Are my actions born out of Love or Fear?

in #life8 years ago

At some point I encountered the idea that all human consciousness exists on a continuum with two extremes. The low extreme is Fear, which is lower consciousness or awareness, with the ultimate endpoint of Fear being death, a total absence of awareness. The high end of the scale is Love, which is higher consciousness or awareness. Unlike Fear, Love does not have an endpoint: there is no maximum state of awareness, and one can always be more aware and conscious of his surroundings and fellow humans.

The deeper into Fear one allows his mind to wander, the less aware he becomes of his surroundings. He acts without fully understanding the consequences; he is unable to empathize with others or consider their needs; he can only react to changes in the moment without stepping back to see the bigger picture. A fearful person's actions are unlikely to yield the desired results, especially the longer he remains in Fear; however, a mindset of Fear is useful in the appropriate time and place: if I touch a hot stove burner, my first course of action should be to remove myself from the danger and to tend to the burn. There will be time later to be aware of the pot of water that's almost boiling over, or studying exactly how my hand reacts to the burn at a cellular level.

In contrast, the further into Love one's mind goes, the greater his awareness of his surroundings. He considers the consequences before acting; he empathizes with others and tries to meet their needs in addition to his own; he doesn't act rashly but instead imagines what he wants to do, then plans how best to do it, and then does it. It's easiest to attain a mindset of Love in a stable and predictable environment, with no emergencies that require immediate action (though such an environment alone will not put one into a mindset of Love, and, with discipline, one can elevate his consciousness to Love even in an unstable situation).

Mark Passio explores this idea much more deeply in this podcast. It's long, but give it a try now and come back later if it proves worthwhile. Also note that on a computer, it can be played faster by hitting the Cog icon and changing the Speed setting.

I find the Love-Fear model of human consciousness to be incredibly powerful. It might not seem particularly novel or useful at first, but give it some time; think about it when observing other people, or even characters in a book or movie. When I find myself feeling stressed, or when it seems like I'm struggling to keep up with life, I find it helpful to ask myself whether I'm acting in Love or Fear. Just stopping to consider this, and considering what the most Loving action I can take is, rather than the most obvious action, helps me keep stress in check and to handle situations smarter than I might otherwise would.


Okay the title alone reminded me of Donnie Darko so much I had to make this comment. Reading the rest now.. :)

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

-- Frank Herbert, Dune

This is beautiful, thank you for sharing. I've always loved your posts and videos. I see the love / fear paradigm as very similar to non-violent communication where people learn to express their needs openly and vulnerably instead of casting judgements on others. As NVC says, violence is a tragic expression of unmet needs. Love has no room for violence.

Mind boggling contemplations composed @modprobe! To Be ready to deliberately delay the way you are capable and consider what state you're in is stunning, that is something I will need to take in thought now in my life. Truly value this post the vibrations are truly high!


If we want to be objective about fear and love we need to examine them athropologically and not through a cultural narrative like you do.

Love is a selfish state of mind that makes you feel good. This is why you can love only something in respect to something else. If love was unconditional and unlimited we would be able to love everything the same. We are not. We love only things that benefited us, or worse things that ease our fears.

Fear of being lonely, fear of social stagnation, fear self realisation, fear your own here, creates needs that are filled with love. Fear is an instict. it is used so you can protect yourself and it is as random as love. They are not two distinct states of mind but rather one.

This is a very valuable comment and I am not sure if I hope or fear your take on my posts as I have seen you challenge many a post in very intelligent ways.
I would agree with everything you say though I would also offer an alternate possibility.
NOTHING is absolute and while what you say may be generally true, it is possible to make conscious choices to live by ideals that include service or support of others. Because one has chosen these as personal ideals they are still indeed selfish, yet they are ideals that INCLUDE the benefit of others selfish/individuals selfish best interest.
Also it is possible to consciously realize that which is being referred to love. When realized and consciously empowered it is possible to consciously ACTIVATE the feeling/frequency of that which is being referred to as love.
So nothing you say is wrong I just wanted to put that out there in hopes it may be of benefit.
I hope to have more dialogue with you in the time to come. Thanks for your contributions~*~

@kyriacos, I believe you are trying to apply your prior conceptions of what the words "love" and "fear" mean to my discussion. I encourage you to try to ignore what those words mean to you in other contexts and understand them the way I am intending them to be used. Language is limited, unfortunately, and words often get reused with different meanings and conflating those meanings leads to miscommunication.

