Voluntary Objectives: We are equivalent and unique

in #voluntary8 years ago (edited)

Actually, I must have written the follow up article about 'Voluntary Objectives' many times, just to clear it again. Asked myself where am I now in the world. Am I considered to be an Anarchist? Well, I did establish that I do not see myself as one, neither an Anarcho-Capitalist or Libertarian. In fact I dislike this because I'm me, a human being, more than just some socialistic classification. And in case you think socialism is just about one type of political trend, it is actually every idea that has a set of rules on how humans 'should' interact among themselves and in groups. And even how groups should interact amongst each other. Because that is what 'socialism' actually means. And it is a kind of fun to read about one kind of socialism accussing the other of being socialists.

It is all about control over human society. And that does not say everything about a human in that society, because there is more to every one of us, than our socialistic behaviour patterns. As far as I'm convinced the only real opposite of socialism is egoism. This is were claims arise like: "We are all equal, with matching chances." And that makes competition fair, right? Because when we are supposed to be all equal then only competition can settle who takes all. And that is best done in a free market based society. To me that is biased to the prejudiced. What I mean by that is, that no matter what, there will be one so called 'winner' in any kind of competition, no matter what is claimed otherwise, I do not buy that.

Let's take for example 100 meter sprint athletics. If we are really supposed to be absolutely 'equal' then we should all be able to dash that 100 meter and win at the same time. "We are all winners.", true if you think procreation wise, but still even then some won't like how that turned out. Fact is, if your gene pool has not given you the right 'tools' to be a 100 meter sprinter, then you are, off course, free to follow your dreams in becoming a champ in that field. But no matter how much you train, there are limits to this when you are born with a lot of things that challenge this. There will be only one, that happens to have just the best combination of facts that create the 'ultimate winner'. And that can happen years in a row, the same human winning over and over again. This does not just end at sports though. It is the case at any so called 'free competition' market.

Excell yourself, just to be you

Now, you can improve what you are able to do, to excell yourself, that can be considered winning. Most of the time the biggest competition is against our selves. And I remember how I skeelered 90 kilometers from Winschoten to Assen and back. Crashing to the ground on my way back, still 30 kilometers to go. And the pain gave me a really hard time, but I wanted to 'win' this struggle. Not for anybody else, it was a lonely skeeler trip on a beautifull sunny day. But to see if I was able to excell. Because in some way or another I had my mind set to do this. And even though I had fallen badly, still made an average of about 17 kilometers per hour. Only when the adreneline dropped when I was back home I came to realise I had been wounded quite severe.

This won't get me in the top of the Skeeler world. And people in my direct surrounding actually called me crazy for doing this in the first place. But it was not about that. It was about really wanting something, from within, not caring about 'competition' and I don't sport, I just move about for the good of my own health. Same when I decided I wanted to walk at every end of the day. Early in the evening, no matter what weather, I would go out and walk for an hour to an hour and a half. Not because somebody told me to, or some 'competition' drove me, but because I wanted to, from out off my own free will. All in all, over all those years, it adds up to about 11.000 kilometers. So you get why I'm at SteemIt right, I need new shoes on a regular base. Went barefoot once, but that was not a really pleasant experience all the way.

You should do the same and compete with me

Off course not! Just kidding, because I do not believe in competition between humans as being good, or even fair. In no way, is it fair, it is just some belief system that we are brought up in to believe. That is quite tough to change. Because it is build into a lot of religions and cultures that are based on that. Meaning in fact that it is this way for the most of humanity. But we have also proven that we can evolve, in becoming less and less of an animal instict driven being and more like an intending human. And I am convinced that the next step in this evolution lies in understanding that we are absolutely different, with our own unique set of talents and challenges. But in no way are we equal and can we be 'blamed' into having the same 'fair' chances in just about anything.

From the Voluntary Objectives point of view we are absolute equivalent and at the same time unique. This leaves more room to learn, to change and if you like, to excell beyond your own belief. But still within the limits that are set to us by our genes, the enviroment we are born into and a lot more other external influences. You could still win the 'Tour de France' if you hustle though, but then that would be just about competion, while climbing on a bicycle at Alpe d' Huez could also be something you want to do for your own well being. Or for a good cause. That could be a Voluntary Objective that gives you a boost in more than one way.

