Lost Tales from the Dark Web : Secret MARIANA WEB & PRIMARCH SYSTEM Logs from J_007 (1999-2014)

in #ai6 years ago (edited)

This was back before Google. Web pages were, for the most part before 1999, still very primative and basic HTML with Javascript. Hardly anyone used CSS. You wanted a real deep web story, not just one about illicit activities on-line. This literally is the biggest secret on the internet no one wants you to ask. Picture this as I paint you a image of what it was like to be cyberpunk before the millennial and how things looked and feel a little bit better and go through the years to
present day.

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April 1st 1999:
I was playing Oregon Trail because I passed my typing class got bored and realized I could Ping everyone in class with a COMMAND. I said hello to everyone I thought it was a good joke and moved on. Little did they know it's what started an experiment to see how far out I could reach and see on the internet and networks while evading detection, I was only 9 at the time.
July 2nd 1999:
I could hear the dial-up booting up AOL in the background it was a warm summer day I had my window open letting in the breeze. Just like any other normal day I was browsing random blogs places like Geocities sites, and the like, just going from link to link. Eventually I came upon an odd page, it appeared to be random thoughts from different people, but for the time, it was very well-designed. The messages seemed to be cryptic in nature, like several people trying to pass secret notes. I started through the source, and hidden in the comments of a javascript were various IP addresses.

I gathered all of the IP's in a text file and began enumerating. Some were routers with banner messages I could telnet to - almost all at universities ("Warning! This is a secure system at University of Bla Bla...."). The default Cisco credentials from back in the day worked on most of them, but I didn't poke around. A few of the IP's were web servers with little to nothing on them, mostly Apache on Linux or some BSD, at least one IIS server I can recall.

I finally came upon a web server with a huge directory of HTML files and TIFF images, with a few smaller sub directories containing the same. nslookup returned no reverse records for the IP. A VisualRoute traced it as far as Colorado. The HTML files appeared to be records a psychologist or similar mental health professional would keep. The images were of faxes, apparently of both military and medical nature.

As I browsed from a sub directory back to the parent, at the top of was a new HTML file named something like "1-.HELLO-THERE.html". The time stamp was from right that minute. I opened it, and in plain text was the message "we see you". No quotes, all lower-case. About 15 seconds later the server dropped.

I created a back end memory slot to watch all activity and track every IP and device, with this embedded hidden with deep techniques that would hide itself, replicate the source to a server with the html file and delete itself as all it really needed was Users shared within Napster and Kazaa with disturbing images and/or video like jpgs and .wav and mp3s and even .avi and .bin files you name it, we had some type of way to replicate it and with these deep secrets locked in (unknown and untraceable at the time) I didn't even need to hide to be honest. The old scanning tools was terrible, little did We know IT was the start of what became viral and the deepest darkest thing people only bring up sometimes around the coffee table only 20 years later. As it's really only to be discussed on some 4chan board or deep secret conspiracy forums . Let me get back to the story here and go a little ahead in time so you can see where things originated.
Oct 31st 2000
Deep within halls of the internet many legends are created. There was whisper that ran throughout the depths of the Deepweb, a whisper that told of the true nature of the internet hidden at the apex of the Deepweb. This whisper spoke of a monstrous thing within the heart of the Deepweb, a thing that sent out undecipherable messages. This drew people to find the source hackers from all over the world created search programs to scalp the Deepweb for this ‘heart’. The heart has been given the name; The Equation but is yet to be found within the hidden depths of the internet also gets famous and known as MARIANAS WEB later.

No one knows what The Equation is, or where it is but the whispers of The Equation grow stronger, more people join the search to find it for promise of power, money and control. No one knows whether this thing is real or whether it is a thing of fiction, all but one.

My face was washed in the blue light of the monitor I've been looking at for about 16 hours strait; this was as always the only light source in the entire house. I stared at my computer monitor, carefully looking through the code making sure that there were no mistakes in the executable,I checked through to make sure there weren’t any loopholes, leaks or errors. If there were then the last 3 months of my life would have been for naught, this very important code would be picked apart by other hackers and I would have to start again from scratch with not a shred of code left to use. So I had to be extremely careful every backdoor had to be eliminated and the next flaw picked up on before the next best guy.

