May ProgBlog #3

in #aer5 years ago

Fallen back into old habits of stressing out about how much I'm not getting done art-wise because I'm spending so much time on the rest of life and taking those extra hours out of sleep time which is totally healthy especially given how long it takes me to go to sleep and according to my Fitbit I wake up really frequently during the night (not that I remember ever doing so, apparently I usually wake up instead of going into REM and all those minutes "awake" usually average an hour) so I either need to go to bed earlier or wake up later and neither of those things are going to happen.

Additionally I still haven't properly sorted a new work schedule, but with the house coming off the market soon and our bathroom renos nearly done I can actually start coming up with something now.

This week otherwise was not very productive because things kept happening, but I did manage to get a fair bit of scale work done. It's going to be shiny as all hell in Blender if this is anything to go by.

Looks much nicer when I do the more accurate lighting (and had to change the angle as the orange bit is under the arm):

It also looks better with the outline than without so I'm probably going to need a multiply layer for the flats.

With Witchies I'm generally cursing my inability to make fingers look good. Normal people would just do hand studies or something til they got better. Sadly I am not a normal person and will probably find some ridiculously and unnecessarily complicated way to practice down the line.

I'm a bit annoyed with my lack of ability at the moment, hoping it will look better once I've finished the last light and shadow layers and then the fire light and shadow layers (I'd really like to do a day scene soon so there's less insanolighting to wrap my meagre brain around!) and then some scratchings to make it look like there's a recipe in the book that they're following will make everything look acceptable.

This post also appears on my blog and Patreon.

Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) It can be one of your characters (including ones you make up on the spot for this XD) or a self insert. There's a bunch of different human types to choose from, and pets/other animals are also welcome.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

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Can't help but thinking that the only thing you need to work on is being nicer to yourself. ( From other people's - mine included - perspective I can tell you that ) you are way better at things then you seem to think. I hope you start to see that one day soon, it will be an instant boost to the MOJO :>)

I also hope you do start to sleep a little better soonish. I actually spent last night on a very uncomfortable mattress ( even more after having slept on an awesome brand new mattress for the last couple of months ) but I don't care as I'm back in my house again. Plus, I order new mattresses today for both me and future guests.

Whenever you change your mind about leaving the island and visiting Europe, just know that you're very welcome here


I’m just confused really 🤣 on the one hand I’m really glad I plateaued as otherwise I would keep redoing work (specially on the 3d models) to make sure they’re the best I can make them at the time (redoing work is extremely tedious and boring and time consuming). On the other hand it annoys the hell out of me because even incremental improvements that need to be made (like getting better at hands) feels excruciatingly slow and like spinning wheels.

In fairness to myself hands are actually just hard, even people better than me think so 😅

Last night sucked, worst bout of insomnia I’d had for a while. Not sure why. New mattresses sound like a good idea, unfortunately it continues to be really low on our list of things to get as we’re now planning on renovating our house instead of selling (yay!) so we’re going to be really tight for the foreseeable future 😅

I would love to visit all my friends sprinkled around the place, just not sure how many of them would cope with so many of us 😆 (at the very least I would have to bring my kids because ADVENTURE)

Posted using Partiko iOS

I highly recommend going to bed earlier. It's ace. Also, I wouldn't have noticed anything about the hands. I still can't see anything wrong with them even though you pointed it out.

Don’t have time 🤣 I could probably cut some stuff out but not sure if the dramas it would cause are worth it.

Glad you’re not seeing anything wrong with the hands, they’re still bugging me 😅

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I agree with @choogirl Nothing wrong with those hands. Although, on second thought, Roald Dahl taught me that witches don't have fingers. That's why they were gloves. That didn't sound right, had to look it up. They don't have fingernails. More info here:

P.S. @ryivhnn don't get confused now. I was just poking fun :>)

I’m glad you’re not seeing anything wrong with them too! I can still see everywhere I’ve gone wrong and still have no idea how to fix it as it’s a combination of how I drew and how I shaded after 🙄

From memory Roald Dahl witches have no fingernails or toes? 🤣 we have that book in the house somewhere, been a while since it’s been read.

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It's always so easy to see the 'wrongs' in your own work. It can be a good thing to zoom out for a bit. I just rewatched the 6 episodes of Tunnels of the Shadow People and really enjoyed it, especially the last three. I lost that excitement working on it but now I can look at it from a distance, almost as an objective viewer.

Perfectionism is more of a curse than a blessing.
Are witches perfectionists too?

Some probably are? I have no idea as I'm not actually a witch XD

I've been trying to reign mine in so that it's "good enough" to a high standard (because I can't actually meet my own standards though that's not from lack of trying and on the rare occasions that I finally get there I just move them higher) but it frequently gets away from me. I am getting better XD

Check out my post from today, it might actually help you, one way or another. No matter what, it's a pretty nice reminder.


I'm generally cursing my inability to make fingers look good
Yeah, I know how this feels XD
The struggle of making fingers that don't look like french fries doesn't bother me that much. But what's so frustrating for me is seeing other artists that can make fingers with like, literally one stroke. Both in 2d and 3d.
Also, I'm curious about that tattoed character of yours. I'm pretty sure it'll turn out awesome.

I can occasionally do a good job with fingers but it's heavily dependent on angle and this is a terrible angle as far as good fingers are concerned because I cannot foreshorten at the best of times even with bases XD

My sister is one of those people, but I have watched her draw (we always miss the days when we used to sit next to each other) and she doesn't always do it in one stroke XD

The tattoos will actually appear on three characters, this one is Zara, she pops up a fair bit (if you've missed previous pics) as she's a major character :)

Don't stress @ryivhnn we all seem to be in this boat. Just be happy with any stolen Art moments you can find. I've resigned myself to if I can post one bit of my art (whatever stage it is in) each week until I am less busy, then I'll be happy.

That's pretty much what I'm doing with the progblogs XD

The art is kind of medically required though >_>

Hope you're less busy soon :D

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