Today in Amsterdam…(noticed by a good friend of mine)

in #future-food8 years ago

It's just amazing to watch. A friend from Amsterdam sent me a message today.
We're entering more and more masses i begin to think - watch out for more.

Future Food Documentary - proudly presented by

That's just awesome - i'll contribute 50% of SBD rewards of this post to @futurefood and 50% to @peperhuis (that's my dude :)) who sent the picture:



Just amazing :)
Just found the campaign here:


Love seeing this stuff pop up out there in the world. Thanks for sharing @cass!

good thing.


Zo doen we dat in Nederland :-)

Thank you so much @cass for creating this post! And your generosity!
I had a ton of things do this week and you simple beat me to it, and that's GREAT!!

Working on a more elaborate post as I type this.

My friend is inviting you to stop by at his store - how i can get in contact? ?

hehehe, I'm pretty sure I know your friend ;) drop me an email; its my username followed by documentary followed by at G mail

Ok, I'm on same username, hit me up! Curious!

@cass how did you actually help @futurefood with his campaign? As far as I can see you took 100% of the steempower, 25% of the steemdollars to your friend with 0 contributions to this platform and then you gave 25% to @futurefood. I cannot see how this is not just hijacking @futurefood project and making money off it? Please justify it.

coooool. can't wait to get to ams and meet some amsterdam steemers!

We don't hear you Oranje!
Deutsch is trending :-)
And Italia is catching up

Give us time Fabio, give us time.
(Kann es ja ohnehin auch mahl auf Deutsch versuchen.)

Gerne! Würde mich freuen!

Mache ich!

@fabio - you again hahha- glad to always bump into you ;)

That's awesome! Although I'll keep posting in English for sure. I want as much people to understand what it is I'm posting about. But I guess language is not the prime focus of these trending topics, good initiative!

ik heb jouw artikel over haring geskimmed en toen dacht ik - haring? Nederlander? hmmm.. ja wel!

Jazeker, er zijn hier inmiddels flink wat Hollanders :)

Hup Holland Hup!
Nog even en heel Nederland is te vinden op Steemit!

inderdaad! duimen!

Wordt het toch nog gezellig. :-)

Nu alleen nog blokjes kaas...

Op een plankje, maar dan wel met van die prikkertjes er in. Vlagje er aan, vanzelf.

ja toch!!!! bedankt voor jouw stem !

Tis een kwestie van geduld, rustig wachten op de dag, dat heel Steemit HOLLANDS lult ;)

wauw! ik voel me niet meer alleen hup hup Holland!

Thanks for the sharing and contribution to Steem! Namaste :)

I saw this coming who doesn't like food 🤓 will peep that Amsterdam foodie related post. My wife loves cooking and we both love eating.

Glad to hear your into food! My documentary project will deal with the future of food. I choose Steemit as the primary social media output : )

why not make it exclusive - WIN-WIN in my opinion - more votes + more steem + exclusive content ..
sure u can link your to usual social mania outlets :P - at least this is i would consider doing it.

The idea is exclusive. But Right now I'm building awareness for the project through Instagram and Facebook. Soon these platforms will just function as portals to Steemit ;)

Next step: target the coffeeshops.

With the amount of stoners around here .. success is virtually guaranteed!

Cool, thanks for sharing.

Comment made on the new app on ITunes.

as in Sunny southern California? @socalguy
pretty cool if so!
full $teem ahead!

We ain`t seen nothing yet :-)

I love the guerrilla marketing approach.

Absolutely love these steemit popularization campaigns. Glad to see rapid growth of this community

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