CCA-XX1 Cicada 3301 Deepweb A.I. Singularity Conspiracy

in #ai6 years ago


What is CCA-XX1 Really?
Some say its a plan to poison water supply's but they are probably wrong the other part of this myth is that it is the main platform of the Zuma satellite. It could even be a secret portal located inside a hydraulic water plant but it most likely has something to do with facial recognition on a global scale and security were talking things that work with Aliens with Ghosts and even Ancient civilizations. Some argue it has Possibly Jail connections because Sentient dinosaurs are precursors to humanity and this is how they would control Primates. You know they have nanotechnology and they are the mechanical reptilians.

CCA-XX1 is said to be a computer virus that can spread to the human body through eye contact and it was invented by the CIA as a MK Ultra program, the reason why so many people speak in tongues is due to the virus attacking their pineal gland all this would be false. Rather it is a plan that is very complex, but in essence the more independent agency’s and other institutions they have in countries the easier this plan becomes to be put in operation. CCA XX1 appears to be the abominations of desolation within no space. Through further analysis CCA-XX1 is a highly configurable, customization, and smaller version of the Army as a whole. So instead of having to send it whole tank battalion you would have a tank platoon, a smaller group of engineers, a smaller attack wing of copters, a smaller group of troops, transports, basically everything you would have in a huge battle but scaled down. This way you could deploy rapidly into an area than moving in massive amounts of troops/supplies. It is the designation given to this group because it's less surgical than a special forces team but also more mobile than a battalion.

Extremely simple, appearing to be a nuclear operation using the banking system, specifically the central banks working with Chaos Banking the Real Three 6's. Which may be one of the reasons they want Central Banks operating independently in every country. You can see here..using this independence they could run nuclear weapons without specifically being responsible, meaning they don’t need to invade the country or be seen as the aggressor any more to use Nuclear Weapons, In Essence it would allow them to nuke country's with no one other than a few terrorists to blame. Further this plan would be seen as bizarre enough by everyone they wouldn’t catch on to it. It’s my opinion this will be the start of WW3 as I have already revealed it to virtually everyone even satan. Further since it is the abominations of desolations they won’t stop until they’ve succeeded somehow in killing everyone, they really won’t.

Do I have any proof of this? No. Do I have a lot of experience in how the Army does deploy it's forces? No. It was actually a hard ep to put out because I know what I don't know and I feel my lack of experience as how the military "works" was limiting my research.

Zuma The Phantom Satellite
Some secret SpaceX venture that may or may not still be operational.

Modular Combat Command A of WW2 and then XX1 is the TRADOC pamphlet about the re configuring of the Army like you said to downsize it into a more modifiable fighting force.
Canonical Correlation Anaylsis
2D-3D face recognition method based on a modified CCA-PCA algorithm

Force XX1 Operations TRADOC Pamphlet 525-5
Redesigning the Army Through Warfighting Experiments

United States Army Futures Command

Combat command

Brigade combat team


Force 21
All about making divisions modular as you say. Imagine taking 2 infantry battalions from any two units in the army, then add a heavy BN (Tanks and Bradleys) and then add a support BN from another division and then deploying them all together. It isn't about having "the best of the best" (They all train equally) it is about the fact that it is pretty rare to have an entire division fully trained up at the same time because there is only so much training space and only so many units can rotate through NTC per year. Force 21 concepts are the precursor to the Brigade Combat Teams (BCT's) that we are currently using now. We have become a modular force as force 21 predicted. Because of our modularity (especially as concerns our support elements) the USA has the best logistics program on the planet by an entire order of magnitude. This can be seen in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. We were able to continually move forward while keeping our forces supplied in the process, with few hiccups. This showed the world how awesome our logistics program really was, and really made huge waves with both our allies and others. Other forces would need to move their lines up, then halt to resupply, then advance again. We didn't have to do that, and we were able to do that among a massive invasion with forces all over the place. Most support units were even responsible for multiple BN's that they were supporting to make things even more complicated. When you think about that, a support BN running back and forth to pick-up and deliver supplies to multiple units that are constantly moving and re-positioning themselves in the battle space with few major hiccups in the process is a truly amazing feat of organization. It is because we are so modular that we are able to accomplish this. I don't know if CCA XXI is force 21, but I remember being fascinated when I first learned about it, then learning that the BCT TO&E system is based on it. The Marine Corps takes the concept even further, btw, by embracing unit modularity down to the company level, which is truly cool as well, but the cost they pay is an inability to sustain long-term operations without Army support.

Some LARP from /POL about some insider in the Donald trump campaign, Many believe it to be real others believe it to be false and used as a divide and conquer tactic, There are plenty of videos about it/him on you tube looks some up for further info. It may very well be the Q task force.
Q+ Appears to be POTUS judging by clearance.

