in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)


 Albinism in humans is a congenital disorder characterized by the  complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to  absence or defect of tyrosinase, a copper-containing enzyme involved in  the production of melanin. It is the opposite of melanism. Unlike  humans, other animals have multiple pigments. . Source  

From the above definition, albinos are human beings like you, me and any other person elsewhere. They are by no fault of theirs albino and deserve our love and support to live a normal life.

*Who Said Albinos Are Good for Rituals?*

There is a lot of crimes  perpetrated by the society against the albinos, one of which is the erroneous believe that they are meant for ritual purposes. This is a lie from the pit of hell and should be stopped.

The people who indulge in this criminal activity can also do the some with any other person born without the disorder as the tag they placed on albinos as being good for their evil is merely an illusion they created to hide under to carry out their evil.    

*Are Albinos Mentally Handicapped?* 

This is another lie against this unique set of human being,  albinos are not in any way mentally handicapped as its clear today that if given the opportunity, research has proven that albinos turns out to be specialists in any chosen field of human endeavor which shows that they are not less equal to their counterparts who are free from the disorder. 

In conclusion, I wish to call on all of us to show advancement from the old erroneous mentality and conception against the albinos and show the much needed friendliness and accept them as God made them. 

Let each and everyone us join hands and stop marginalizing, mocking, cajoling or dehumanizing the albinos in any way, we rather should show and be a big brothers or sisters to them.   


Word count: 312


Is this disease permanent?
is there any treatment

To the best of my knowledge there is no cure for it. Its not an illness per say, people that had it are not prone to any medical issue as long as they adhere to simple healthy living.

So sad to know that people use them for rituals. How mean of such cultures and how mean of people to ridicule affected people

It's indeed sad but enlightenments are now helping as such cruel cultural believe and practice is gradually ending.

Yes they are still human and created in the image and likeness of God...

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