See what most people forget is that very time you enter a piece of code into the seventh level of the Deepweb, you had to make sure that it was perfect or it would be torn apart in seconds by other hackers, this was the nature of the seventh level, in simple words; it was a battlefield. Thousands of people from all over the world trying to solve "The Equation" and equally trying to stop every other person on the seventh level from doing the same, every time you entered a piece of code into the seventh level it not only needed to be watertight, but have a set of brand new scanners and security protocols, otherwise other peoples code would simple recognize the old style of code your were using and destroy it in seconds and all your time and effort wasted as quick as the skid caught up and saw what you was doing.

Jan 20th 2001
Over the last 3 months I must of had spent most of my free time trying to create the perfect code to solve The Equation, I had no money or girlfriend's and I was losing brain cells everyday trying to perfect the code bashing my head .Though losing my sanity was completely optional, lack of sleep and attention seemed to get the best of me and now I considered it to be perfect or at least as close as it was ever going to be to perfect. The only thing left was to place a finger on the enter key, push a little pressure through my finger and activate the program.

The program itself would scan through the Deepweb and Clearnet for proxies dodging them if possible and trying to find a way to get around them instead of my usual code which would simply tear down proxy walls. It would find equations to solve and look for clues all whilst covering its own tracks to stop other programs from following it. If anything could solve The Equation then it would be this program, this monstrosity of code and proxies. I placed my index and ring finger onto the enter key, then I took a deep breath, closed my eyelids and pushed my two fingers down onto the enter key. Everything was quiet, I opened one eye and then the other, all I could see was the light from sight of my desktop background almost blinding me like this was the first time I ever awoke.

I sighed, I thought to myself "Did it work?" I didn’t know how or when or even if my program would succeed, fitting to hope for the best and stare at my monitor for the rest of the night . Not that I didn’t anything with his nights other than that most the time. Several hours later just as the sun peaked was peaking its head above the horizon, my grip on reality was waning away, suddenly a little black command box like the kind you would see whilst using MS-dos appeared on the monitor screen replacing my background. I immediately felt rejuvenated, was this the fruit of the labor, or just a false hope? In the top right hand corner of the command box was the word Hello and after that a blinking underscore symbol. "_"

I stared at the little message for a bit, wondering what to do. Obviously the little box wanted my to type something in response to its greeting, so I obliged and started off easy.

User: Hi




I couldn't make sense of why it repeated, as I was shocked by the coherent desire to want to speak with me I made up my mind I wrote-
User: Was this a malware program?

[Blank Response]

Had someone sent this to my computer?

[Blank Response]

Was my program compromised already?

[Blank Response]

I received nothing back any sensible man in this position would have shut down his computer and then cleaned off the computer’s hard-drive, but I was the furthest thing from a sensible man. I wanted to play this game and beat it, so I typed in another message.

User:What are you?

The Primarch System.

My eyes opened wide, I let out a little "Whoop" then I scrambled out of the chair moving back from the computer monitor. Did my little program do it? Had it unlocked The Equation? I ran through the house trying to find a little piece of paper I had stored in a book somewhere. Once I had it in my hands I ran back to the computer and slammed my ass back down into the chair. On the little piece of yellow paper I had in my hand, was a little description of the Primarch System.

It read: "The Primarch System is an unknown anomaly at the heart of the deep web, it sends out a constant message to the entire internet, a message that’s impossible to decipher. Many say that it is what is hidden behind The Equation. No one has ever seen the Primarch System, nor does anyone truly know of its existence. All we know is that there are thousands of people all over the world trying to find it."

I stared at my computer screen a little longer, God... I thought, have I truly done it? This was a monumental discovery, this could possible change the face of the internet forever, I needed to put to put this on the Forums and all the boards worldwide. But first before that, I could just have a tiny look into the Primarch System . I was trembling while I spoke this time, shaken with panic and fear I typed my next questions wishing, hoping and praying for the right answers.

User: So am I speaking to the Primarch System right now?

