Don't Drink the Jonestown Koolaid - Alex Jones is an Actor - "New Alt Media" ExposedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #alexjones7 years ago

Don't Drink the Jonestown Koolaid - Alex Jones is an Actor - "New Alt Media" Exposed

I had to make this video because so many people tried to say I was a shill for calling out Alex Jones, and yesterday Alex Jones admitted HIMSELF through his OWN lawyer that is entire online presence is AN ACT! Okay, that ends the debate I was 100% correct in calling out Alex Jones and this entire group of fake new "alt media" that has been set up to push Zionist agendas, including getting their Zionist puppet Donald Trump elected.

If you see them not criticizing Zionism, throwing up 666 hand signs, and supporting Donald Trump no matter what, from now on they are to be labeled liars and bullshit artists.

This list is long, and not complete but includes 100%:

  1. Mike Cernovich
  2. All of Infowhores, especially Paul Josephine Twatson
  3. Jack Posobiec
  4. The Rebel Media
  5. Stefan Molyneux (who has blocked me)
  6. Mark Shill Dice
  7. "Little Bitch"

If you support any of these obvious charlatans, then you are not "awake".

Please Enjoy My YouTube Video on this Subject:

This Video is Also Available on Alternative Video Platforms:

Alternate Platforms:

  1. BitChute:
  2. Vid.Me:

Links for Further Research:

Alex Jones is a liar: Video

Alex Jones Response regarding his PizzaGate Apology: Video

Alex Jones Exposed Playlist: Videos

Music Credit:

  1. Intro / Outro Music: "Anonymous" - DirtyPhonics: Video
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I have never been able to tolerate Jones, but he has a loyal audience...who, presumably, buy all his potions & pills.

@titusfrost ..besides, it's not healthy :D

What's not healthy?

@titusfrost koolaid

Lulz my bad. Yeah def.

I fear the movement for truth and liberty has lost a leader. Who can we still believe in???


Excellent post! I like your work My friend

Don't overblow this. You likely don't understand custody battles.

I believe it is worded this way to protect him from lawsuits. I am not a big fan or follower, but some of his work fits into the puzzle and is valuable to the truth movement. None of us have been put to the same threats as him most likely either.

That's what I mean about understanding custody battles. You have two sides who's lawyers are both trying to make their client look like a Saint and their opponent's client a monster. I've been through it. The council of both sides will assume the other side will fight as dirty as possible. As an example, one side could bring up a time when their ex gave the kid a black eye while playing sports. Even if it was an accident they will use it as a character hit. Then they bring in then kids, who might remember the incedent but not be able to protect their responses from manipulation. It's a terrible thing to go through and the fact that people are publicizing this part of his life is very indecent.

Context is key in this situation. Alex has been doing this shit for years. So why are we seeing articles attacking him all over the place like in Google news feeds, marketwatch, daily mail, etc. He's being targeted by the globalist right now and everyone in the truth movement should be standing up for him because if they can take him down they can take anyone down.

Right. My wife showed me how her phone's news feed was suddenly attacking that Alex claims to smoke a joint annually to check the potency. Front page. Why in the fuck would that be news -- and front page no less? Doesn't make sense. The mainstream is coming after Alex hard right now, so what kind of person would align themselves with the lying legacy media and join in?

I have never seen an article in my google news feed but I've seen several other articles in my feed about Alex the last few months all of them attacking him.

That's nice but he does not address the biggest criticism of Jones which is his lack of reporting on the Zionist influence in America.

Also based on the symbolism, and other many "red flags" I immediately spot with this person making this video like his description "I am God", and his YouTube name have 666 in it. Pretty sure I don't trust anything this guy has to say. The fact he doesn't mention the Zionist criticism of Jones, and is displaying satanic symbolism including the Roman Empire flag right in the video should leave you with more questions than answers.

It's just because you don't know Styx. He's a self-described occultist. If all you want to understand is that and just dismiss him, that's your right; but, in my opinion, you'd be making a mistake. His understanding of these things is much more philosophically centered than you are thinking. Obviously, I can't convince you to have an open mind, but your dismissiveness is disheartening. He's actually very insightful.

Oh, wait -- you're Titus Frost? lol, I didn't realize. Nevermind. This is all over your head anyway.

How is it over my head? Pretty condescending thing to say. Got any proof it's "over my head" rofl.

I think he's Bill Hicks.

I've studied that one but I came up with he is not. It looks like it on the outset though... but who knows what kind of crap the cabal pulls, maybe there was some surgery involved. Since the quantum effect took hold all I can know is this moment and that is still questionable

I don't really think you can say you were "100% correct". I don't fully trust Alex but don't suppose that we trust you either.

What exactly did I get wrong?

I never told anyone to trust me. I tell them to verify everything I say, to do their own research...

#7 "Little Bitch" LOlz .... I know exactly who you're referring to but I won't mention the stain's name.


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