
in #aggrandizement6 years ago

Voting your own content is far more profitable, than any other strategy.

FTLOG wake up @ned !


Bring back n^2 !

Is that part of the old Curation-reward Formula?

I'm only here since a month or so ..

What will be the difference?

Basically it means that if a post receives 2x as strong votes as another post, it will generate 4x the rewards.

Meaning that if a lot of stakeholders agreed on a post, it would get a major share from the rewardpool. This would change the curation game and make looking for good content on Steemit actually worthwhile.

I don't understand. The number of votes doesn't count in Steem. Do you want the change the rules so that the number of votes will count?

There's a theory that the whales were better at curation than a mass audience, but you can't just pretend that everyone had a say in the n^2 system.

2x as strong votes as another post

I did not mean number of votes, but their strength.

I want the rewards-formula changed back.
That does not mean I want only whales to curate.

Can you imagine if the top ten posts on the trending page were getting rewarded even more based on Vote Weight?

I get the point you are making about self-voting, but I don't think I could go back to getting pennies and watching that shit show of a trending page being even more highly rewarded while everyone else gets less.

I got this reply a lot so I made a post about it:

This sure as hell does sound like the way it should be ... why did we change that again..


N^2 was the original formula for all votes. It meant that votes of whales counted exponentially more than votes of minnows. Simplified example: 1 Steem Power = 1 vote, 100 SP = 10,000 votes, 1,000 SP = 1,000,000 votes etc. Today, your voting power is equal to the amount of Steem Power you have.

I don't agree that going back and making most users powerless is a good solution.

I don't agree that going back and making most users powerless is a good solution.

That's not what I am proposing.

upvoted for lack of aggrandizement.

Thank you for posting @felixxx.

There a few issues that could stand addressing.

One way of solving the self-voting may be to limit the number of posts a day.

Also you may have noticed there is a real abuse of the comment section with entire organized groups commenting without voting on said I correct in thinking this takes value from those who did vote or not? How this could be addressed....I do not know. What I do know is that it is bubbling to the surface as an issue....there are already posts about it.

Thank you for your work as a is appreciated.

All the best.


Limiting the number of posts per account per day is not a solution - It can be easily gamed by creating multiple accounts.

Well, if you say so... Just this once!

I'm buying a car this week, and every penny helps. It's not a Lambo yet, but thanks to my cryptos, I don't need to take out a loan.

Werde ich mal ausprobieren :-)

I'll join you. Otherwise I will not vote for my own comments. But that's an exception. Maybe we'll all work together, so something will change soon.

Dann mach ich mal mit. Sonst vote ich meine eigenen Kommentare nicht. Aber das ist einen Ausnahme. Vielleicht bewirken wir alle zusammen, so das sich bald etwas ändert.

Yeah, but if you vote 4 me you'd do me a favor...

hahaha you should also ask him for the movil wallet ;)

I'm afraid to upvote my comment 20 cents but Ned showed me it's okay to do it for big bucks

I am with @steevc. I think the far better ROI will be achieved by a rise in STEEM-price. So acting in a way that favors the growth seems to be the better strategy in the long run.

Yes, it probably will not make a big difference if I self-vote instead of voting others. But if everybody thinks that way, it will make a HUGE difference.

And yes, I would make a few times more money by just self upvoting a lot more. And yes, I have thought about it too, I don't want to lie.

But as long as I find enough valuable content (it doesn't have to be about topics I like, it just has to be content which I think is beneficial to the growth!) to upvote, I think I will go that way ;)

I am with @steevc. I think the far better ROI will be achieved by a rise in STEEM-price. So acting in a way that favors the growth seems to be the better strategy in the long run.

And that strategy would be n^2.

Under n^2 the rewards for my posts would shrink a lot.
I would probably not earn much from posting anymore.
My Steem had at least the chance to become really valuable then, though.

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