
I'd appreciate any observations you might care to add. As I tack on the next bits, I leave my particular strengths, and would certainly benefit from any expertise you have.

I like Steemit a lot, mostly because it's a conversation, not a monologue =)

For generational cabals that routinely raise empires, milk them, and then birth another from the ashes of the prior they flog to death, this means their plans and secret knowledge can suddenly become useless.

So, first off ^^ this!

Just the fact of mentioning generational cabals that milk societies wins points in my book.

Yet it takes my mind to distant times and places... It's hard to collect my thoughts even. The continual destruction of hermetic movements, the co-opting and watering down of truth wherever it shows up, the fear based propaganda that keeps the masses from understanding the true nature of the beast... We could even wander back as far as Atlantis and the magical war which took place,leaving the victors to erase and rewrite the history of the world...

There are certainly many people that respond predictably to propaganda, and our social behaviour is more influenced by our genes than we think. Several techniques, a few of which you mention, seem to be consistently applied successfully by TPTB across cultures.

Don't neglect the Mahabharata, with mentions of warplanes (Vimana) and possibly nukes. The text is at least 5k years old, and until very recently there were no planes to compare the descriptions to, so various religious meaning has been ascribed to such passages as mention Vimanas.

We marvel at megalithic architecture, because we can't do it. The people that did weren't communicating in grunts and picking nits outta their hair. The archeological theories that claim the Pyramids were chipped out with copper tools have zero relation to reality. Good engineers with modern tools are astounded at the inside corners of granite sarcophagi, because it is practically impossible to cut stone and polish it, to the tolerances that were met.

Only since our own technology has rediscovered such applications as flight, have we been able to better understand such ancient texts.

Indeed, hence my last statement about the alleged war of atlantis

obviously (to me at least) history has been re-written and we've been fed a bunch of BS to someone's profit

hopefully we can skate by the next plannedpocalypse

do you read Manly Palmer Hall by any chance?

I have not, but am now! Thanks for the link =)

very helpful text :-D

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