Invest in Africa Virtual Summit Featuring Akon

in #akon7 years ago

I am extremely honored and excited to be speaking at the Invest in Africa Summit next month.

It is a virtual summit that will highlight the fintech revolution in Africa and focus on projects that are trying to affect change there.

As many people have seen, Akon has started a solar initiative in Africa to bring solar power to 600 million people as their long-term goal. He is a major philanthropist that has taken his musical success and transitioned that to helping out the disenfranchised.

Since Bitland Global is focused on developing solar-powered networks to support blockchains, it is a great honor to be speaking at the same event to promote empowerment.


Congratulation chris-bates for the initiative. Africa need to be power by Blockchain technology.

dude, this is awesome. :-)

Thank you sir!

There are 54 countries in Africa. You have some of the most corrupt countries in the world, and some countries that are more advanced than the US in some ways. Africa is DEFINITELY not homogeneous, and as far as a "risky place to invest", concerning "risk/reward", is it not true that the highest risks are usually associated with the highest returns?

Especially in places where the investments are disparate. This is a huge misconception based on the influence of a few corrupt actors.

Also, I was fortunate enough to meet the President of Mauritius, and have also presented directly to the Mauritian government concerning creating a regulatory sandbox in Mauritius.

Further, the Mauritian government is positioning itself to be an investment hub to protect investments into Africa, so the idea that the investments will be "risky" will be completely alleviated by the Mauritian protection hub.

did you read the links?

Funny...Wikipedia reports that there are about 100,000 white Zimbabweans worldwide...

where did those 6 million under duress go?

Oy Vey not the Six Million! Bad Goyim!

Yes, they were questionable sources, and one did not even have pictures of one white person under duress, let alone 6 million white people in Zimbabwe under attack....sounds like complete nonsense

Also, your first source is questionable.

could very well be... I wonder how many more (thousand) sources I could find If I wanted to.
I know two people personally who escaped from south africa with their lives, but not their wealth.
word of mouth is the best advertising don't ya know?

Bro, you sound like you have not read anything or heard anything about Africa since Mandela was still in Jail. I think you are mixing up a lot of things. Our connection in South Africa is a white person. Dr. Ariel Lashansky is in the Transkei region helping build villages, and does not have any problems because he is white. I am not sure you really know any white people from South Africa.

calling me a liar huh?

Yeah...I am calling you a liar actually. I don't believe that you know anyone who was chased out of South Africa. I think you are making that up based on a news story you heard a long time ago. There USED to be a LOT of tension between whites and blacks in South Africa, because you know...Apartheid...

Now, racial relations are no where near perfect, but I can tell you that our bitland representative is as White as they come, and he is in the villages of rural South Africa with the black people, and they love him because he is there with them as one of them.

What you're talking about is hearsay, and very old hearsay at that.

You are trying to convince me of something.
How's that working out for you.
actually I do know a SouthAfrican refugee. He was a Marine Biologist. The violence against whites..the daily to be too much. He and his family (including dogs and cats) escaped to New Zealand. He blogged about the whole process, crowdsourced the funding if you will.

But you don't care anything about that...

oh well.

I am not trying to convince you of anything.

I am confused as to why your first reaction to my post is to talk about some random violence that you heard about through terrible sources, instead of actually looking into what I posted about here.

You completely derailed the post, and have ruined this discussion by proxy of bringing in something completely irrelevant.

You're completely derailing this for your personal agenda.

You were never interested in doing anything but talking negatively about Africa.

Thanks for your negative contribution!

What are you even doing here?

Is the last link (invitation) a path to accessing a live stream?

Yes, the last link is the sign up!

It is currently free to sign up, but they will be charging for tickets after a limited time.


I'm in. It was easy and free. I want to hear more about dignified, equal opportunity investment rather than charities that have limited impact.

Glad that you will be joining!

Really love the work you're doing bro. This is exactly what we need right now for Africa.

Thank you very much! We are picking up momentum every day :)

Quick question. As an owner of CADASTRAL how will I be able to utilize the currency other than just as a token to hold for investment purposes?

The cadastral will serve as the entry token into an investment platform that will allow users to invest into developing countries or into properties that are already in developed countries. Since we are building the platform, it is still in private alpha.

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