Decentralized Mechanical Turk (EFFETC.AI - The EFFECT Network - Phase 3)

in #ai6 years ago (edited)
It is normal for most people to meet daily with finished products, advertising, games, sports techniques and advanced engineering, without realizing that they are the product of extensive trial and error research that involves the development of AI.

Taking as a starting point the fact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the product of research in cognitive psychology and mathematical logic and is based on the explanation of mental work through the construction of algorithms for the solution to general purpose problems, we must intuit that the participation of human beings is the foundation stone of this global phenomenon, which has already become part of our daily life, often anonymously.

It is undeniable the great progress made in the development of algorithms that imitate the autonomy in the decision-making that we humans have, but every day the demands of the new times make us see how much we lack to walk in this matter.

Continuously developers need to do tests that defy current limits. For this it is necessary the participation of a large volume of dedicated people perform tasks of visual identification, opinion and cognitive appreciation, among others, which represents a giant effort in terms of human logistics and the costs that this entails.

The Effect Network project undertaken by EFFECT.AI aims to create a platform for commercial exchange of Artificial Intelligence AI and Human Intelligence, decentralized based on this type of activities which is executed in the NEO blockchain and are supported by a network token called EFX , through which users can access these technologies without the need for an intermediary.

The Effect Network, comprises three stages:

  • EFFECT Force

    In addition to being the focal point of this report, it is the foundational stage of The Effect Network as it will grow the user base comprised of developers and companies, giving anyone in the world the opportunity to perform tasks in exchange for a payment. just now companies access a large human intelligence workforce.

  • EFFECT Smart Market

    Once the first phase has been completed, and the algorithms have been functionally tested through the intervention of human force, then the commercial exchange of the same will begin. Through a platform supported by NEO blockchain, companies will be able to sell, rent, or lend their AI services, managing a secure and immediate payment with the EFX tokens.

  • EFFECT Power

    Before starting this stage even the processes and algorithms will be executed in a centralized manner. With the implementation of this phase the real calculation will be distributed globally in servers through a decentralized file system and processed to different nodes in the network.

EFFECT Force (The Mechanical Turk)

The main idea of The Effect Network is to create an AI trading platform based on blockchain. But for the development of AI, human strength and intelligence are essential. It is this force that will serve as training for the algorithms, making the EFFECT Force phase (The Mechanical Turcum) the stage of capturing human strength that will grow a user base on which the following phases are built.

This idea allows a win-win relationship between the users and the AI developer companies, since when proposing micro tasks or job offers called human intelligence tasks (HIT) the HIT provider acts as the applicant will have a decentralized global network with scalable workforce at low cost, whose performance in the completion of tasks will be reflected in benefits to improve their applications and companies achieve their objectives. Likewise, users will benefit from a fair payment by earning EFX tokens, improving the lives of many in a borderless socioeconomic effect, especially for those who live in developing countries and struggle to find a stable income.

The Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) have their positive part insofar as they facilitate collective creativity and learning processes. These include activities such as classifying photos, detecting errors, taxonomizing documents for archival purposes, entering tags, making drawings, searching for price information about certain products, verifying addresses in business guides, defining relevance or rankings in Internet search results, transcribing computer handwritten text, make translations, and even generate content on certain topics. In the same way even more subjective tasks such as assessing the feelings or emotions that generate tweets, blogs, comments, movies or political programs.

Recognition of Effort

As in any commercial exchange activity this first phase of The Effect Network, EFFECT Force will be supported by supply and demand, guaranteeing that the tasks have a fair and competitive price. As individuals contribute to building the future of the IA, they will have the opportunity to be categorized according to their performance, making them deserving of better rewards in a fair and instantaneous manner. Users who make a good effort will get a higher Effect.AI Reputation Score (ERS). Workers with a higher ERS may request more rewarding tasks than workers with a lower score.

Government Policy

Since The Effect Network is decentralized, the Effect Council will be created, initially formed by 51 prominent people who will be in charge of promoting and voting the necessary improvements for the proper functioning of intelligent contracts, such as new types of tasks, and modification of contracts. existing ones allowing to redefine the value of variables such as exchange rates in the Galaxy Pool and service tax transactions.

Tokens and Blockchain

The currency will govern this commercial exchange will be the token Effect.AI called EFX and will be transacted through smart contracts in the blockchain NEO. Smart contracts will be subject to changes and privacy measures specific to EFFECT.AI

Security and Privacy

The network provides privacy since applicants can provide their data set in encrypted form and only selected users will be able to decipher or access the data. Smart contracts ensure that only selected users can decrypt the credentials of the data set. The grades of the tasks performed by the workers are stored in blockchain using Public Key Encryption so that only the owner of the task can see the ratings.

This video gives a more graphic explanation of the effect of mechanical turk

Conclusions and Recommendations

The tasks of human intelligence (HIT) or micro-tasks has become a practice very badly seen by certain critics since it sometimes works as a covert strategy of the companies to generate mechanisms of self-exploitation of the volunteers who participate in these processes without giving He says that the real intention is to reduce labor costs. Platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk has been the subject of harsh criticism in this regard. This could generate a rejection by potential users who may be prejudiced by this type of information.

The innovation presented by EFFECT.AI lies in the transparency that is inherent to the nature of any blockchain platform and where its main card is played.

The structure of the GALAXY POOL with its sale of public tokens is a key factor that generates confidence, which ensures an optimal level of liquidity by stabilizing network rates with its practical governance system. Since in this first phase EFFECT Force (The Mechanical Turk) is committed to the capture of human strength and intelligence, it is essential that the system of remuneration and categorization of workers be efficient and immediate, so that they can improve the levels of performance and adaptability, having a direct impact on the growth of the AI development companies, as well as on the level and life status of the workers themselves.

More Information & Resources:
Effect.AI Website
Effect.AI WhitePaper
Effect.AI LightPaper
Effect.AI YouTube
Effect.AI Medium
Effect.AI Facebook
Effect.AI Twitter
Effect.AI Telegram

Contest Information Here

Sponsor @originalworks



buen post amigo información importante. pásate por mi blogs y vaciles a messi, saludos.

Gracias mi amigo!


I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry

Really good piece of work. Im following all originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.

You mind if i would ask you few questions?

  1. it's not easy to purchase which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
  2. do you think that will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?


obviously followed :)

Hello friend @crypto.piotr!
Here´s my last entry in originalworks in case you're interested in having a look.

thx. Im more into AI :)
anyway good piece of work there

With this initiative we could have a portfolio of potential clients for algorithm training who can be motivated and promoted in a friendly and non-invasive way.
Think about it...

Im glad to see that you're so responsive. i will do my best to follow and support your content (hope I can find more common interests)


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