Minimalism Benefits

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Minimalism seems "in" these days, Which is very different from the high consumption lifestyles we are used to living.

What the heck is a minimalist

A minimalist is a person who lives the life out with what They already have. They are not lured by the societies obsessed attitude to pretend to have more than what they already have. A minimalist is an ideal person, and they are not worried about present or future. Though definition seems inflexible, in real life it is not so. Still, a minimalist only earns what he needs.. The definition might sound little strict; that doesn’t mean a minimalist is a ‘let it go’ attitude person. Still, there are a lot of differences being a minimalist, so do benefits too.

Less Worries and Stress

A minimalist lives in the present, neither does he have any worry about the past nor the future. They are more practical in life. This attitude and reduced tension make them less stressful in life.

When you have a messy house, doesn't it stress you out?
If you got rid of all your stuff wouldn't you feel better? Sometimes less is more; I know from personal experience that having extra items causes stress. Not only are your older items "buried" so you have limited access to your items when you need them, But you have less space to move around in your environment. And ultimately "less control."

Enjoys more freedom

A minimalist is not bound to the clutter of this material world so that they can enjoy more freedom in life than others.
They can travel easily, Not worry about items being stolen. They are free to experience things fully without having too much on their plate.

Budget friendly life

This is one highlight of being a minimalist. They don’t have attachment to material life, so they spend less. This helps a minimalist lead a happy life without a need for more income. At the same time, they will have a good budget which will allow them to have good savings for the future.

Occasionally being a minimalist can be more costly, They are the type of people who go places with hardly anything. So occasionally they may not have what they need, And they have to spend a little more.
Like if you travel with less clothing, If something tears, You'll have to run to the store to replace it, But if you are in a tourist area the prices may be significantly higher.

Support for others:

A minimalist can always be a Good Samaritan since their heart is open to feel others pain and needs. So they can help others all time because it's more possible for them. They often have those resources to help others as well.

A higher thinker:

Minimalists often have a vast range of ideas, Because they don't have a ton of stress, From having too much. They can experiment and be more creative. That’s why most of the minimalist tends to be very intellectual.

It's important to declutter your life, Inside and out, You will be amazed by how much less stress you have as a result. Try it!


I think I am a minimalist.. unfortunatly I don't think my dog is :/

Aww man! Silly dog! You need to teach him better lol.

less responsibility = more time


Someone needs to use a spell checker and proofread their posts.

There are good ideas in this post. But I get the impression Kaylin didn't write this article. Her other articles are a native-English, natural, and personality-filled. This seems like she's outsourced the writing without editing it. Here are a few giveaways:

"They are not lured by the societies gray attitude to pretend the elegance"

" They don’t have obstinacy to material life, so they spend less."

"At the same time, they will have a good sum of balance expenditure which will be good savings for future."

These are not phrases that a native English speaker would say. It's also written in the third person "they the minimalists" - while offering very little personal information or anecdotes.

There are a few other articles that Kaylin has posted which haven't felt like her:

Now I don't mind if you post work by other writers. The idea here is to provide value to the Steemit community. But I don't think these thin posts about a general topic, which could have been written by an outsourced writer in Bangladesh for $10, deserve to get $900. (At time of writing.)

So for that reason I've downvoted it.

I did write this article! I write all of my articles. Some of the posts you mentioned, Save money on your food, and How to apply deodorant, were older posts. The "Save Money On Your Food" was originally a blog post from my blog on my other website, When I first started blogging. (This is before Cheetah bot existed) Here it is

I also have articles that were past school papers that I updated for the site :) I picked out ones that I felt had value.
I've recently been using Grammarly to help edit my posts and proofread them. I'm not the best writer but I feel like I've been improving.

For this article, This is a sum of what I've been learning personally. I've been studying minimalism because I want to make myself more like this. I used third person to give advice to others on how they can become this way. I'm not a full blown minimalist yet, But I hope to be soon!

I apologise for my comment. It just seemed that it had a very different tone to the majority of your other articles and much poorer grammar/spelling/syntax.

I'm sorry about that! I've been really exhausted lately! Thats probably why. I'll try and proofread my posts better :)

@kaylinart are you a minimalist , Tarzan minimalist Tarzan like kaylinart Tarzan Upvote and Follow @kaylinart

Hehehe Thank you! I bet Tarzan is a minimalist too! LOL

I agree with this. Sometimes having to many possessions actually burdens you. This also stems from the modern focus on materialism and consumerism.

But sometimes it show achievements. You just have to manage it well.

Of course if you can balance it then there isn't a problem. The problem comes as with anything if you go too far.

Very true for both of you, But of course you need balance.

I apply this to everything i do. From creating websites, to my personal life and this helps keep my life very simple and peaceful :) Great post as always Kaylin :)

Thank you :) That is good you've gotten good enough to apply it in every aspect of your life.

A minimalist is a person who lives the life out with what They already have.

Yes! One of the reasons my family no longer buys each other Christmas presents. We make mostly consumable items for each other and a few games for the kids. Not only is christmas expensive for many people, but we are already far more blessed than most just by having clean water, a house, and meals.

There are plenty of people that would give up anything for that for their family.

But many of us (myself included) fall into the trap of advertisements that for the most part offer the notion that if you buy this you will be happier.

I'd turn that around and say "If you give more you'll be happier." Less stuff = more joy for me in this case.

I like this site because it allows me to be creative and help people with my time and energy and reward people working hard with upvotes. It's been a great month since I have joined.

I love that! Christmas breaks the bank for so many people each and every year. Its unnecessary.
I'm glad your family focuses on the necessities. Instead of the things unnecessary.

Spending time with people is far more valuable than any gift. (unless that time is with in-laws haha jk). But yes, I appreciate when people take a step back and realize that they have much to be thankful for.

I wish everyone would take the time and visit a third world country. Not at a resort, but with the people struggling to make it through each day. I think we will realize that their happiness comes not at all from material goods, but from their generosity and value in on =e another.

So true :)


Sometimes more is more too.

If a person needs more in wants they going for less in living...but if they make there resources less it might grow more in living...excellent point.


There is definitely something to be said for a minimalist lifestyle. The benefits in the post are true and I believe in such lifestyle.

The dichotomy is the benefits of living a life of minimalism while not having a mindset of minimalism.

The desire to have large success (and I'm not talking just $$$) at something struggles to grow with out the thought of abundance. Without an mindset of offense.

Often a life of minimalism creates a mindset of defense. You Ration, save, protect....word often associated with struggle.

Naturally this does not hold true for everyone. There are many who live a simple life that have opportunistic personalities.

I can only speak of my own experience. It is an internal battle I know well.

I agree with this :) Thank you for your wonderful comment! As usually hehe.

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