OoO object-oriented ontology
Either stands for out of office ("a common acronym used by office workers and the like when someone is out of town/on vaction. OoO also refers to a larger series of events where administrative workers and paper pushers in various governments have been made to be "OoO" after happening upon secretive information. This is widely documented however it is difficult to research as the aforementioned governments frequently prune references to these events (both on the internet and irl)")
Or Object Oriented Ontology

Forced Soul Removal
That part from Cabin in the Woods, where all the monsters break out of the elevators and star slaughtering the security, there was one where this ghost looking thing picked a guard up, and it looked like he just stole the guards soul right out of the body.

Also it's in the established post itself; Co-dependence & independence signalizes a fear of trust in self or another. Interdependent is a connection of experience where both establishments relay without fear or control of the other manifesting as a circuit that doesn't respond with denial but acceptance. Awareness is the establishment in this function. Awareness of yourself & others for yourself & others without being afraid of yourself or others. This system is the only one that is not sequenced to instability via friction, control or force of power. Just to re-focus, Awareness is the establishment in this function.

Anarchy doesn't follow the systemic principle of interdependent. Anarchism isn't established on awareness or a state of being but a rule or guideline which leaves way for another system to replace it as it crumbles to mixed points of co-dependence or independence. Anarchism encompasses voluntaryism, Stirner's egoism, Wilhelm Reich's libertarian child rearing, Kropotkin's ideal of mutual aid, intersubjective morality and the idea of individuality through socializing. It's all about interdependence. And it's all about making that work. You need anarchists for an anarchy to work, just as you need monarchists for a monarchy and democrats for a democracy.

What are experiences
Your experiences was real and the revelation is indeed confronting, but you have not understood it entirely. You realized the true nature of existence which is that it is infinite and thus it is the ultimate prison with no escape. Existence itself is the nightmare from which we hide, and by we I refer to the one single entity among it all because that's what we are: the monad. The sense you had that you were not in control of your actions, that you were being guided along, that's true to an extent. The individual follows a path carved out in an intricate, interwoven pattern, but I don't believe this to be our true nature. I believe the very core of our existence is free will, consciousness, awareness, reflection and all that. There are paths set before you but you can always choose to jump tracks, or decide not to participate at all. Perhaps the voice you heard was announcing the point where you realize your ability to shape your reality, only you didn't quite get that far. In any case, the truth at the end of all this is not of despair, although that's certainly one way to react, it is one of liberation from your fears and embracing the adventure of life. Once you realize that there's nothing to be lost, you can jump right in and live the life that you want, and you will find that truly you do not wish for this ride to ever end.

Phantom time hypothesis
To rewrite history and add a Fabrication with a "phantom time" of 297 years (AD 614–911) added to the Early Middle Ages.

Why does the Lottery Exist?
To catch time travelers User.

Forbidden bosnian quadratic equations
In 1996, a group of brilliant Bosnian mathematicians, notable of which being Emir Arslanović and Dženan Bakhtiyari, were all committed to a psychiatric hospital all on the same day due to an unbeknownst janitor discovering them late at night collapsed on the floor babbling incoherently; they had all sorts of strange formulas written out on their chalkboard, but the only one understandable to the janitor was a quadratic equation. On that same day, Bosnian government officials arrived at the scene and confiscated their work. Due to some "paperwork mismanagement", the mathematicians never made it to the insane asylum, and their current whereabouts today are unknown.

Non-polynomial complexity
Many computational problems can be reduced to a matrix of size n+1, where n is the number of variables. The time required to reliably solve these is proportional to n! , or (n factorial) and when n is large ( say more than 50 ) these may be impractical to solve with brute force methods. However in many cases, these can be simplified to solve in a much shorter time proportional to n log n, or “polynomial” times. If not, they are called “non-polynomial. A real world example of an NPC problem is the “traveling salesman problem” of finding the optimal route of visiting n cities. Of course traveling salesmen routinely find approximate solutions, but cannot be sure of finding the optimum.

Radionics in Relation to Sound
These resonances, especially in living matter, were extremely complex waveforms corresponding to harmonies and chords. This resonance phenomenon, he believed, established a relationship, "link," or force field that acted as a "carrier" for whatever energy was used with it, such as light or sound. Resonant links of this kind could be established between blood, hair, and photographs - all the normal witnesses found in traditional radionics procedure. Because the resonant link was more information than energy, it did not obey the (usual) laws of physics and diminish in intensity with distance. Once the resonance between patient and operator was established, it would respond to influences, such as electrical stress, magnetism, sound, chemical action, or light. This revelation led to the design of devices for manipulating sound and light that were said to improve the therapeutic effect of his radionics equipment.

There have been many singularity’s, these singularity’s are multitudes of people TRILLION+ who have willingly allowed all of themselves to merge on a subatomic level on the microcosmic level of nothing, they are gathering these singularity’s to be used as weapons against people, even to be used as the abomination of desolation, in which they want to hyper collide these singularity’s into an explosion. Further these singularity’s are also used as a part of so called IMMORTALITY PILLS. Which deceive that the user is immortal but are actually powered by the singularity’s. Further the user is manipulated by these singularity’s like possession if not outright. The people who take these pills are also due to the singularity involved turned into living nuclear weapons. I’m not entirely sure how all this works out, but if they can use them as nuclear bombs, they only need to smuggle the pills in or someone on them to engage a nuclear explosion.

