Truth or Dare....@littlescribe accepts the challenge

in #alicedaretruth6 years ago (edited)


I was nominated by @hazem91. His post is beautiful. And it is here. If you would like to know the DARE, check out the original post by @blog-fictions HERE.


1. When was the last time you cried and why?

A little bit ago. I thought I had found something that was going to be helpful for one of my kids, who is going through a unique and insurmountable difficulty. But the thing I found turned out to be totally a wrong fit. It's been a long haul. And this was after a long search. I'm thinking I may just need to scrap the idea and try something totally different. So...I'm a little exasperated.

2. If you could hire someone to do one thing for you what would it be?

It would either be

  • clean my house on a daily basis
  • give me a back massage every night

I can't decide which one I would like most

3. What is the one thing you are most afraid of and why?

The one thing I am most afraid of actually already happened. I cannot get into detail as to what it was. But I will say there used to be a lot of other things I was afraid of: germs, becoming paralyzed, dying, losing all my hair, being buried alive, having a chronic incurable disease...but I'm not afraid of those anymore. They would be a walk in the park in comparison. I think that's the good thing about being confronted with your worst fear. You become able to face it. And then you can face anything. And anyone.

4. Power to fly or Power to be invisible? Why?

Flying is pretty cool, but I'd pick invisible. That way, I could catch the sonofabitch in action who is responsible for #3.

5. If you only had a minute to get out of your house what would you grab and why?

Hmmm. We have some really tasty watermelon popsicles in the freezer right now. Maybe I'd grab one of those. I guess it depends on why I'm getting out of the house. If it's for a fire, then definitely a popsicle. Cuz boy it's gunna be hot! But if it's for a flood, then I'd grab my golashes.

And my rubber dinghy.

6. If you are stuck on an island with someone from steemit who would that person be and why?

Probably my dad, @mistermercury. He's very entertaining, a good listener, and a handy boy scout! He'd be able to make a decent shelter, build fires, hunt for food, and eventually we could hop in my rubber dinghy I was able to retrieve from question #6, and we'd get the heck off the island. And during all that time, we could talk about our plans to take over the steemiverse when we returned!

7. The smartest person on steemit according to you is?

@asgarth, @upheaver, @timcliff, @sircork, @ats-david, @raggeamuffin, @harrisonmir, @o07, @davemccoy, @sorin-cristescu

8. The funniest person on steemit according to you is?

@steemmatt and @diebitch

9. Reveal the one thing that you always wanted to say to someone from steemit

Stop using and go over to For the love!

10. Your crush on steemit would be?

If I had to pick someone right now, and if I were single, and if I were available, it would probably be....for me to know and you to find out! Ha ha ha!

But, you can always DM me, and if we're friends, I MIGHT tell you...but then I'd have to kill you.

11. What is the first thing that comes to your mind about me (@hazem91)?

What a cute guy! Oh my gosh! And so dedicated to making a better life. I admire you. Please keep going.




  1. You can choose either "Truth" or "Dare" or choose both if you want and make a post on it:)

  2. Use the main hashtag as alicedaretruth

  3. All are free to participate. Nomination is not compulsory

  4. You need to nominate two or more people for the challenge to continue forward

  5. Every post to contain the link to my original post

  6. MOST IMPORTANTLY : Feel free to change the "Dare" and "Truth" challenges as you seem fit when you nominate someone. Or you can keep it the same as below its your choise :)




  1. When was the last time you cried and why?

  2. If you could hire someone to do one thing for you what would it be?

  3. What is the one thing you are most afraid of and why?

  4. Power to fly or Power to be invisible? Why?

  5. If you only had a minute to get out of your house what would you grab and why?

  6. If you are stuck on an island with someone from steemit who would that person be and why?

  7. The most smartest person on steemit according to you is?

  8. The most funniest person on steemit according to you is?

  9. Reveal the one thing that you always wanted to say to someone from steemit

  10. Your crush on steemit would be?

  11. What is the first thing that comes to your mind about me?


I nominate:


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Upvoted for aggrandizing tim and me :)

Ha ha ha. Well, I do think you guys are pretty smart. What you each DO with those so-called smarts is up to you! Ha ha ha. But you guys is smarty pantses.

I'm one of the poster-boys for intelligence on the Steemit platform? We're all doomed! ;)

Extremely flattered you think so though :D. Always much love to you!

Ha ha ha! Yes, I think you're brilliant.

Good set of answers, that’s a whole load of Smart people - although I have to agree, will have to check out the few people I don’t know.

#thealliance #witness

Whatever No.3 is, hugs...

And yes, I am on steempeak...
The only thing is I need to keep one tab open for steemit, because I can't include/share links from steempeak.. gahhhh
Also, when I look for posts to read through discord, it obviously goes into steemit, again.... gahhhhh

Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed the read 😊

Yeah, I hear you there. It's easier to share links from steemit right now.

Such amazing answers sweetie and much smile 😊 It is a fun challenge and some questions are hard... Lol
Thank you for sharing and it's fun to get to know you better 🤗 have a wonderful Sunday. Much love ❤️🌹❤️

Thanks saffi!

Hehehe this was fun.
I didn't know your dad is a scout (I am a scout myself :) ). Is there anything he's not good at?
hehe and it's good to know that you think I'm cute :D lol

Um...well he's not good at remembering dates and times. He's a free spirit, that one. It's funny. I think I inherited that from him. I have to have like 20 alarms for things.

And yes, you're very cute. But half my age I'm sure, and I'm married as well. I'm just pointing out an obvious fact, that's all. Smiles.

OKay, I'm totally joining in on the fun here. Those are some fun questions, with some fun answers. You've set the bar high :p

I keep making it into your lists <3 thank you dear

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