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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Your country)

in #alldutchenglish6 years ago

Good questions, @bengy. For me, writing about my country, the USA, is like writing about my family. These are associations I was born into. My country is very close to me, so I love it. And yet, anything held that close will show flaws.

  1. What I love: I love the idea of my country. That is, the way it came into being, with indignant individuals deciding to make a break. Deciding they wouldn't accept rule from afar. I love the ideal of equality expressed in our founding documents, an expression that inspired independence movements around the world. I love the beauty of the land, the vibrancy of the city. I grew up in the foothills of a mountain chain, and moved to New York City, so I benefited from both land and city.

  2. My dismay arises from the way the reality separated from the ideal. In our Constitution, we speak of human beings as 3/5ths of a person, and these human beings were given even less dignity than that in practice. Women are not mentioned in my Constitution; not until 1920 were we even allowed to vote. Our great Manifest Destiny, which meant the political boundaries of the nation would expand westward, was enabled by genocide of original peoples. I know the USA is not unique in practicing slavery, in denying women the franchise, and in expanding politically at the expense of other peoples. But this is my country, my family, and these are aspects of my country that disappoint me. Today, in my country, there is a legacy of this unequal history. We are trying to sort things out so the reality comes closer to the ideal. This will take time.

There it is, @bengy. My love, and my disappointment, in my country, my home, the USA.


It's great that you grew up mid way between the two worlds! Now, if there was only a way to do that easily at the same time, it would be an ideal thing! Maybe with a private helicopter it could be possible?

It is amazing, the founding narrative of your country. It was such an idealistic (and practical...) step to have taken, although, I'm not so idealistic to believe that it was only pure intentions! However, it did set a precedent and became a guiding light for so many to follow and rally behind.

It is true and disappointing that we haven't managed to achieve true equality for the population, however, that said, we (the first world at least) have made large gains in such a short time of human history. I am hopeful that it can continue in this way, if we are vigilant and continue to advocate for these ideals.

... but it is from a love and expectation that such a dissapointment is born, from a desire for the country to be better than in is going into the future!

... but it is from a love and expectation that such a disappointment is born, from a desire for the country to be better than it is going into the future!

Yes. Just like me. There's what I want to be and what I work toward being. The two will never be identical. Thanks for your thoughtful response.

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