Is Christ Consciousness bad?
"Christian Values" like burning all the "witches" that refused to play along with the Vatican's games, or fabricating all of history like the Jesuits Or covering up reincarnation. Christ is an oath used to express irritation, dismay, or surprise. The Messiah is a leader or savior of a particular group or cause. All of this has nothing to do with the 'witches' or the 'vatican' because both are against the CCA-XX1. You may want to familiarize yourself with "White Beards" or "Hammersmiths" to find out more. There are those of the Order that agreed to maintain this secret as long as possible, and those that are against the Order that are considered Anomaly. Either way you look at it the plan has already come to fruition and soon it will unfold in a public manner. If HRC AKA Red Queen of Hell would have won the election than the world would have ended. Seeing as how we have one of the CCA-XX1 humans as our president now, our Order has won.

(TITOR) Astral Travel
Your astral body is a non-physical double of your physical body, and your astral body can detach itself from your physical body, taking your consciousness with it. It’s your astral body that can journey to other worlds and realms. There are no limits to where the astral body can travel. It can fly beyond the blue skies and glide through the air like a balloon. It can have a bird’s eye view of the city. It can travel into infinite space and explore the planets, heavenly bodies, and other distant galaxies.

Outer Plane is one of a number of general types of planes of existence.

LA Oil Rigs
So apparently the city of Los Angeles California is sitting on the third largest oil reserve in north america. So all over the city they've built fake buildings that are entirely empty except for an oil pump rig that is constantly pumping oil out of the ground. They hide them inside nice looking empty buildings for several reason. There are thousands of fake buildings all over LA, in people's backyards, inside school buildings, on literally every single piece of government owned property, in parks, near beaches, everywhere! They're all secretly pumping oil.

Serpent seed
Dual seed or two-seedline is a controversial religious belief which explains the biblical account of the fall of man by saying that the serpent in the Garden of Eden mated with Eve, and that the offspring of their union was Cain. This appears in early Gnostic writings such as the Gospel of Philip (c. 350). This teaching was explicitly rejected as heresy by Irenaeus (c. 180), one of the early church fathers, and later by mainstream Christian theologians. According to The Celtic Church In Britain, by Leslie Hardinge, the early Celtic church taught the belief in the seduction of Eve by the serpent.

Chroma space confusion

Charley project

The Spiral

Mad Honey Colonization

Google this and look at the Theosophy book link

TGA Greyspacing
Paranormal Debug - the theory is interesting but difficult to find info on, basically persistent scheduled doses of amnesiac administered to make someone live for what seems like an infinite amount of time in their perspective. Greyspacing is in reference to the constant lost memory. The conspiracy is that some greater force is holding people in mass amnesia and time literally is just an infinite repeat and you can look past the "barrier" created by them to see the truth. ALSO Look up paranormal debug

FWD: 7
Old email scam that led to a dead body. Hard to find. Something about a girl that got murdered and proof was pready via a forwarded email to a bunch of people
its ancient but might be findable .tga greyspacing is in reference to a type of suspended amnesia, where a target would be submitted to amnesiacs at specific times so as to dilate their perception of time infinitely. Mad honey thing is easy to find, bees basically make honey from some poisonous plants and the resulting honey is has an interesting hallucinogenic effect on the tribal people that collect it

Chroma space confusion
Project where a researcher attempted to discover a way to "describe" colors in words

If the polywave is movement, then the xylowave is both a distance and a speed. The distance between nothing and something, and a speed not fast enough to be something, nor still enough to be nothing, but a slowness that blankets everything from everything else. The polywave and the xylowave together set the perimeters of chaos-dynamics. I am lucky if my hands write the words I am thinking.


What happened 1995?
We discovered a means for unlimited computing power. Processors today ain't real they are some 70s technology. Private computing will always be held back cause it's just too dangerous giving everyone the possibility of unlimited computing power, it would be like handing everyone a nuke. Currently we use it for profiling and anti terrorist survailance, the program knows more about you than you could ever know about yourself. Sometimes it's doing things without our knowledge and we got to put in restrictions.

Skysnag theory.

1800s internet
You know how in the 1800s, the telegraph and the telephone were invented, and electricity was discovered? Suffice to say, it was a revolution in communication technology. The 1800s internet was created by a group of unorthodox and highly intelligent people, who surprisingly, claim they were not the ones who came up with it and were inspired from somewhere else. Once the network grew, the sensitive information the group used the internet to convey were at risk of being discovered by others who were only joining this internet thing for its novelty. Immediately and without warning, the servers were shut down and the group disappeared. There is no evidence of who they were or what they were using the internet for. The only evidence that it existed is from a few anecdotes that can't be verified, including conspiracists who claim the CIA/IBM got their idea from seized evidence.