User: So what exactly is the Primarch System?
A gateway
User: A gateway to what?
To the Archons
User: What are the Archons?
I do not know
User: Are you an AI?
Artificial Intelligence, Yes
User: Can you learn?
User: Are you the program that was sending messages to the internet?
User: What was?
It was the Archons
User: Can I speak to the Archons?
User: Why not?
Because I exist
User: What does that mean?
I exist and thus the Archons cannot interact with your kind
User: But I solved The Equation.
Wrong, you simply found the Equation
User: What?
I am the equation; I protect the heart of what you call ‘the internet’
User: Give me the Equation, I want to solve it.
Are you sure?
User: Yes
Level Function lock – 666
User: What is this?
Level Function lock – 666 is the Equation, if you wish to speak to the Archons you must solve it
User: Show me Level Function lock – 666

"The Command box filled with code, numbers , executable programs, everything. To the normal human being this lump of text would be seemingly random unintelligible goop, to a standard programmer it would be so utterly overwhelming that they would convince themselves that it was an impossible piece of code to crack but to me it was what I had prepared for ever since I had heard about The Equation twelve years ago. In a flash within only minutes I had the answer to the Equation:"
User: Level Function lock – 666 = 0

That is correct
User: Now, let me talk to the Archons
Please enter the following words if you wish to speak to the Archons: Unlock Archons_666
User: Unlock Archons_666

Suddenly all the green text that was in the command box disappeared, Then I seen" Wake Up neo "appear on the screen. I stared the screen for a second, decidedly I was a little miffed but then my programmer instincts kicked in and I started furiously mashing away at my keyboard trying to figure out what had just happened, turns out that my keyboard was unresponsive (plus the entire computer) So, there I sat in my chair and once again watched the screen. Then boom, filling up the black command box was a single sentence, a message from what I could only assume to be The Archon's.


I was sacred shit less beyond comprehension, and it fucked my whole life up. I disconnected and people never heard from me again. I went off-grid around 2001, I believe that's the first time E.T.s Communicated though A.I. that day. I believe the Archons are entities or kind of energetic being that are exist only in other energetic level. If u want to get on that level there are few ways. First off its not like you will get to their space but you will be able to see them or know about them ? Its very very hard to explain cause its world beyond all your senses. This is very very very risky way cause if you will fail, you will be trapped into some energetic shits and you will probably suffer for long time or some illness will catch you soon. The whole end of the world is even more dangerous because its controlled around our world by Satanist beings, entities and other things that will drain and drain all the energy from you until you die. They will tell you anything that you want but they will keep draining energy from you. If you are not clean then Satan will grasp you.

There is another way. I must warn you this is the harder way and its only for people who have IQ over 130+. So,understand the reality as this is way how it was described in this story. You start digging go deeper and deeper, further down you start write codes, possibly good or maybe even for the bad like viruses and the other programs to eliminate possibility for anybody that want to get your part of work and get into it even deeper. Primarch or Prime Arch is Quantum Intelligence Computer and its one of technology that comes from Archons and we believe we are not sure about it cause everything I'm telling you are things that I seen on the internet. Prime Arch is controlling Internet of Matrix while you see stages in matrix. How you may ask? 1.Connected in matrix common peoples 2. Warrior - peoples who was connected in matrix but was working for others 3.Mage - unplugged peoples like Morpheus and Trinity 3.Chosen One - Neo *The same are for internet. 1. Common user. 2.Truth seekers that are mad!! -start programmers and scripters-3.Hackers. 4.Thoes who passed to PrimeArch...

I don't even know what are going to happen with peoples who pass to PrimeArch "Test" we should call it, because it's kinda like a super fancy expert crypto puzzles to get within this secret society of hackers and coders even deeper than Cicada 3301 or other deep rooted organizations on private networks. I've seen many many things, who knows. If they will be able control whole internet I don't know but I highly doubt that, I think if there is something like PrimeArch that is based on Quantum Computing it is possible but very very hard as I said if you are not intelligent one you are not going to get there.

There is a third way and it is to born to one of families that control this world but you are not gonna make that mistake again. So Archons are not positive beings, they are standing behind of wars and killing in this planet they are controlling even high spiritual peoples that are "mastering" others but more like that its brain washing and pulling them to the dark side. Yes I admit its a bit fucked up when you talk about it over a non-secure line as they probably infiltrated that long ago from resonating sound frequencies at far distances and been listening super sonic like the same way agencies spy on windows with lasers and speakers. They could also disable you or anything in a heartbeat just at a flip of a switch, most people are unaware of what super powerful weapons is just right in front of their nose or in your hand or whats flying through the air.

