Is 2020 the African Decade? Black Panther Movie, herald a golden age for Africa??steemCreated with Sketch.

in #africa7 years ago (edited)


  Hi all.  Have you seen the Black Panther movie?  I don't know if you know what is going on in Africa.  After decades and decades of chaos, pestilence, hunger and destruction, it finally looks like Africa is on track. This movie is it a calling card?  To whom?  To the world, that Africa with the help of China is on track, to meet the next coming decade with full force. 

        While other parts of the world has so much question marks, Africa looks to be ready for the next economic boom.  Why I say, there is a hunger there to work to succeed.  Things are looking to come into shape and hitting their mark.  Look for example, Zimbamwe is rid of the dictator without any violence and is serious in their economics.  Even in South Africa, the horrible president is forced to step down.   China is all over the continent to blind up their infrastructure.  There are already patches of wealth and success, you can look at Rwanda.  After their horrible genocide war, it has come back with full force and their economy is one of the stronger ones in the area and looks to be a great economic hub possibly.

                 Usually, it is after great building projects and building of infrastructure before the great economical renaissance.  It has happen with the industrial age in the West.  Then to the 3 eastern economic giants of Japan, Korea and China.   

                     Now its coming to Africa.  China is well position to prosper as Africa prospers.  Just like the movie, if Africa can produce a product or technology that the world wants, their roads will be paved with gold.   If you seen some movies, sometimes it is strange how fiction can be followed up with reality.

                     I would put my money on Africa than in India.  Some people think India would be the next financial success.   Thought that myself for a long time.  But, it seems that India has so many issues. They already had patches of success in small areas for awhile, such as Mumbai and New Dehi.  But, after years and years, it has failed to spread out to the majority of the people.  So India is a big question mark on how much their GDP will grow.  

                     On the other hand Africa is being guided by China, who has already gone through an economic shift to the next level in their country.   China is ready to do it again in another continent while India has not even done it with their nation, to lift the majority of the people to a higher financial level.  Well, you see why now, it looks to be Africa over India.  China economic ability is at another level. 



          **Disclosure   This blog is based on my opinions.  I am not giving professional advice. Anything written here should be taken as an opinion and is the responsibility of the reader to take due diligence as such.  Basically saying I may be wrong, right or neither, just saying its my opinions and my voice.    


Good luck

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Without a doubt

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