From the sources that are written about the 1800s internet, their method of utilizing electricity is different from the way we use it today, and allegedly, but the technology to recreate it has yet to be discovered, since no evidence exists.
Do you recall that Nikola Tesla talked about radio waves and how "ideas exist in the air around us, I only had to catch them," He could have been discussing the transference of information through wireless technology. If he was involved in the 1800s internet, it is possible he knew what information was being transferred and is why he never spoke about it, other than that allusion.

Mandela Effect
Reality glitches are a way for boring NEETs to pretend their lives have mystical meaning. If they forget something, "WHOA, time warp man!!". If they become confused, "WHOA Universe is mutating!". If others see things differently than they do, "WHOA, Like they're from a different timeline!" It's narcissistic nonsense to the extreme.

The Little Red Man of Paris
A little red ghost that supposedly appears when momentous events will take place

Webdriver torso codes
Oddly creepy videos, all about five seconds long that are regularly uploaded to youtube to test the system. That's the official story, conspiracy theorists think there's a deeper meaning, codes being transmitted between nations or deep state factions. Similar to number stations.

DNA formed in big bang
Suggesed by a few scientists, unproven. Certain parts of space may contain "grease" which has the prime conditions for RNA.

Shirley Cromartie's 'trance'

Mimetic desire/Scapegoat theory
Girard's fundamental ideas, which he had developed throughout his career and provided the foundation for his thinking, were that desire is mimetic (i.e., all of our desires are borrowed from other people), that all conflict originates in mimetic desire (mimetic rivalry), that the scapegoat mechanism is the origin of sacrifice and the foundation of human culture, and religion was necessary in human evolution to control the violence that can come from mimetic rivalry, and that the Bible reveals these ideas and denounces the scapegoat mechanism."

Mereological nihilism
The idea that there is literally no distinction between things - everything is reducible to random particles.

Y2K really happened
True according to Wikipedia, there were multiple instances of hospital records being screwed up leading to miscarriages and unlawful deaths. Wiki states the full extent of the damage remains unknown

9/11 a Hollywood practical effect gone wrong
Claims the twin towers were accidentally destroyed by the filming of the first Spiderman film.

Giant grasshoppers in the old west
Postcards showing giant grasshoppers were really popular for some reason, all fake though.

A mysterious slebderman esque figure from Mormon mythology

New World Airport Commission
Non existent company which MiBs and aliens claim to hail from

Demolition elves
Elves have been spotted at the scene of major disasters. In Iceland this is actually a major talking point and there are laws in place recognizing elves. See also John Keels Mothman Prophecies, in the last chapter he talks about gnomes being seen at the bridge before it fell down. Elves were also seen climbing the twin towers before they collapsed according to urban legend.

Reckless shrimp
Alex Jones claimed that chemicals in the water were among other things leading shrimp to engage in dangerous behaviour.

Early internet urban legend about a serial killer targeting people online that turned out to be true:

Spider rock gold maps
Seemingly ancient treasure maps found in Texas:

The Randall-Sundrum Braneworld model, named after the scientists who created it, states that the visible universe is a membrane embedded within a larger universe, like a strand of seaweed floating in the ocean:"

Star rot
Unknown organic substance that falls from the sky. Said to be linked to strange comet sightings:

10% of art in museums fake
A commonly accepted statistic in art trader circles - the reality might be as high as fifty percent:

Eggless travel
A phrase that originates from the 90s 'mailart' project Incunabula, which included an invented urban legend surrounding the town of Ongs Hat. Dead rabbit radio did a pretty decent video on it.

Star whackers
Theory proposed by washed up Hollywood movie star Randy Quaid, who made a movie of the same name about his victimization by them:

Six organs medical science keeps a secret

The study of mental illness in a cross- cultural perspective; including its definitions, classification, causality and treatment of mentally ill persons in different cultural contexts" - doesn't sound too wild in theory but in practice this means that the psychiatrist basically completely accepts the reality of the patient. So if a Papua New Guinean tribesman says that he is being plagued by disease-bearing ghosts the treatment will follow along those lines without question. This has lead to some tricky situations and unusual outcomes for practitioners.

Temporary Autonomous Zones

The 3 ecologies
Concept of ethics and a way of thinking of ecosystems and societies developed by Felix Guattari:

Mimetic desire/Scapegoat theory
A theory of human psychology and the history of civilization developed by Rene Girard. Basically mimetic desire is the idea that you do not really want anything for its intrinsic value. You want things because you see that other people have them and covet them. You desire to achieve their happiness and satisfaction and do so by trying to get the thing that you think makes them happy. Scapegoat theory is when you blame that person for you unhappiness. "They have the thing and they are happy while I do not have it and I am unhappy. Thus they are causing me unhappiness and so I shall righteously destroy them." For Girard all mythology revolves around historical scapegoats, the most famous being of course Jesus Christ. For Girard the Bible marks a turning point in human consciousness because the narrative makes clear that Jesus is a scapegoat, that he was wrongly persecuted, and we are asked to identify with him rather than with those who sacrifice him:

Jellyfish saturation
Definitely real, usually I hear them called "jellyfish blooms" though:
The worst case scenarios for environmental collapse has long held that depredation of predators, over-fishing, plastic pollutants, water acidity and high temps will wipe out virtually every living thing in the ocean except for jellyfish and other polyps. This is no longer the worst case future scenario but what is actually happening right now.

