
I think I fully concur with @rok-sivante, alchemy extends deeper than what we merely think it is.

I had to do a deeper research to really understand the concept. Of a truth the true alchemy lab is our body and soul. It encompasses both the spiritual and the physical. This two entity are inseparable.

I got a videos I believe will help some of us here, whoever cares to watch to know the deeper meaning of alchemy should watch.
Nothing is difficult to understand as long as we have the enthusiasm and willingness to learn more.
I actually have not heard about this concept of alchemy, when I saw the post I heard to research to learn more. I came with these two videos, watch and learn more, then you will understand why @rok-sivante made the statement that

"the true alchemy lab are the human body and soul"

Click to watch

This is the second one

I believe they will help explain a lot of things. Currently searching for books to read about alchemy, the concept looks very fascinating to me.
Good morning

Video sources
First video source
Second video source

Also - very cool you caught hold on this. If you were to end up continuing to explore this path, there’d be alot to translate over into your focus of medicine/health/biology.

For you, in particular, if it resonates, I’d recommend checking out the work of Carolyn Myss.

Perhaps specifically, her programs, Energy Anatomy (as well as the Advanced series). Though any of her work is excellent, and your own instinct may lead you to the best starting point.

Bruce Lipton is another well-worth the investment of time diving into.

I think/feel learning more from these two teachers shall serve you extremely well on the path you’re on... 😇🙏💖

You are the best!
I will definitely follow them up, thanks so much for the generous advise. You are just one of a kind, a good mentor indeed. Thank goodness I met you.
I believe learning from this two will definitely reshapen me and help me on my path just like you have rightly said.
Learning from people and gaining more knowledge has also always been my passion.
Thanks so much @rok-sivante for this kind gesture.
I remain humbled🙏

Let me know how it goes with them... :-)

alright 🙏

Not a bad commentary and content to add to the discussion at all. :-)

Thanks bro😊

Inner alchemy, outer alchemy all interwoven. How can we integrate new knowledge and technology into these old systems?

Or is the new knowledge merely arising of a globally unified, almost invisible alchemical process that humanity is undergoing since its dawn?

Infinite spiral upwards, unified ever dancing energetic streams distilled into novel creations. Our bodies are the temples where the show goes down.

Every part contains every other part, and we all have a role to play. My micro shall be the macro.

Rising from the ashes and burning down again. Each time stronger as before.

The true alchemical labs are the human body & soul.

Words worth a thousand pictures, accompanied by pictures worth thousands of words.

Thanks, for this valuable reminder of a mystic truth, Rok 🙏🏼

Now this concept is really interesting because it's now some kind of topic which is related to the magic and the magic which can convert one whole different thing to another whole different thing, and we heard many stories from ancient times where there are sayings as people could easily abled to convert themselves into another thing, i don't know how much truth it is but we are still to find out many secrets of life and we are still very far.

Literally speaking sometimes i think that the ancient people were really superior beings than us because all ancient structures are witnessing it which are so strong in base and many structures are mathematically and Astronomically perfect. Let's hope that we can get to know more secrets in future.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

People often call “magic,” what they merely do not understand.

Yet, the dynamics behind such feats are not some supernatural feat - only effects of natural/universal Laws which most have not yet become aware of... ;-)

Absolutely right and it's just matter of awareness. Stay blessed. 🙂

I may not understand a lot about alchemy, but Erickson and Jung's quotes rang very close to home for me. I see that a lot of the good in the world is not by ignorant design, it's more often than not that those who are the most kind learned to be there by going without, or even the person who remains patient and calm used to be the one who spoke out of turn.

I like to say that "the road to heaven, is paved through hell"; for I believe it to be a fine line between ignorance and fully-knowledgable to persist on any path that many other men would fear.

Like the body, and universe itself, there are many hidden connections that through understanding a level of mastery can be achieved. Thank you for the intense imagery—much appreciated! :D

My first encounter with alchemy was when I watch Full metal alechimist anime.
Then i started looking for alchemy meaning after I knew that alchemy is a very deep thing that combines spirit and chemistry, not just envy and chemistry.

our bodies and the energy-related nature that radiates are absorbed and accumulated and produce another nature to produce the desired desire, all synergized together...

Much obliged, for this significant indication of a spiritualist truth.Ibegan to all of a sudden start a progress from what I thought I knew to WOW how wrong my convictions were.I concur with your view that the genuine catalytic labs are the human body and soul.

I love this post, why you say...because it’s the truth. Recently I began to suddenly begin a transition from what I thought I knew to WOW how wrong my beliefs were. I had a unyogified Kundalini awakening that is still in the processing mode. I have been studying and looking at most of the images you posted. Synchronicity!

A better explanation will be appreciated.

That is something you may need to go exploring for yourself (if feeling drawn to do so), as it goes way beyond the scope of this forum and is a personal journey that takes years (perhaps lifetimes) to decode... ;-)

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