Mama's Message.

in #airhawk-project7 years ago (edited)

"Jo, how come the room is a mess ?!" Mama's voice was loud. I was absorbed in the game Minecraft was surprised. Immediately I put my phone down and looked at Mama reluctantly. I'm sure, Mom will soon grumble and give me a "free lecture" for me.
"Jo, Mama has repeatedly told me, the room is dirapiin. Books are packed .. PR dikerjain, new can play if everything is neat ". True to my guess, I told myself.
"Yeah, Ma," I said, pulling the messy sheets. Spruce up the pillows, I restored the physics book on the bed to my desk.
"Have you prayed yet?" Mama asked as she looked at me intently. Oooppss .. I forgot .. Not yet praying ashar. Seeing my face change, Mama can already guess if I have not prayed yet. I saw Mama's mouth was open, before out a series of tirade from his mouth, I immediately ran to the bathroom. I left Mama who started grumbling with the nagging-that's .. haddeww .. honestly, bored I heard it .. if not my Mama, I must have shouted to stop, but where I dare .. because he mama me ..

I know, Mama loves me so much. So unfortunately, Mama memorable very manage. When I was little, yes hell, no problem. But now I'm already big, already high school, the period still has to be arranged. Must be like this .. must be so .. can not be this .. can not be that .. and so on. Sometimes I want to be like other friends, who can walk if I go home from school. Watch, hangout or just mejeng in the mall. Or go to school by yourself without needing to be escorted. I can ride motorcycles, many of my friends are riding motorcycles to school and their parents allow even though school prohibits. Even Good, a junior who lives next door to my house, has allowed his parents to ride a motorcycle since he was in elementary school. I envy, I also want to be like that. It feels maybe free and happy .. maybe, because I never feel it.

I'm an only child. And mama is a housewife. Mama's work is that, just take care of me and daddy. Since papa more out of town, practically mama just take care of me. Starting from preparing breakfast, checking textbooks, preparing uniforms, and escorting me to school, that's what my mama does every morning. Later when I get home from school, Mom will pick me up. Mama is not a cooking hobby, so mama rarely cook. Usually after picking me up, we'll go eat out. In a week can be four to five times, we eat out. Usually mama will ask me about my activities at school. About the lessons I've been following, about my friends, about the teachers, all the time. When I was a kid, I liked it when I asked about it and I was going to tell with enthusiasm about my activities at school. But now, I feel mama kepo deh .. But yes, to please mama, I still tell but only necessary. I do not know if mama can feel my change. All I know, mama still like before, dear but set up.

After the meal, we just got home. Usually we get home almost maghrib. After bathing and praying maghrib, I will get ready to study and mama will sit with me to study. If I look tired, Mom will make me a glass of warm chocolate milk. Then mama will stroke my hair, kiss my forehead, and say, "Learn the smart, let me be a great person!". When I was little, I liked being treated like that. I will pull my neck and kiss her cheek. Mama will smile. But now that I'm in high school, I do not like being treated like that. I'm not a kid anymore. I do not like being kissed again. But as usual, where dare I protest, I'm silent, but no longer pull my mother's neck and kiss her cheek. I just keep quiet!

Tonight I actually wanted to do an english job of making songs. But I do not have any idea what song I want to write. Seeing me who just stunned, Mom asked. I reluctantly say that I have a job writing songs in English. And the task must be gathered in four days.
"Later mama who made the song," said mama.
"Emang mama can ?!" I asked incredulously. It's nothing, I'm the only one who can play 2 musical instruments have no idea, let alone mama is just ordinary housewife.
"Yes, but it's only a poem. Ntar Jo find the note yes ".
"Sip ..". Mama smiled at what I said.

Go back to school, as usual mama picks me up. But not usually, this time my mother took me to the hospital. Good, my neighbor, had an accident. He collided with a "goat race" with a sedan that drove from the front. Mama story, Bagus tried to precede the car in front of him. He cut from the right, but from the opposite direction was a sedan that was also cutting the truck in front of him. Good can not dodge, so the accident happened. Good badly wounded, because Bagus does not wear a helmet.

We arrived at the hospital and immediately went to the ER. But it was too late. Good had "gone". I saw her mother crying in my mama's embrace. I want to go inside and see Good, but I do not dare. In addition, we are prohibited from entering because Bagus is being "cleaned". I saw the sadness on the faces of the Good family. Mama Bagus who had been crying in my mama hug, now even fainted and carried into the ER room. I saw Bagus Bagus who quietly wiped his tears and tried to be tough. Nabila, my new sister Bagus I heard shouting hysterically calling her sister's name. I just kept quiet looking at it all. I can not imagine what I would feel when it happened to me. Maybe mama can die. My stomach that was hungry, suddenly felt full. My appetite yawns. Someone patted my back. I turned around. Mama is standing behind me.
"Let's go home, Jo. We must prepare the house and notify the other neighbors, "Mama asks me. I followed my mother's step without speaking. I am confused.
"Oh yeah, you have not eaten yet. But today mama cook. We eat at home yes ". I just nodded. I still can not believe the incident that just happened. I remember the good mock smile this morning when I was leaving for school. He used to do that to me. He felt great because he was allowed to ride a motorcycle everywhere, while I was still escorted my mama.
"That's Jo, why mama forbid you to ride your own motorcycle. Mama is afraid something like this happens. It's nothing, you are still young, still emotionally unstable. Driving it takes a big responsibility. The risk of crashing or crashing, nothing good, "my mama's voice interrupted my reverie.
"Mama knows, Good often teases you. Now he's "gone". Forgive me, his mistake, his mistake ". I nodded. I saw Mom smiling on her lips.

Arriving home, mama immediately prepared a meal for me. Tumben, today mama cook soup balls of my favorite meatball. The feeling of hunger that had been lost, now resurfaced. After washing my hands, I immediately sat at the dinner table.
"Jo, I want to go to Bagus's house. That's the song's poem already mama make. Mama put on your desk. Later if tahlilan, you get there yes ".
I nodded. Mama immediately went to Bagus's house. Enjoy my meal alone without mama. It seems there is less. Lonely .. there's usually a mama next to me. Mama who is a kepo, who always asks about my day at school. Suddenly I want to tell you about my physical test that can be 90 points, I also want to tell you about new students who have moved to my class a week. A new student named Santi. But mama is not there, mom is at home Good.

After eating, immediately spruce up the dirty dishes and glasses. I cleaned the table. I went to my room. I looked for a song lyric made by mama for my english duty. I read the poem and unconsciously, I cried. The poem tells about the feelings of mama, also contains a message of mama for me. I realized I should be proud and happy to have a mom like my mama. Mama is always there for me. Mama who likes to grumble but that's all because she loves me. All for my good. Mama who kepo, because mama began to feel "lonely". Mama is great because she is always able to overcome my problem.

I replaced the song of the song on the table. In my heart I promise, from now on I do not want to disappoint my mom anymore. I will make mama happy as long as I can. Accompany my mom for as long as I can until the next time I have to "go" leave my mama because I have to go to college or work in another city or get married. When that happens, Mom says, remember our times together.
Then there will come a time when mama should "go". Mama advised, please pray for mama in my prayer ..

Then I relize time is a traitor ..
Now you grown up and getting older ..
Wanna see your own world, leaving me alone in my loneliness ..

If oneday you have to leave me ..
Remember the time we spend together
If oneday I have to leave you ..
Please whisper my name in your pray ..

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