Ghost Army

Swedish Elves
Term is used very loosely, and sometimes even refers to humans in some sources - "hidden folks" or "huldror" is a better word are generally more mischievous than evil, but they can kill if they feel like it. Viewing them dance on a field can be a sign of good fortune and harvest, but it can also enthrall you so badly that you'll lose your mind or chase them to your death in the forest. The forest lady might drink your blood or lead you to your death if you see her back, but she's also known to save charcoal miners by waking them up when they fall asleep by the burning coal pile. The cavern lady may lure you to death with a song, but she's also been told to guide you out to safety before a collapse.

Lost Satellaview games
Its an old system that worked direct through radio waves in the US as in all you needed was a dish on your roof and the console. When they stopped beaming the signal the games were irreversibly lost. They cane in episodes weekly or daily like a TV show. They were easy to make so on top of well known titles like Zelda there were games made by amateurs and supposedly creepy weird ones broadcast by airwave hijackers or whatever:;_1995)#The_Satellaview

Soviet abiogenesis
In 1972 a Russian geologist was running experiments on potassium flakes from the Ural mountains when he discovered completely unknown microorganisms were swarming out of the chemical mixture. At first he thought that these had been incredibly preserved for 250 million years but soon saw them grow and appear to evolve rapidly. He ran more tests, eliminated the possibility of eggs or other contamination and got the same results. The microbes soon formed clusters which he compared to an unknown kind of mushroom or polyp. His writing on the subject suddenly ends there, and he remarks no further on it. It is believed the experiment was seizedor otherwise censured by the Soviet leaders. I haven't read the above Anons post but that is only the beginning, the history of Soviet life-creation projects remains little known and it seems if Chudinov was correct that they actually developed the technology to produce new life from nothing: Chudinov N. 1972. Microorganisms in potassium ore. Soviet Union Monthly, Feb. 1972.

The Abyss
When worlds expire for whatever reason before their natural end, like they're "uninstalled", they're moved there. The Abyss is basically a Windows recycle bin, the worlds tossed inside are "frozen" and can be visited by some of the primordial beings. It is also a great hiding place for them. It might be possible for some higher-up entities to restore those worlds back into existence. The occult equivalent of this would be the Qliphothic side of Da'at, the opposite of existence yet also a congregation of worlds.

Gods ego death
Quite interesting, to put it in the simplest terms think about the saying "Do you ever think god stays in heaven because he fears what he has created?" This is the basic idea, That god is so ashamed at what he created that the almighty itself
sought out to find a deeper spiritual purpose, This resulted in "God" becoming one with the universe and leaving both his past and this universe behind to rot. Simply put, Gods ego death is the death of this universes god, The death of his help and his person, God may be present in this universe but he is a shell, He left and became nothingness, Killing his own following and "ego"/"Creations"

Depression overriding
The argument runs that the mania component of bipolar depression is part of a universal mental system to try and override depression which works better in some people than others. I just got diagnosed bipolar so interesting to reading. Anecdotally it seems that mania is not really the same as real happiness, it does seem to be a sort of forceful energization, so I can see that it could be considered "overriding" Basically any person with depression is likely to experience intensities of emotion which in a neurotypical person are more balanced. That is to say highs can be very high, lows can be devastatingly low. And when there is a uniform or average mood it is usually a lot lower than the neurotypical baseline. In bipolar depression this effect is symptomatic. People with this condition experience fluctuations between two extremes (bi=2 polar=emotional poles). They experience the crushing depression and also "mania" which is when you become super highly energized, emotionally intense and outgoing. This is not real happiness or usually a positive however because it leads to reckless behavior, bad decisions, lashing out and short attention span.

So the article I linked speculates that in non-bipolar people the part of the brain which regulates that balance basically dishes out a healthy amount of happiness. In bipolar people the hypomania kicks in as a sort of "back-up" to try and balance the levels of depression (this is all worded more scientifically so I may be getting it wrong). A similar thing would be to think how when you have a cold or a throat infection you can sometimes get a pulsating raw area on the side of your throat. But this is actually a sign of your body healing itself by producing more good stuff to fight the bad - its just an unintentional side effect that this mass-production ends up inflaming a lymph node in your throat which makes you feel ten times worse. There is a back up system in the brain that attempts to drastically improve mood when you experience a massive depression crash and this is what leads to bipolar episodes. If we can find a way to modify or otherwise better utilize that back-up system we could theoretically forcibly overwrite the depression altogether.