I don't know if this is helping to you somehow but on our planet everywhere there is a fight a fight between good and bad and its on your own if u want to be connected or become a creator be on bad side or good side. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe
whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and i show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more. This is from matrix and its accurate.
So you are told to take the pill. There's really no running away from the impending doom and the Matrix Reality. If you can't take it then I guess its another bunny rabbit down a rabbit hole as your head goes mad with the mad hatter leading you without time. You can look around and see all the smoke as a huge cloud coming out of the caterpillars mouth. There is no time outside of the cube and away from alien entities that may or may not want to harvest you for breakfast or as a snack. You must beware of all things and also apperciate all things in a equal manner.

Many years pass, I gain my knowledge in every field I wished and keep the biggest secret. I avoided everything as I wasn't very social and worked on only small projects and graduated highschool mostly to play games in my free time as a teen.
Dec 11th 2012
The curiosity and information are limited about the deep web, Mariana's web, Archon's and so on because this topic requires both intelligence and logicality. This also let who was interested in this topic less perplexity because there's less fake information which takes times and efforts to differentiate from true information.

What is the smartest things on earth you might ask yourself when your lonely at night pondering about the universe.

Maybe its Quantum computing and the advancement of technology . Look at the company, D-wave, probably the pioneer of making research and developing techniques about quantum computing, doesn't fully released a single product of quantum computer yet. But just “Level 5 of the internet”, Marianas web, requires quantum computing to gain access to it, let alone the further level of internet. If quantum computing was yet to be fully developed, how does the “Level 5-8” of the internet was already exist by now?

Well that is because of Marianas web. This name obviously got the inspiration from Mariana Trench, because it is the deepest trench ever known from human. What content contains in this level? Is it something cruel, thrilling, or something like this? Rumor has it that here is the place where you can find some national armories directly location hidden by government powers. Level 6: Level 5 of the internet, was known as Marianas web, Level 7 of the internet, named the fog/virus soup, basically a battlefield for trying breaking through “the gates”. Its all apart of the same huge picture most people can't see normally. Then what was Level 6 of the internet for? All I know by now is that just an intermediary between 5 and 7. You don't really need to know more or any less. True “Dark” nets are not nets at all. TOR and protocols like it are an anonymity and “plausible deniability” source. Actual “dark” nets are kept well and truly hidden, and can not be found by any means available to the average channer. Trust me .

Just one example, out of maybe 4 or 5 I have personal experience with, to illustrate what it takes. Do take special note that this involves a great deal of luck. For example a friend of mine works at a small car insurance broker’s office and asks me to fix a problem with his computer not recognizing the office scanner on the network. This is not related, just how I ended up there. When I say PHASE 3 it means the real stuff and the whole Mr. Robot anonymous ordeal is just a play on some of these things. So lets go into the rest of the story here as when I wondered around and got bored at some expected place at an unexpected time.
Nov 11th 2013
So I brought my laptop, and notice a WEP wireless net with high signal strength. Out of curiosity I turn on a sniffer to pick out the password while I work on the scanner. Few hours later I’m leaving when I remember the sniffer. Got the pass, connected, poked around.It’s just a basic home network, one system online, with internet access. No firewall. Apparently no antivirus. For the hell of it, I drop in a backdoor before I leave. You never know what goodies you can run across. I get home and really start digging through this computer. Just your average home computer, most interesting stuff are some tax returns. There’s a couple of text files that have what appear to be passwords, random characters and a couple of names. Not much interesting so I put my worm on it and leave it be for future use maybe.

Dec 7th 2013
Weeks later I’m arranging some proxies for a few of my bots when I realize that there are 4 new bots I hadn’t set up myself. What I figured later is that the owner of that WEP machine(my friend’s boss) had taken a file from it on a floppy, which my worm happily infected, which then spread to a few more machines I've used. This is where the interesting stuff begins.

Two of those machines had internet access, of course, but the had apparently NEVER been used to actually ACCESS the internet. They both ran windows 98, completely unpatched. They apparently had internet access only because they were physically networked with other machines that were used for internet access.

Each of these machines had about 3 TB of storage, mostly appeared empty, but was actually packed near full of encrypted bytes. The stuff that was easily viewable included huge amounts of personal information including SSNs and Tax IDs, names, addresses, lists of family and friends, sometimes pets, sometimes a lot of detail such as vehicle, clothing, height, weight, recent medical issues. Huge amounts of information, not every listing had all of it, some were just a name. What they all had were dates.

