that I'm a musician, seem surprised as I'm not an outgoing "artistic" sort of person....

...but it is great that you find that such a large part of your identity is defined by the way that you can interact and affect other people's lives in a positive way,even if it is a small thing. I think that these little things, they can often mean much more to the person on the receiving end than the giver can ever realise!


I agree. I have to remind myself that sometimes I won't see a result and I really just need to take things on faith. Not to expect a result, to be content with my actions.

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