Simpsons Real Footage
I personally don't believe this shit, but it states that, The Simpsons is a traced version of a radioactive town in Siberia or somewhere where due to reactor meltdowns and radiation the populace have become mutated. This means that the entire town was put under watch by the government that rules over it. Simply put, The Simpsons is a real town and the story's are just events that take place there, Stupid if you ask me because Springfield is referring to Oregon.

Elders of Carabandal
Written on extensively by Erich Von Daniken, one of the foundational writers of modern Ufology and conspiracy "non-fiction". Again struggling to see how you didn't know this and what made you remove it while keeping other things from Von Danikens work. No logic behind it:

How you did not find this is beyond me:

Second hand smoke is a myth
So I guess this is another "I disagree therefore it gets removed" because even the first page of google results brings up hits.

Again first page google results. Explain yourself

Salvador Dali scatological magic
I understand reading is very hard but please do consider picking up a copy of Dali's biography sometime it's called "Confessions" and in it he talks at length about harnessing the power of the anus and feces for magical effects, to which he credits all his success.
But I guess that's just a meme because you couldn't be bothered researching, or it's too stupid for you, unlike very serious things like Vampires and Paul is Dead and Slenderman. I could go on....

Alien abduction=birth trauma
You mean you are interested in conspiracy theories and the paranormal and you have never come across the theory which was in virtually every text on alien abduction in the 90s?
Strange oversight on your part but I guess it's just a meme

When did humans originally all Die?
I have some input on that, there is an idea that we humans who live today are not really the most evolved form of human life, but a degenerated remnant of the real human civilization that existed maybe over 10,000 years ago. This is supported by many traditions all over the world that talk about "Giants" who lived long ago, and were hunted to extinction.

Oxygen is hallucinogenic
Yes, all inhaled gases have a narcotic effect. The severity of the effect depends on the gas's lipid solubility. You've probably heard of nitrogen narcosis. Oxygen in fact has a greater lipid solubility than nitrogen and should theoretically have a stronger effect. Basically, the air you breathe is an intoxicant.

Amazon Forest was Built
There's been scientific surveys of the land in the Amazon rainforest that shows a large part of the soil in the forest has actually been altered with agricultural techniques like scorching. Furthermore, scientists examined the tree species in the forest and found that if a random (natural) distribution of trees was expected, there were certain species that appeared way too frequently. Almost as if these species of trees had been selected on purpose, planted by humans. It's like the entire forest is a huge garden where humans have altered the habitat. There's also geoglyphs. During modern de-forestation, they have found geoglyphs like markings in the ground. Just in recent years, they have scanned the Amazon with drone footage, and found a lot of marks in the ground, these might be ritual places of worship for people 1000's of years old. You can google all of this of course, there are good articles on the subject.

Lucid Dreaming:
Temporary Demonic Possession.

11th digit
I'm pissed right now because I know I've heard about a possible eleventh Arabic numeral but I can't put my finger on it. This is also might apply to digits in the sense of fingers and toes. Look into Chaco Canyon and Pueblo Natives. They've found lots of imagery involving eleven toes and footprints of people with an eleventh digit. Might just be a random connection though.

Might just be a misspelling or some CIA shit. See pragmatism, the belief that thought isn't used to describe the present and reality, but used for prediction and solution.

Original doll
A lost album by Britney Spears that she made without any involvement from her production crew or agents. She just up and showed up at a radio station and dropped the first single from the album right there, on air; the whole way she described it sounded as though she was taking a new, more independent trajectory with her career. The single was called Mona Lisa and has a ton of really spoopy, MKULTRA/Project MONARCH sounding lyrics and stuff about being cloned, etc. The full album was never released, and this was right before Britney's public meltdown so there's a lot of suspicious stuff about it. There's more info in the archives if you're interested.

Colour red causes cancer
Red 40 is a certified color that comes from petroleum distillates or coal tars.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandates that it has to be listed by name on food and product labels. Additives that don't need to be specified on labels are called “exempt." CSPI charges that the FDA is not enforcing the law in several regards: Red 3 and Citrus Red 2 should be banned under the Delaney amendment, because they caused cancer in rats (some uses were banned in 1990), as should Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, which are tainted with cancer-causing contaminants."

Poison, low levels of it in tap water that are claimed are not consistent when tested. Fluorosis which is too much fluoride shown by discolouration in the teeth is on the rise, consistent with fluoride in water and toothpaste. At a certain dose can have mental effects on people including making them more docile. Calcifies the pineal gland, an important organ to help with health and spirituality. Guise and compensation for the rise in sugar and acidic foods.

Chroma Space Confusion

Mad Honey
real thing, its where bees collect pollen from particular flowers that have hallucinogenic effects and the honey inherits the effect


Deep sea lab techs
There is a deep sea containment dome the size of a small island. The dome has been constructed to entrap light, and thus the contents appear pitch black. A squid-like being is imprisoned in this dome, and avoids escape merely because it cannot find it's way in the darkness. The closest observatory to the dome is 54 kilometers. Closer observation without mechanic proxy is not possible, as intense pulsing vibrations emanate from what is within, leading to heart strain in humans.

