Fiction Story : Music Audition

in #airhawk-project7 years ago

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Why should I obey that strange girl? "I complained that I had been waiting for an hour to audition for a guitar player who would be a duet with one of the top singers, Selly Sagita.

Feeling compelled that I came to the audition, I sat in the waiting room holding my guitar. Slightly annoyed that I was waiting for my number to be called.

Because it's been an hour waiting, I've been thinking to go home, But unexpectedly there are people who approached me.

"Hai ..., are you auditioning too?"

"Yes .. Hehehe" I replied while looking at who questioned me, it turns out he was a punk-style boy with electric guitar that he brought.

"Hohohoho, Same us...... I'll show you real metal music. With the speed of my hand, I'm sure I can pass this audition. Poisson "He said while strumming his guitar seemed to be in concert.

"Can you play pop?" I asked

He started smiling and somehow his confidence increased "Pop music? For what kind of whiny music genre, which required "Brave", the courage to use harsh tones like punk music "

"It's an audition for a pop singer, not a metal singer, Gendrenya is different." Listened to me the punk boy is like losing his spirits. Maybe he was in shock with my answer earlier.

"Number 32!" As my serial number was called, I left the Punk petrified in frustration.

I walked to the audition hall with a lazy aura around my body, I paused for a moment at the door, shoving the door alga with a heavy heart, Was my action right? Will there be a hassle in there? guitar keep coming home right ?. Soon the questions in my brain made me reluctant to open the door.

"Woi, hurry up. The queue is still long "The big doorman said, I was frightened and inevitably went inside.

Before I continue this story, I will tell the origin of why I auditioned it. Introduce my name is Aldo Smith. Age 25 and I are high-class unemployed. Nothing can beat me in laziness for activity. Sleep, eat, sleep, eat, watch movies on laptop, sleep again. That's my job every day.

But one day I was a bit bored with my habits and went to a cafe near my house for refreshment while listening to my favorite live music and chocolate milk chocolate. That's my intention.

My view that had always been facing out the window, Slightly distracted by the song that was performed by the band that was there "Oh, it's a Korean song? Stalker is 9 cm. Cool....another girl who brought it. cool..... "

The music is so sad, with a tremendous inspiration, a drop of tears came out of my eyes. The singer would want to convey his feelings through the song, the song tells about the love of someone who can only see it from a distance. Apparently bener said people if through the music we can feel what other people feel.

But after a few minutes after the song, I felt someone coming, I responded to her arrival, but I immediately turned my face down.

Beautiful Girl !!!! "The scream of my single heart started screaming at the pretty girl sitting right in front of me.

"She's the vocalist, right? Why is she sitting here? Had she been stunned by my coquettishness? Certain question is not it? "Strange questions control my brain, The girl patted my shoulder and the question disappeared instantly.

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"You, Can play the guitar right?" She said with that sweet smile, But where does she know I can play the guitar? Though people do not know anything.

"Yeah, a little" I replied.

"Please, Replace our guitarist momentarily. He's no more "With a pleading tone.

"Uh, ohh, Sorry I have an appointment with a friend, I want to go .. by..." I said take my bag and move from my seat. But something unexpected happened to her, catching my shoulder. then put her lips close to my ear.

"Best guitarist art performances SMA 7 Jakarta, Depart to Jakarta after graduating school and stay at one of your father's house in jakarta. Intend to hone his guitar skills to become a famous guitarist, but always fails while auditioning. Failure makes you a lazy person out of the house and makes you the most useless person in the world. But you always tell your high school friends if you've become a guitarist of one band in jakarta. Wow .. Great yes .. How if I spread your photos at this time to your high school friends. Oooh .. If not your parents? Surely they would be really shocked right? "She whispered cruelly though covered with a deceptive smile.

Where do you know? "I said, because the words in het whisper were trembling the truth.

"From where? It's a secret. But later I will tell you, who I am. Come on now play guitar first ok "The girl was off her hands from the shoulder, then walked to the stage with a whistle. I was forced to follow the girl's will and go on stage.

"Sing what song?" I asked while tuning the guitar
"Anji's song "Dia", use intro..., So good entry"

I started playing my guitar, somehow during the first passage, my feelings were different than before. Feel comfortable, that's what I feel. The fingers in my left hand danced happily as if they were getting something they were looking for. The fingers in my right hand seemed to be playing with the six strings of my guitar. Is it because he sings it? Factor he?

After the song was over, the audience's cheers clattered in my ears, Incredibly taste, as if it were a single concert, Somehow my heart was relieved, my burden seemed to be slightly reduced.

"What's this?" I say

"Follow this?"

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"I no, I intend to stop playing music, Want again? If I auditioned, I would have failed. I'm sorry. "I said as I prepared to go home.

"I'm gonna be your picture a minute now if you do not come?" Threatened her

"Whatever you want. I do not care. I just did not come.

"I say as I stand up from my seat. then momentarily want to leave her slowly I said "I do not want to fail for the umpteenth time"

And again when I got back home, the girl yelled at me to stop me. But I speed up my pace, the girl runs

"I said wait!" She kicked my back that made me fall.

"I told you I do not want to go, why the hell you're so stubborn. I do not have the talent to play guitar "

"The talent is not there, it's just a hard worker, trying to outrank her ability to achieve something. I know your hard work all this time. So do not give up easily"Shouted.

"You know what about me huh? We just met an hour ago, do not know about me. Time and time again I ask why I always fail and I always get the same answer if I was a scout "I shouted louder than her.

"I know you, more than anyone" She said very quietly, Then she hardened her voice back "Remember back your initial intention why you want to play guitar, you will definitely get the answer. I'm sure later the notes that come out in each of your guitar passages will answer all your questions. If you want to know who I am, come to the audition "The girl was away a little upset with the girl and forced to audition that helded 2 days after the incident.

I opened the audition door and it turns out 4 people sitting in front of me. And one of them was the girl, who surprised the girl's identity was Selly Nagita. I think I want to beat that girl when I look at her. But the girl stuck out her tongue and twirled a key ring in the shape of a guitar.

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I was reminded when 6 elementary school, I promise to a person named Ina. Ina intends that when she grows up, she wants to be a singer, and I tell her that I will be a guitar player, so I can accompany her while singing later. The promise we symbolize by exchanging mic key rings for me and guitar for iin.

"It turns out you" I said with a smile. then we sang together, realizing the dream as a child.

Thanks for Visit My Blog @wandimaru

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