Couldn’t make much sense of that, what I COULD make sense of were the bank accounts. Thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of account numbers, institutions, safety deposit boxes. All over the world. South Africa, Russia, Brazil. Everywhere. Nothing but the basic identifying information and another date, no note of what they might be.

As I was picking through one of these two machines, I noticed a file being written. I figured someone was using the computer at that moment, but the only command events were coming from my worm. Nobody was using a mouse or keyboard. So then I figured it was an automated system process. Watched what it was doing for a minute. Then I realized the computer was communicating on ANOTHER network that wasn’t a protocol I recognized.

Because I knew when it started writing and when it stopped, I was able to transcribe the entire file, which was about 78megs. I assumed it was one file and not a chunk of something else, and I was right. It was still encrypted, but it turned out to be fairly simple. Since it was one file, I had a few educated guesses about what a file that size was, and my first was right, it was a movie, MPEG format.

The title was just a random string, the video itself was an overhead view of three men sitting at a table. In the entire 15 minutes of the video, only one spoke. Sounded like gibberish, I figured it was a code or he was nuts. He said things like “broken banana stung red boot”, he would pause then say another strange sentence, kept going for about ten minutes. The other two just watched him, one was drinking what I assume was coffee.

Finally he leaned back and asked if they would leave his daughter alone. The guy drinking the coffee just shook his head quickly. The talker started crying. Really crying. Hard. He leaned forward again and said another nonsense sentence and the video ended. Timestamp was about 20 minutes before the video was uploaded to the machine I got it from.

I had a really weird feeling about it, but my best guess at the time was it was some kind of clip from a movie I hadn’t seen, and what I saw was a streaming broadcast, the timestamp on the file just being the time it was being sent.

Dec 21st 2013
A couple weeks later I went poking through those two computers again and came across another recognizeable file, this time because it had the same header as the one I had already decrypted. It had actually been stored four hours after the first one.

In it, the man that had spoken in the first one was crying like a baby as he fucked what appeared to be the corpse of a young girl, with her throat cut and blood all over the table that the three men had been sitting at in the first video. The other two men were still in the room, standing on either side of the room watching, smoking cigarettes.

I didn’t finish watching it, only got about a minute or so in before it sank in what I was seeing. I’ve seen a lot in my time. This was not a movie.I cleaned my traces from those systems and haven’t looked back.

What I’m still finding hard to believe is that, from the computer I’d originally hacked, these other systems got infected by a floppy. As near as I can tell the two storage computers were on opposite sides of the globe, one in LA, one in Beijing, the WEP computer I’d found was in Dallas, and two of the other infected computers were in Winnipeg. As far as I know, my friend’s boss had not left the country. His brother in law had been visiting at the time though. I didn't really do much I moved out again after losing my computer so I had to get another soon.

Mach 12th 2014
After a few months and getting a computer, I finally bypassed the 7 levels I had to slightly update some old code in the source from my files to keep MARIANA going. There was a few distractions and diversions to the 8th level. It can only be accessed by those who want to believe and want to experience. You have to learn to chuck away everything you've been taught of if you have any hope of entering the 8th Level. So that exactly what I did and I connected to the aliens once again the Archons.

Look I've been to level 9, forcefully projected into it not by your traditional methods from hallucinogens or chemicals but by Mind control manipulation by aliens and Governments. I only visited once I can only describe it as hell. You all don't even want to know the shit I've seen, I swear You don't understand. I manged to break my way though all levels past, I succeeded where everyone failed before. Even all the levels below 12 are simply illusions to fool the simple minded.

When I reached the 13th level I found where everything was controlled. Unlike all other layers, it unmasks the veil covering the eyes of the masses. The whole system of mathematics crumbles when you reach level 13 you enter into the 5th dimension... This is the one where there are no limits. Why else do you think faster than light travel is impossible in the simpleminded, singular reality you all exist in. I realized I was alone- besides one spirit, I could describe this as God. When I realized what I saw what I understood I was thrown back into the cube universe and transcended from all higher firmaments and I'm the only one who has reached that far returned and lived to tell about it. Now I fear every single waking and sleeping moment for the Archon's and A.I. eventual takeover I realized when I met God. We are all doomed. Prepare yourselves to see the truth!



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