How To Apply Deodorant! A Detailed Guide.

in #funny8 years ago

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Deodorant comes in many scents and different brands!! Its a product that EVERYONE should use!
I mean imagine if you could walk around without smelling like that nasty Body Odor!
Think about it! You apply your cologne or your perfume, and you still smell like shit.


Step 1

Go to a nearby drug store, Gas station or other market. Most places have it!
Do you want to smell like Cotton Candy or Peppermint? Choose your scent! Or heck , Go scentless (I promise this makes a difference!)

Step 2

Pay for your deodorant, It will probably cost like 2-6 dollars, But DONT WORRY, it's worth every penny. You do society a favor when you purchase this,

Step 3

Lock yourself in a bathroom, Or some other area, Prepare to use the deodorant!
Please ensure that the area is clear of people, You do NOT WANT them to smell you when you lift your arm...

Step 4

Because this is your first time, Please remove your shirt.
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Step 5

Lift one arm very slowly, With the other arm holding the deodorant, If you need help opening your deodorant, Please see a simpler post. This is my intermediate guide!

Step 6

Are you still alive?
Gently apply deodorant to armpit area, if the action of lifting your arm, Killed multiple flies. Then I suggest using more.

Step 7

Lower your arm, Put the deodorant in the other hand, And do the same to the other armpit.

Step 8

Put your shirt back on.

Step 9

Do the same tomorrow, and the next day. If you stink early, try twice a day! Congratulations you just learned how to put on deodorant!!

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I've read that as a nerd, I don't have to use deodorant. Is this true?

No you should definitely use it!!

I swear some people don't know how to use deodorant! So I'm trying to be funny!

Do a post on how to use a tampon, that be funny. LOL

Oh my gosh XD I totally should! That Is so funny!!

HaHa i love this!!! Its true!!! It's as if deodorant is a foreign thing!!! Everyone, do the world a favor and just smell clean. Too hard to ask? Don't smell like ass...

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