Don't look back

in #aer7 years ago

Blood. Everywhere.

Blade's hulking form was crumpled in a pool of it.

The initial adrenaline rush, bordering on painful when it had spurred him into panicked, unthinking action, was subsiding now. Trix clung to the bloodied katana like his life still depended on it, his mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of the situation before him.

They stayed there, the three of them, in a moment that lasted forever. Trix with the murder weapon. Blade, the not-so-innocent victim. Sable, curled up in a corner.

"You fucking idiot! I told you to run!"

Sable only ever screamed at him when he'd done something really stupid, something that really made her mad. He knew he'd done something unspeakably terrible.

"Trix!" He could feel her shaking him, somewhere far away in the distance.

Blade's dead.

He was seriously up shit creek without a paddle. Dad was going to absolutely spit it about the katana getting dirty.

"We haveta get outta here."

Sable was a flurry of activity around the timeless dead zone he occupied with their brother's body. Absently, Trix wiped the blood on the sword off on a non-bloodied patch of Blade's shirt.

I killed him.

Their parents were going to be furious. He was going to be grounded for the rest of his natural life. He didn't know what to do. He hadn't meant to kill him. He just wanted him to stop hurting Sable.

He jumped when something thudded on the ground beside him.

"Trix." Sable appeared in his field of vision, crouched down before him. "We have to go."

There was this weird whimpering sound from somewhere close by. The katana shifted slightly in his death grip as Sable slid the scabbard back onto it. A feeling of pressure as it was pushed into his hands, a clicking sound as it latched on.

"Come on." She picked up the duffel bag she had dumped next to him. "It's just you and me now."

His mind still wasn't resolving the earlier events. When she hefted him bodily, tucked under one arm and balanced across one hip, he vaguely remembered that he hated it when she picked him up, because she was only two years older than he was and it wasn't fair that he was so short, and then she dumped him on the ground outside, long enough to lock the door behind them.

Sable grabbed Trix's arm and started striding purposefully down the road. Trix started to turn, half-expecting Blade's intimidating form to come lumbering after them, to terrorise them again. A tingle of pain crept through the strange numbness as Sable tugged on his arm.

"Don't look back." He glanced up at her, glaring staunchly into the darkness of an uncertain future, looking like she was trying not to cry, and followed where she led.

This post also appears on my blog.

Too. Many. Lights. I'm not actually that happy with how this turned out but it could have been a lot worse. Can we call it practice? I think that's why I've been doing a ridiculous amount of night shots and dodgy lighting lately XD

Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) It can be one of your characters (including ones you make up on the spot for this XD) or a self insert. There's a bunch of different human types to choose from, and pets/other animals are also welcome.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt the #teamaustralia channel on PAL, Be Awesome, and with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord along with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


I remember this art from a while back, and I remember you telling me there was a story attached to it. Way to make a comeback! The story is riveting, and the mood was very thrilling. The reader could easily feel the rush of the scene and the urgency to run. I felt my ears ringing as I read through the whole piece. Nice job, mate!

Yeh I started this well before Christmas and then it went on hold forever XD I've tweaked my schedule a bit again (neverending wip that is) so hopefully won't go for such long periods between posts now. I didn't realise people were checking up on me! Though all I can think of doing are weekly progblogs and I'm not sure how impressed people are going to be by those XD

Glad you enjoyed the story! It almost didn't happen as I was having trouble getting it to flow, but we got there eventually, and it's much better than the process shots I was going to pad with if I couldn't get it to work in a timely fashion ;D


It would be funny if you're speed painting and the painting only changed slightly hahaha! Artist's Block and all.

I don't know if it's a thing with the AER-verse, but I'm encountering the same problem with your engagement present. I've already went through ten iterations of stories, but I can't seem to stumble upon something I'm happy with.

I don't speed paint XD I have tried previously and either been unhappy with my attempts or forgot I was speed painting x_x

I only really got stuck on the flow as I really wanted to write from Sable's point of view, but apparently I had to write from Trix's. Occasionally I need to be reminded I have no control over these things and just have to do them how they want to be done XD


If you do Third Person Omniscient, you wouldn't need to concern yourself with perspectives haha!

I don't really like third person omniscient, it's entirely too much fun being inside someone else's head. So I just keep head jumping XD Though can't really do it for these truncated little things :)


Third person limited is actually my most commonly used one. But, since you read A Day in the Clouds I think you got used to reading my first-person (it was actually the first time I used that) I do use third-person with my short stories here though.



I think I'd better catch up on your posts. This is awesome!

Thanks :D There's a bit over a week gap between this one and the last ones that's kind of filled with resteems, I'm...not entirely certain what I was doing in that period, but there was a lot of it XD


Cool story. What does the aer tag stand for?

Æfter Ragnarok which is the name of my head-universe :) Thanks ^_^


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