AIR-CLINIC: Albinos are humans too

in #air-clinic6 years ago

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"Now, you have got to be kidding me!"
This was the first statement Sandy heard as she stepped into the room.
"Just when I thought I had seen it all" the voice from one of the auditioners continued with his hands gesturing towards her.

Sandy bit her bottom lip, she should have listened to her mum and stayed home. This was no place for people like her.

"Hello, what is your name?"
Sandy turned to look at the only female auditioner. She looked nice.

"My name is Sandy Igbagere" Sandy replied with a little confidence.
She was finally here! She might as well show them her worth!

"Sandy, show us what you got"
"Seriously?" The first guy that had spoken said to the lady.

Sandy paid no attention to him, she walked over to the runway, and did her best catwalk of all times.

"We will get back to you, Sandy, you can go now". Said the last man among the three judges when she was done.
Sandy stepped off the runway and as she was about opening the exit door she heard the first judge say...
"What a joke!"

"Albinos are humans too you know" she replied him and walked out.

She picked up her bags hurriedly. She was tired of this world. She was an albino with dreams of being a model, not a leper!
She tried to fight back the tears as she felt stares and even a chuckle from the other girls.
She stepped out of the building remembering how difficult her life had been from birth. The discrimination, her sensitivity to light and the numerous skin problems. She hated her life.
She wanted to scream! No, she wanted to lock herself in her room and cry forever.

Her phone beeped. She read the text.

You are right, albinos are humans too. Welcome to Sunshine Models, we would be honored to have you work with us

"I got in! I got in!!" Sandy screamed to no one in particular.
She ran the rest of the way home, she could not wait to tell her mom!
Word count: 350

P.S - If you are not yet a member of Air-clinic on discord, you better click on, because you are missing out!



This is an entirely splendid tale.

Short and powerful story

Thanks for reading 😄

Wow @fejiro. This is amazing

Great job, love it!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it

350 words. Not to bad at all.

It takes a conscious effort to remind ourselves that these people are humans too

Sadly... That's not how it's supposed to be

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