#AIR-CLINIC HEALTH TALK: What Is Orgasm? (+ Health Benefits Of Orgasm)

in #air-clinic6 years ago

Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,

We are unto another sex-talk Thursday. On days like this, we are obligated to help you attain a healthy bedroom and relationship with opposite sex. We have done that for so many weeks now with topics like;

  • how to imporve your sex life,
  • aphrodisiacs,
  • how to keep your female organ clean,
  • erectile dysfunction etcz.


This topic in particular is at the center of all these sexual health talks. Its quite mysterious we must confess. Many people have heard about it but very few persons can define it talk more of understanding it.

On the other hand too, its very practical. Having a better understanding helps in the attainment of it eventually. Enough of the wordplays and encirclement of the BIG O.


Let's shoot!


Let's start with a dictionary definition;

Orgasm is the climax of sexual excitement, characterized by intensely pleasurable feelings centred in the genitals and (in men) experienced as an accompaniment to ejaculation.

And Wikipedia almighty gave an intense definition that will get your loins fired up. Lols

Orgasm is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual excitement during the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region characterized by sexual pleasure.

There's this funny description that we will like to share with you...

It's almost confusing — something feels so good it almost hurts, so you want more and you want it to stop at the same time, and then you cross a line into an orgasm, and then when it's a big one, it just totally consumes you." -Alexandra (Cosmo Mag)

Sometimes it has no clear definition. The only promise is that when you feel it, you will know it.


Well, despite the societal mentality of thinking that orgasm is only for men, its actually for women too. Infact, the feminine orgasm is the holy grail of orgasms.

Its a given though that orgasm is much more difficult for women to attain than men. For men, it just follows ejaculation even though there are still men that have trained themselves to attain non-ejaculatory orgasm.

However for women, its a much harder task. So many factors come into play when it comes to feminine orgasm. Lets see some of them below.


Tales have been told of women who have tried so many things to attain this state but to no avail. For some others it may come quite easily.

Experts in this field still insist that orgasm does have a formular which when followed to the letter helps in the attainment of a great sexual height.

1- Psychological State
2- Healthy Sex Organs
3- Energy Available
4- Element Of Surprise
5- Love & Other Drugs...


Frequent orgasms are rid with a alot of health benefits that you may not even expect.
1- Happiness: orgasms are associated with joy, love and happiness. All of which are also enabling factors for having one. A woman who has had orgasm is much more likely to love her partner.

2- Exercise & Fitness: simply because this state is associated with a rapid muscular contraction cycle (all over the body), it may be a recipee for burning fats. Sexual activity itself is also a calorie dissipator.

3- Release Of Good Hormones: so many of the hormones released during orgasm like Oxytocin, DHEA & Endorphins are associated with lower risk of heart diseases and cancers.

4- Lowers Risk Of Prostate Cancer (For Men): there's a specific research that indicated that men who ejaculate(orgasm) more than 21x per month have a 20% lower risk of Prostate Ca than there counterparts with a boring sex life. Lolx.


  • Orgasms are not only attained during sexual intercourse, activities like exercising, singing and even thinking has led to orgasms for some people. Lolx
  • Orgasms aren't evil. They have never killed anyone.

We must admit that this is a very wide topic which requires much more details. We have to stop here for simplicity sake. More details will be given during the daily health talk on AIR-CLINIC today.

Time: 5:30pm (+1UTC/Nigerian Time)
Anchor: Dr. Maureen Aleyo
Venue: AIR-CLINIC Discord Server- https://discord.gg/rqded5m
Join Us!


If you have never had this all the time you have had sex, you need to tune up your sex life.

Lolx @El-morenza,
True to some extent. All sexual encounters mustn't lead to an orgasm. Its commoner for men though. But for women, alot of time and efforts are needed.

These are fact, I really like reading your post. It do contain some basic facts and it's understandable. orgasms is experience by both male and female but in most cases, female don't usually get to there climax easily unlike men.

As you said, orgasms bring happiness when you experience it, and sometimes if you didn't feel it, it is like you didn't enjoy the intercourse. Thanks for sharing @air-clinic

Hey @ohakfarm,
We are glad you enjoy our health tips. Stay tuned on Air-Clinic blog and join our Discord Server for more interesting health talks and to ask your questions. Cheers!

Alright sir, it would be my pleasure to be part of your discord channel

@air-clinic explained the unexplainable...
You want to stop at the same time keep going...


Lolx @Vheobong,
We try as much as possible to give clarity to confusing health topics in the simplest terms possible. Glad you like our style. Cheers!

Orgasms help our system to grow and it build inner mind when we are doing exercise and make us to grow very well

Hey @OtunolaKayode,
We don't know about helping your system to grow, but we do know it leads to a stronger happier relationship with the opposite sex.

I wonder what the feminine orgasm is the holy grail of orgasms means :)

Wow.... Knowledge orgasm...... This is awesome. Biological orgasm is better.... Lol. Waiting for the class to continue o


Orgasms are not only attained during sexual intercourse, activities like exercising, singing and even thinking has led to orgasms for some people.

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Orgasms are not only attained during sexual intercourse...!! Yeess, very true. I am a witness.
Food-gasms... Happens to me all the time.

Thanx air-clinic for yet another amazing post..

I wish u had attached corresponding links to the previous related topics u listed in the beggining of this post for easy find.. Never the less, you always deliver.

Waow, i never knew i could get this knowledge here. Could you please shed light on the difference between orgasm and squirtting? It is a great knowledge you sharing here man! Things our parents won't tell us about because of culture. Thanks

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