"MEN WHO BEAT WOMEN" with the LOVE-DOCTOR--- join us tonight on our weekly LOVE SESSIONS with @klynic today 8PM GMT +1 /7PM UTC

in #air-clinic6 years ago


Crazy stuff happen every now and then, most people see them as natural occurrences, others see them as necessary evils, but I for one cannot stomach the thought of a man who hits a lady.

Now there are two arguments to this story, and many people have different opinions about this, you could read my fictional representation of a true life story here.

I could easily blame the ladies for staying put, even after the men hit them all in the name of misguided love.


Wonder why these guys let the ladies get under their skin, whatever happened to the old-fashioned walk-away routine the noblemen of old invented.


  • If there is no ring on your finger and you still let a man hit you all in the name of love
  • If you need to prove your manliness by turning your woman to a punching bag
  • If you make excuses for people who hit ladies
  • If you still believe that a man should hit you to prove he loves you (this is basically just crap though)

This were some of the responses I got from the story about Claire yesterday:


Wow! The story is not so different from the everyday woman batterer stories I hear but the note after the story struck my heart.
Sometimes I wonder what kind of spell was cast upon them , for they always return back even after they have turned into a punching bag.
Indeed ,it's high time the women take a stand to add value to their lives and the society.

....@mizdais signing out....


you should not lost yourself for loving others...
she needed to stand up for herself


Hello @klynic.
Nice story I must say, I was intrigued till the end. Now I'm very much against people who abuse women. I however have a problem with this story. It just feels incomplete to me. For every act of violence there is an underlying reason, especially in a case where the person isn't a consistent abuser, and this trait hasn't popped up in months or years of a relationship.
He may have been under the influence of something or probably has an issues dealing with anger that's why he's calm. Not everybody handles anger in a sane way, some people may just need space to cool off and she might have intentional stepped into that space to see his reaction. Either way it's no excuse, my only problem is that this story feels incomplete and ends up painting the guy as a wicked abuser..
I once dated someone who spent one entire day trying to push my anger to the limit to see how I would react, what if I wasn't able to control that anger that day and I snapped. Does that make me an abuser....
Or the one time I saw my uncle who is literally the human version of calm, and holds women in high regard, almost lose it and hurt his wife because she intentionally drove him to that dark place over and over again...
My point is, for some people it's a one time grave mistake that they make, for others, it's something they joy over. Lumping both categories of people as one, as your story did, isn't just right to me...


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Basically tonight I want you guys to come let's harsh this out once and for all. Special invitation to :
to tonights show. I really would love to pick your brains on this one.

Leave your comments here and join us live on air


Download discord app from Play store, join with this link https://discord.gg/NjuBxvc Follow the procedures, then connect to voice on clinic form. Conversation is done on the clinic-FM dashboard. I'll be waiting to receive Y'all. And if you're already on Air-Clinic, please do not miss tonight. Music, talk session, (free sbd) haha will be the order of tonight.


I look forward to seeing you all tonight.
much love






Its crazy when a man hits his supposed wife. But the lady is crazier to stay put in the marriage when her life is in danger.

I actually just saw this, I'm so sorry @klynic.

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