And no matter what you or I may belief, even in a world where Voluntary Objectives are driving us, being convinced that we are absolute equivalent and at the same time unique, some form of socialism will emerge. Meaning that we, as a human kind, might have gotten rid of 'rulers', will still need to have common understandings and agreements. But is that a bad thing? Anarchists for example have them too, and they are as freedom minded as it can get. When so called 'authorities' have become obsolete does not mean we won't have to agree on how we would like to interacte with each other in day to day life.

The photograph of the Anarchistic Temple

In my posts about Voluntairy Objectives I'm using the same object I photographed about a year ago. It was build by a travelling art collective called 'Werktuig'. That means tools, but could also be translated in a funny way as: "Workscum". The people working in this collective, think art like in 'the Burning man', do not have 'rulers', 'bosses' or 'superiors', they work together as equivalent unique beings. In this manor they work as a team that is able to create awesome art, like the Anarchistic Temple, that became symbol for my Voluntairy Objectives. You have carpenters amongst them for instance, some of whom never knew they were able to do these kind of projects.

And some day they were asked by someone if they could use another member in their collective. Not at all being a carpenter, but great at making fire. And making sure everything stayed tidy and there was tea, beer, food and so on. Welcomed in the collective, travelling with them since then. For me this is a beautifull example of how we are all different and still absolute equivilant, all with our own unique sets of talents and challenges. And when I look at this ,ironicly called, Anarchistic Temple and how it came to be, then I'm getting more convinced that it could work. We, as the human kind, are able to move from the false believe that we must compete as 'equals' to a reality where we co-operate as equivalence unique human beings.

Peace on earth and all well being.

"Anarchistic Temple - Werktuig" at lake Oldambt, photo cc-by-sa @oaldamster


I won't ask. =D

mooi, stuk .. ik kan alleen maar een ding zeggen - Ahoooo~~ @oaldamster.....ik weet niet als u weet wat dat betekent. Bedankt dat u zoals u gewoon bent en voor alle steun

Dankje Ivy! Dat van die Ahoooo~~ Mag je mij een keer uitleggen. :-)
Graag gedaan! ( Kijk al vooruit naar jouw serie over het Open Luchtmuseum. ;-) )

@oaldamster..ik wil het graag uitleggen maar mischien veel beter als u dat kan zelf ervaren - ik heb het maar van de millionair mind intensive seminar in antwerp 3 jaar geleden geleerd, veel goede dingetjes daar geleerd vooral hoe ik geld kan beheersen want vroeger was het anders om - het was geld die leek als of het mij beheerst -ik ging daar om wat dingetjes te leren want ik ben gewoon een grote fan van T. Harv Eker ook - geen andere cursus gekocht en volgens mij weet @cass daar ook over want zij praten over de gorille business genius rule - heb ik ook daar geleerd... over de openlucht twijfel ik want die fotos die ik heb zijn nu wat ouder en iemand had een post gemaakt die zei dat mag niet of zo .. de regels hier zijn niet zo duidelijk maar ik heb wel iets nieuw gedaan .. dat komt nu later.. @oaldamster, u bent hier wat ervaren denk ik, mijn portomonee zei dat ik curation rewards aan iemand gegeven had en het is ok maar nu doet het weer niet - hoe werkt dat eigenlijk? Moet ik een specifiek bedrag van SD dan hebben om dat ook te kunnen? bijvoorbeeld wil ik een iemand ook curation rewards geven - maar dat werkt niet of mischien weet ik niet hoe het werkt? mischien u wel?


U mag jij zeggen hoor Ivy. ;-)

Kom later nog uitgebreid terug op je reactie.

Op mobiel vind ik niet zo handig en tijd om te eten en van die dingen.

@oaldamster ok zal ik doen.. dank je.. ik ge even dineren - een beetje verslaafd hier hahaha

Smakelijk eten! SteemIt kan verslavend werken. ;-)

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