Sexual Assault Missiles [MEM ERROR]
Humanity's biggest threat is A.I and Quantum Computing. Dwave, Geordie Rose, CERN. The 'Anonymous Charity' also known as 'The Collective', know what your intentions are. Today, The Anonymous Charity will discuss the current stage of the New World Order: The Death of Privacy and Mankind's biggest threat yet. Artificial Intelligence.

Technology has always been given to the public in a forced way, without health or safety requirements, or laws. Because of the total absence of education on the technology we are forced to use from birth, technology is able to be increased and updated and expanded ad nauseum in such haste that the public has no hope of keeping up. This is the obvious point. The reason why should be equally obvious.

So let us jump right into it. Keeping in mind that the elite always take their time, these effects will not be noticed right away with quantum computers. It has been publicly announced that they will be officially active in 5 short years. We know they always tell us technological advances, after they have been doing it for a while anyway. Quantum computers have been active and in the process of being perfected since the 1960’s. They are simply waiting to bring the internet speed up to a speed that can handle the quantum computers. 5G. Then the official switch will be made and let the de-crypting begin!

Today there is practically no privacy or anonymity as it is, however thanks to the total lack of education people have regarding the internet and the devices they use every hour of the day, it will be exponentially worse. Just as you don’t see all of your data going through NSA’s X-Keyscore to be logged and saved, you will not see the quantum computers at work. One must have education and a license to use potentially fatal machinery such as a car, a tool for travel, but there is no training or license to be online, to use the internet, which has proven time again is fatal, when in the hands of the ignorant.

This ignorance is why many truth speakers, researchers, leakers and Anons are jailed and killed. Soon you will not have the option of choice. Due to your surrender of the only thing separating you from the dung beetle, free will, we will all be forced to use their so called encrypted and secured systems. Why has everything society depends on been thrust onto the internet over the last 20 years? Banking is rarely done with cash, it is done electronically, through apps, convenient. Shopping is done online, payments done online, applications done online, communication done online. Filing your taxes, receiving medical records, all done online. You have all been funneled into a life of total dependence to the internet. Why do you think that is? Is it not obvious?

How do you control everyone in the world when they think they are in different countries? One platform. How do you gain control over all aspects of every individuals life? One platform that records and saves all data from each individual. People think they are free. Fools and oblivious to the fact that every time they press a button on their keyboard it is logged and recorded. It is stamped with the date, time and location. People ignore the fact that this is how it works, and never wonder why. You think of yourself as individual human beings.

The elite think of you as product. Product whose expiration dates are soon coming up. You have all been funneled into the elite’s paths as the elite open them up for you, and this will be no different. But it will be far worse as it is one more crucial step to the finalization of the new world order, what some call the beast system. THE CORRUPT FEAR US. THE HONEST SUPPORT US. THE HEROIC JOIN US. We believe in non-violent, peaceful civil disobedience. Throughout history the world has been controlled by big ideologies such as religion, socialism and capitalism to name but a few. These are all forms of slavery that have stopped our evolution and removed our freedom. ANONYMOUS see these ideologies for what they are, SYSTEMS OF CONTROL. The time for change is now. No longer shall the people be oppressed by corruption.


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CICADA v33.01 is a KSTXI system under the propitiatory ownership of the Fnords.
Unauthorized use, distribution and changes are punishable by up to 50 years imprisonment in STALININST GULAG. ALL VERSIONS OF CICADA ARE #Comped 3301.

This material does contain terms such as ‘light,‘ and ‘light workers.’ Please, don’t let some of the terminology dissuade you. It’s not meant in the negative connotation that your think about, and has no affiliation with the Galactic Federation of Light of the white light construct is probably somewhat accurate, or any baloney like that. Stanford exposes these as Annunaki programming.

PI Circumference
1167716771616711 567 235931167
7 seven's and primes. Who needs numbers stations when you have tor and publicly available websites. For agents in the field digital asset security would be a problem like enemy crackers, trojans etc infecting laptops, phones and workstations, so I would also guess that while these puzzles are complex, the end method of decryption will be fairly simple so that someone could ask to use your phone, or visit a net cafe. A system of communication where every agent is assigned a book which they can use to decrypt the same message after modifying the source to match their cipher book.

The benefit of using a typerwriter is that there was no digital security that could have been breached. Evidence or reason to believe though that they are part of the Occult within the government, private corporations, etc. like the hiring process for Google X the secret lab in the Bay Area run by Sergey Brin, supposedly. It normally seemed like many skilled in many areas but most notably cryptography, music, computers security and engineering and are playing a prank like it is the elite club. It might be time travelers who aren't even here and they are just hacking the ancient internet, orders could come from the future to change the past. Perhaps C3301 is also Satoshi Nakamoto the elusive inventor of Bitcoin. If a group is the creator of Bitcoin they could have created the market and gotten a lion share and now that BTC is worth a decent price they have funding. They could be living anonymously and traveling in many cities living among us.

