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RE: Are my actions born out of Love or Fear?

in #life8 years ago

Thank you for this post as it is very valuable to human consciousness. I my self ponder such things every day and wish that others would ponder such things much more often.
I agree that the black and white contrast is essential to the human experience.
There is no right or wrong there is simply what one perceives/experiences.
On many levels I agree with what you are communicating and I have no desire to "disagree". Yet I would love to share some thoughts I have after reading your post.
There is no question that to be in "fear" is to be a part of experiences that are not enjoyable. In truth I like to refer to fear as unenjoyable/feeling bad and to refer to love as enjoyable/feeling good.
Words are simply words and only mean what an individual translates them to mean in their own experience.
Yet you say, that to be in fear is to not be aware of your surroundings, yet you also said that fear can help in certain situations. So I would agree that fear can help in certain situations to survive but I would also say that in fear you can become MORE aware of certain things, things that may be very relevant to survival. So being in fear is not necessarily to be less aware it is to simply be more aware in a different direction.
If one were to live in a constant state of fear they would still have awareness, they would still become aware of more, yet they would be becoming aware of more and more that is in the realm of fear/feeling bad.
So this is not necessarily less conscious it is simply less conscious of love/feeling good and more aware of what is fearful/feeling bad. Which will ultimately lead to a life path of experiences that suck.
So yes feeling bad sucks and feeling good is great yet they are BOTH part of the whole and both ESSENTIAL to the experience.
Without fear/feeling bad there would not be love/feeling good.
So yes I would say without hesitation focus on love/feeling good. Focus on what you believe to be important what is most important to you. But to fear fear or judge fear is to limit ones self.
Fear is also not bad, it is part of the whole, so to embrace fear is to bring LOVE to fear rather than resist it which is fear.
I could go on but only wish to share something that is meaningful and beneficial. If you would like to start a dialogue let me know. If not I respect that and will continue to follow you.
Thaks again~
Best Regards~*~


Be careful not to conflate "feelings," as in the ego's emotional responses (happy, sad, pain, pleasure...) with Fear and Love. Love, as I mean it, does not necessarily involve positive emotions. One can have a mindset of Love in the midst of pain and sadness just as much as in the mist of pleasure and happiness. The same is true of Fear. However, a mindset of Love will be far more beneficial to one seeking to change his circumstances and maximize those positive emotions.

A mindset of Fear never increases awareness; it only filters out things that one is aware of. A Fear-based mindset ignores everything it does not see as important immediately in the present, and so focuses on just a few variables. This can be useful in emergencies, but one must be careful not to live in this modality. Unfortunately, I think far too many, and possibly even most, people today do live the majority of their lives in a mindset more characterized by Fear than by Love.

There is no question that most people live In a mindset of fear. Almost everything people do is attached to things they have to do or can't do.

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