Juice fasting - Day 3 of 5.

in #juice8 years ago

Day 3!! Well actually at the time of writing this its Day 4... but i thought i would space them out rather than do both updates in one day. It kinda works better because i can post it earlier and not so rushed at the end of the day.

Mostly the feedback so far has been very positive and its great to see how many people out there are truly interesting in the subject. Some though have been quite critical... Sugar is usually the thing people focus on and they are right to do so. Refined sugar is very bad, and too much of any sugar is bad. Thing is with juicing is that you are keeping these sugars in their natural state and mixing them with TONS of veggies. The fruit is mostly there to make the juices palatable and hardcore juicers actually cut most of this out. Thing is if you are new to juicing or don't juice often these recipes would be too harsh and not at all to your tastes.

Also the difference in a home pressed juice and a shop bought juice are night and day! So called juices and smoothies you buy in shops are LOADED with sugar! This is not what we are doing here.

Anyway enough of the negative and back to the yummy :)

A great comment actually was made by @allgoodthings was
"One awesome tip I would suggest (if you don't already know) is swishing around or just holding juice or smoothie in your mouth for a few seconds. This allows the enzymes in your saliva to do what they do, same as when you eat."

This is true and also gives your brain/ body time to process the fact you are feeding. This will in turn stop your brain sending signals you are hungry and leave you feeling much more satisfied. In the same way that if you chew your food more and take a bit more time eating it you will feel fuller with less food. We sometimes rush our food down and don't realize we have eaten too much until we stop... Then we feel VERY full or even sick by eating too much.

So ONWARD to the juices :)

Day Three

8:00 - Ginger, Apple and Mint shot.

As always i start the day with this number, i simply love it :)

I mean come on! How appetizing does this look!

09:00 Pear, Kale and Carrot

Starting the day off with this one from Day one. As said before it doesn't look the best but it tastes great :) I also wanted to keep this one lighter as the next one is heartier.

12:00 Cavalo Nero, Spinach, Cucumber, Celery, Lime, Apple, Avocardo and Manuka Honey

This one is a nutrient bomb! haha. The super dark Cavalo Nero really sets this one apart from the rest.

I mean there is no mistaking this one will be super good for you, also great yield from this batch. As always make sure you juice the leaves first. They will take a lot longer to extract the juice. This one actually made me laugh because it was so squeaky as i was juicing it that it sounded like a hamster was caught in there haha... only joking about it because i obviously know there wasn't :)

Now for another great (if not vegetable based) ingredient, Manuka honey.

I know this isn't really part of the fruit and vegetable plan haha but with all the veg, and especially the dark and bitter Cavalo Nero, this juice needed something to make it palatable. Make sure you buy one with a UMF of 10+, as you can see this one is 12+

Ok so anyway blend this up!! I'm hungry :)

Looks amazing, no excuse me while i have my lunch

15:30 Romaine, Celery, Broccoli Stem, Cucumber, Apple, Pineapple & Avocado

You guys know this one from Day one so i wont keep going over it.

19:00 Sweet Potato, Pineapple, Lemon and Ginger

Did he just say SWEET POTATO!! :o haha
Trust me its a great juice and i haven't gone mad! You do need to use a little more pineapple than you would usually but trust me its great

Love the colour!

So there you go, you can see how fresh and vibrant it is. Doesn't seem such a weird recipe when you see it like this does it?

Well that's it for Day three, i am still dreaming of my big bowl of chicken though haha...


I love your Staropramen glass, @b0y2k!
Happy Friday ;D

I will be putting it to good use after my fast @richman :)

Lol, I bet you will )))

Thanks for this presentation @b0y2k I need to start juicing to improve little bit my weight!

My pleasure @cynetyc, check out the other days for a full guide. As always though you can tailor it to your tastes and needs. You don't have to do 100% juice for x days like me, maybe try and replace one meal with a juice and see how you get on.

Nice post. I believe in"juicing"!

Will take a look if i get time this weekend @airmike.

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