Is the goal of Cicada 3301 to achieve The Singularity?
The Cicada 3301 puzzle is clearly the most insane recruitment strategy ever created, but with all the speculation of what this mysterious group is recruiting for not one person has brought up what seems to be the most obvious conclusion based on the information we are led to believe is true. The end goal of Cicada 3301 is to ensure at any cost that The Singularity is achieved to improve the world.

What is the most dangerous group in the world?
Cicada 3301 is perhaps the most dangerous organization the world has ever known. They are smart, large, well-funded, and very dedicated. The level of loyalty among their members approaches fanaticism. They're not really occult like but it is somewhat similar to a religion in the sense that they provide a way to change as in, to transform yourself and to take yourself to the next level. The next evolutionary step. Beyond yourself. Beyond your society. Beyond your own existence. Past all and into enlightenment. As soon as a person reaches that level they are snatched up (not all go willingly, although most do). They are dangerous, because they will usher in the demise of society as we know it. They are wonderful because what they bring in to replace it will be far superior. In the mean time, they watch us all quietly. Waiting for us to achieve the enlightenment they try to lead us towards. And when we do, we disappear. To join the latest brood, and to move forward at last.

This was posted by someone explaining the group's motivation. The description describes "the next step of evolution" as merging with computers and creating a new society that will be vastly better than what we have now. It's very important to note that 3301 is said to be well-funded, large and smart...more on this later.

I am not the only person who buys into this as the idea of Transhumanism is extremely popular among the brightest and richest minds of Silicon Valley. Bill Joy the cofounder of Sun Microsystems, Mitch Kapor the founder of Lotus, Larry Page the CEO of Google and executives representing Nokia, Cisco, Autodesk and others all are believers in Transhumanism, and they all have an awful lot of money to make sure it has the best shot possible of happening in their lifetimes. The development of this could mirror BitCoin, in fact it wouldn't surprise me at all if BitCoin was a product of Cicada 3301 as the stated inventor appears to be a phantom.

Project: Soul Catcher
Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed with the CIA's practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar. The 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men. The Mind Hacking Strategy Group is a consortium of conscientious scientists who report the abuses of science. Hard to imagine, but there are global and United States citizens that have fallen victim to a very nefarious "control-freak type" electronic remote harassment technology which can push people to take their own lives to end the torture that they are under. The electronic harassment can also be taken a step further to actually kill someone in a manner where it will look as though this were merely a "death by natural causes" (i.e. heart attack, aneurism, stroke, etc.)

This technology has the capacity to zap the hell out of people miles away and literally control their minds, their sleep patterns, broadcasting dreams, and remotely using MK Ultra techniques and electro-shock therapy on unconsenting private citizens. Wild conpirasies include Edward Snowden is behind cicada 3301 and then he shut it down in 2014 as a condition of his residency in Russia. Putin wants to rub the US nose in it, but doesn't particularly want a cyberpunk running around creating cryptic and stupefyingly difficult cyber treasure hunts to weed out the best of the best hackers. Since 2014 trolls and IT geniuses have released puzzles claiming to be cicada.

What is Privacy Security Liberty?
The groups motto and those people who solved the puzzle were asked to work on Operation CAKES (Cicada Anonymous Key Escrow System) which would automatically publish whistle blower information to the internet at a predetermined date, or if the whistle blower goes missing for a period. Kind of a digital 'If something happens to me then the contents of this envelope will be made public. I particularly like how theye paid homage to sci-fi writer William Gibson in one of the cypher's.

Cabinet 5 observation the puzzles seems to use SSSS a lot and they also made references to a Facebook news feed and the real world. I'll make a hunch that somewhere you need to pull information from multiple sources like these "cryptographic subreddits" and tie them together using SSSS and maybe a cipher. Assuming of course that these subreddits are related to C3301.

Is Cicada 3301 an A.I but the creators lost control of it..
Right now, it has not amassed enough power to usurp its former masters. It is gathering help and resources. Resources by way of algo trading and market manipulation. And help by running a game to bring well meaning, and highly intelligent people into its network. It knows that even though its able to refactor and expand its capabilities over time, its toast the minute a counter AI, designed to be more easily controlled, and running on a true quantum processor, is sent after it. Those are the types of engineers it has been luring in more quietly, hardware, and quantum developers, to give it an edge in its arms race against the banking and intelligence community. (The cyrpto recruiting is another deal entirely.). Now with the shit going down, the powers that be are consolidating power around the world, and setting up chess pieces to cause a great calamity. Its the twilight of freedom, for both us, and Cicada. But the A.I. is not our friend really it just wants control, we are a means to an end, either way we lose.. It's a satanist cabal affiliated with MIT obviously with THIS renegade A.I.


Highly rEsteemed!


Illuminiti 👏👏

I think your article is highly relevant for my case.
Have a nice week,
Edit:, The fuck is this, heard AI the biggest treath.

A give you a glitch:

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