When I speak of the consciousness modality called Love, I am referring to a selfless state of mind that seeks to understand and be more aware of one's surroundings and the people one interacts with, and how one's actions affect his surroundings and other people.

When I say Fear, I'm referring to the mindset that tunes all of that out and focuses only on one's own perspective, one's own needs, and places a high emphasis on how the self feels and what the self wants, ignoring the needs of others or the effects one's actions has on his surroundings.

I do not contend that this is the only valid way to think about human consciousness; however, it is a powerful one. It is unwise to cling to one particular model or worldview as "the best one" and ignore all the others because of their imperfections. All human models of understanding are imperfect, and we are well-served to understand as many models as possible, so as to combine their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses.

Thank you for this post as it is very valuable to human consciousness. I my self ponder such things every day and wish that others would ponder such things much more often.
I agree that the black and white contrast is essential to the human experience.
There is no right or wrong there is simply what one perceives/experiences.
On many levels I agree with what you are communicating and I have no desire to "disagree". Yet I would love to share some thoughts I have after reading your post.
There is no question that to be in "fear" is to be a part of experiences that are not enjoyable. In truth I like to refer to fear as unenjoyable/feeling bad and to refer to love as enjoyable/feeling good.
Words are simply words and only mean what an individual translates them to mean in their own experience.
Yet you say, that to be in fear is to not be aware of your surroundings, yet you also said that fear can help in certain situations. So I would agree that fear can help in certain situations to survive but I would also say that in fear you can become MORE aware of certain things, things that may be very relevant to survival. So being in fear is not necessarily to be less aware it is to simply be more aware in a different direction.
If one were to live in a constant state of fear they would still have awareness, they would still become aware of more, yet they would be becoming aware of more and more that is in the realm of fear/feeling bad.
So this is not necessarily less conscious it is simply less conscious of love/feeling good and more aware of what is fearful/feeling bad. Which will ultimately lead to a life path of experiences that suck.
So yes feeling bad sucks and feeling good is great yet they are BOTH part of the whole and both ESSENTIAL to the experience.
Without fear/feeling bad there would not be love/feeling good.
So yes I would say without hesitation focus on love/feeling good. Focus on what you believe to be important what is most important to you. But to fear fear or judge fear is to limit ones self.
Fear is also not bad, it is part of the whole, so to embrace fear is to bring LOVE to fear rather than resist it which is fear.
I could go on but only wish to share something that is meaningful and beneficial. If you would like to start a dialogue let me know. If not I respect that and will continue to follow you.
Thaks again~
Best Regards~*~

Be careful not to conflate "feelings," as in the ego's emotional responses (happy, sad, pain, pleasure...) with Fear and Love. Love, as I mean it, does not necessarily involve positive emotions. One can have a mindset of Love in the midst of pain and sadness just as much as in the mist of pleasure and happiness. The same is true of Fear. However, a mindset of Love will be far more beneficial to one seeking to change his circumstances and maximize those positive emotions.

A mindset of Fear never increases awareness; it only filters out things that one is aware of. A Fear-based mindset ignores everything it does not see as important immediately in the present, and so focuses on just a few variables. This can be useful in emergencies, but one must be careful not to live in this modality. Unfortunately, I think far too many, and possibly even most, people today do live the majority of their lives in a mindset more characterized by Fear than by Love.

There is no question that most people live In a mindset of fear. Almost everything people do is attached to things they have to do or can't do.

Very good ideas about Love and fear, as for me, if you love what you are doing, then no fears will involve, however fear and love differs and depends on the situations you are encountering .And thank you for sharing your thoughts here on steemit , you remind us the reality of life.

Good post. There seems to be so much fear and anger in the world today. Understanding the difference fear and love can make should help!

Actions are born out of thought.

Never do anything if it is based on a fear vibe!

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